A tender offer is a bid to purchase some or all of the shareholders' stock in a company. Tender offers are typically a public bid for stockholders to sell some or all their stock at a specific price within a particular time window.
Tender offers may carry certain conditions. Some conditions are limited to specific groups of shareholders, and some conditions may benefit any shareholder.
Rights Issues
A rights issue is an offer to existing shareholders to purchase newly-issued stock, the right to which they can usually exercise or sell on the open market.
A SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) is a company without business activities that is formed strictly to raise capital through an initial public offering (IPO) with the intention to purchase all or part of a non-listed company in the relatively near term. As it is not clear which company SPACs are going to acquire in advance and do not have any business activities at the time of the IPO, they are also referred to as ‘shell companies’ or ‘blank cheque companies'.
A warrant is a derivative issued by a company that gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy the company’s stock at a certain price before an expiration date.
A merger / acquisition involves the process of combining two companies into one. As a shareholder of a company which is set to be acquired, you are generally presented with a tender offer in which you can tender your shares to the acquiring company at a premium.
Spin Off
A spin-off occurs when a larger company wishes to create a new independent entity by either selling or distributing new shares of the new entity. As part of the spin-off, the parent company’s existing shareholders are given shares in the new independent company.
Forward split: A corporate action in which a company issues additional shares to its shareholders, increasing the total by the specified ratio based on shares previously held.
Reverse Split: A corporate action which consolidates the number of existing shares into fewer, more expensive shares. Also dependent on the specified ratio.
第1部分 – 公司行動描述– 該部分位於界面的左上角,提供公司行動各項條款的詳細信息。
第2部分 – 公司行動總結–該部分會提供公司行動相關日期的快照。該部分位於界面的右上角,會提供公司行動類型、證券信息、公司行動的有效日期及為賬戶提交指令的截止時間。
第3部分 – 持倉或價值 – 該部分會提供賬戶內當前可參與公司行動的持倉總覽,以及目前未被分配參與公司行動的股票數量。 對於未在截止時間前分配的股票,IB將自動為其選擇默認的選項。沒有資格參與公司行動的賬戶將在本部分看到0。在查看股票購買計劃(SPP)要約時,這部分會顯示可買入的最大股票價值以及當前已分配參與要約的價值。
第4部分 – 選擇表格 – 該部分以表格的形式提供,會列出特定公司行動的選項,以及當前分配至某個選項的倉位。IB會在每一行提供以下信息:
a. 選項描述
b. b. 當前選擇的持倉(價值) –報告之前提交了該選項的股票數量以及該數量占當前可用持倉的百分比。股票購買計劃(SPP)要約會顯示提交待買入的股票價值。
c. 新選擇– 您可在框內輸入您想提交至該選項的股票數量。 除股票購買計劃(SPP)的要約外,IB只接受以股數而非持有的股票百分比提交的指令。在股票購買計劃下,選擇必須以您想購買的股票價值為單位輸入。
第5部分 – 行動按鈕 – 有以下4個按鈕:
a. 幫助– 提供如何使用“自願公司行動選擇”工具的更多信息
b. 修改–點擊後會顯示相關公司行動的描述/條款的更改概況。該項目只有當修改對相關的公司行動適用時才會顯示。
c. 保存–點擊後將向IB提交進一步處理的指令
d. 關閉–點擊後將不向IB提交進一步處理的指令,直接關閉界面
1. 找到您想以“買價”買入的股票對應的行
2. 點擊最右邊的“更改”鏈接
3. 輸入您想提交的數量及買價。請注意,我們不接受以持有的股數的百分比提交的委託,因此,請以股票數量為單位輸入。
4. 信息輸入完畢後,您可選擇
5. 在買價選擇界面選擇了“完成”後,您將回到主界面,在那裡您將看到您想提交的股票數量。如您希望檢查您的選擇或編輯買價,可再次選擇“更改”。
6. 所有選擇均完成後,閱讀並勾選您同意“條款與條件”,然後選擇“保存”以提交您的選擇
不要。如果IB沒有就自願公司行動提供電子確認,則客戶必須聯繫IB以確認選擇。. IB只會處理以電子方式確認過的選擇。
選擇2 選500股
選擇2 選375股
選擇2 選500股
做空了優先認股權的客戶可嘗試通過IB的交易者工作站或網絡交易者平倉。. 如客戶無法下單平倉,可致電IB的交易台,請交易台代其下單平倉。
(外部處理的截止日期)- (市場結算時間 + 1)個工作日
週四 -(3個工作日 + 1)= 前一個週五
盈透證券澳大利亞有限公司(“IBKR澳大利亞”)已指定法國巴黎證券服務公司(“BNP”)爲第三方次保管銀行爲我們的客戶保管澳大利亞證券交易所(“ASX”)挂牌的現金股票1。IBKR澳大利亞確保所有您名下取得的證券均以IBKR澳大利亞全資托管公司盈透證券澳大利亞托管有限公司(“IBA Nominees”)的名義登記在BNP的帳簿和記錄之中。IBKR澳大利亞對IBA Nominees的行爲負責。
不支持。IBKR澳大利亞不支持個人HIN注册。而是由IBA Nominees通過在BNP或對應次保管機構設立綜合賬戶的方式持有所有客戶倉位。因此,您不會直接從證券登記機構收到CHESS報表和信息,但您仍然有權享有股息幷可參與公司發生的任何公司行動。
但您仍然可以參與IPO幷請求證券登記機構以發行人直接發行的形式接收IPO股票。登記機構接收之後,您便可以通過客戶端的消息中心提交轉倉諮詢單、提供股票代碼/賬戶持有人姓名/郵寄地址和股數請求將證券轉至您的IBKR賬戶, 我們會爲您進行處理。
要參加ASX上市公司的股東大會,您需要通過消息中心提交諮詢單幷表明您對决議的回應以及您此次投票想提交的股數。請在大會前至少提前8個工作日提供您的指令以便IBKR澳大利亞和我們的代理機構能有足够時間處理。 請注意,任何在提交截止時間之後收到的請求我們都只會盡最大努力處理,不保證一定能成功。 請不要直接聯繫BNP。
1. 關于IBA爲ASX證券指定的次保管機構的詳細信息,請參見此鏈接
(外部處理截止時間) - (市場結算所需時間 + 1)個工作日
周四 - (3個工作日 + 1) = 上一周周五
居住地限制 - 根據自願要約文件的規定,該等限制會指定某些國家的居民可以參與或不能參與要約。居住地限制的詳細信息會在要約文件中列明,並可通過公司的投資者關係部門進行核實。
國籍限制 - 與居住地限制類似;但這一限制是基於賬戶持有人的國籍,而非當前居住地。
合格投資者限制 - 公司可能只能向合格投資者發起要約。這類限制會在要求文件中列明,並可通過公司的投資者關係部門進行核實。在將指令提交給存管機構或過戶代理之前,IB不會對合格投資者身份進行核驗。如果確實存在這一限制,則客戶有責任確認其有資格參與該等要約。
通知限制 - 有時候,盈透證券有限公司(Interactive Brokers LLC)可能會受到限制,無法告知客戶完整的要約信息。這種情況下,客戶有責任通過第三方搜索即將發生的自願公司行動信息。任何有關該等要約的選擇都必須通過在IB賬戶管理的消息中心創建諮詢單的方式提交給IB。通過這種方式提交的指令將在盡最大努力的基礎上處理。
Interactive Brokers Australia Pty Ltd (“IBKR Australia”) has appointed a third party sub-custodian: BNP Paribas Security Services (“BNP”), to hold ASX listed cash equities for the benefit of our clients1. IBKR Australia ensures that securities acquired on your behalf are recorded in the books and records of BNP in the name of IBKR Australia’s wholly owned nominee company, Interactive Brokers Australia Nominees Pty Ltd (“IBA Nominees”). IBKR Australia is responsible for the conduct of IBA Nominees.
For your convenience, we have consolidated some common queries from clients regarding this arrangement, as well as some common queries regarding corporate actions in general.
Can I hold my securities on my own individual HIN (Holder Identification Number)?
No. IBKR Australia does not support individual HIN registration. Instead, IBA Nominees holds all client positions on an omnibus basis with BNP or the applicable sub-custodian. Accordingly, you will not receive CHESS statement and information directly from the registry, but you are still entitled to dividends and to participate in any corporate actions that the company offers.
Does IBKR Australia support ASX IPO’s?
No, this is not supported via IBKR Australia.
However, you can still participate in IPOs and request the IPO shares to be received at the registry in issuer sponsored form. Once received at the registry, you can raise a position transfer ticket via the client portal message center and request to transfer these securities to your IBKR account by providing the stock ticker / account holder’s name / mailing address and the number of shares, and we will assist further.
How to monitor your portfolio and important information about corporate actions?
Under our T&Cs , you are responsible for understanding the terms of all securities, derivatives or other financial products that you trade and hold in your account. This includes the details, terms and conditions associated with corporate actions. Whilst IBKR tries to ensure that the information which it provides to you is correct and up to date, we do not warrant or guarantee that this is the case. The accuracy and correctness of information which we pass on to you may be impacted by, amongst other things, delays in processing of information by the underlying market, failure of a market data vendor or the actions of the issuers of shares in your portfolio. As a result, you should ensure you are fully aware of any information that is publicly available that affects the products you hold in your IBKR account.
Does IBKR Australia support ASX dividend reinvestment plan?
No. We only support the cash payment method.
What is the deadline to submit elective corporate actions including subscriptions and share purchase plans?
As IBKR Australia uses BNP as our sub-custodian for holding ASX listed cash equities, we must submit our instructions earlier than the market deadlines (that are typically announced within the offer documents). If you are holding the shares at the record date, an email or message center notification will be sent to you or your broker / advisor to notify you of the IBKR Australia submission deadline, which is typically at least 2 business days prior to the market deadline. If you have missed the IBKR submission deadline but still wish to submit the request, please submit a ticket request under the Corporate Action category. Note that such requests are not guaranteed to be processed and are worked on best effort basis only. If we do submit your request, you will be charged a fee of AUD 100 for each request, regardless of the outcome of the corporate action. As with all corporate actions, the issuer has the sole discretion to accept, reduce or reject your request. For more information about the fees, please refer to this link here.
Can I change or cancel my election after the IBKR Australia deadline?
Once the IBKR Australia deadline has passed, your instruction can only be worked on best effort basis. There is no guarantee that IBKR can submit your new request. However, if we do submit your request, you will be charged a fee of AUD 100 for each request, regardless of the outcome of the corporate action. As with all corporate actions, the issuer has the sole discretion to accept, reduce or reject your request. For more information about the fees, please refer to this link here.
Does IBKR Australia support Institutional Offers where applicable?
No. The offer submitted through IBKR Australia is only for retail offers. Where there is both a retail and institutional offer, you cannot accept both the Institutional and Retail at the same time. If you have been contacted directly by the registry or the issuing company regarding an institutional offer and you have accepted it, then you should not participate in the Retail Offer via IBKR Australia platform.
Does IBKR Australia allocate shares and refund (if applicable) on the payment date?
IBKR Australia will, on a best efforts basis, promptly allocate the new shares once we have received them from the BNP and have reconciled the subscription requests from all participating clients with the allocation we have received. As this process often involves multiple parties, IBKR Australia cannot guarantee the exact timing when the new shares and/ or the cash refund (if applicable) will be received in your account. As a result, by submitting the corporate action request via IBKR Australia, you acknowledge that there may be a delay in receiving the allocated securities and/or refunds (if applicable) that is outside the control of IBKR Australia and as a result you will not hold IBKR for any harm or loss associated therewith.
How does IBKR Australia handle fractional entitlements?
Requests to round up entitlements are no longer supported, including fractional entitlements. All elections must be submitted via the client portal tool with a valid lot size as set forth in the terms and conditions of the prospectus or offering documents and must only be for a whole right entitlement. Any election submitted which does not meet the criteria may be rejected or reduced accordingly.
Am I eligible to participate in any Australian Corporate Action as a foreign investor?
IBKR Australia does not provide legal, tax or investment advice and determine your eligibility. By submitting your request through the online portal, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the prospectus or offer documents and that you are not ineligible to participate in the corporate action due to one or more of the restrictions set forth in the offering documents or prospectus, as applicable, including any restriction related residency. The registry, in its sole discretion, will determine your eligibility and whether to accept or reject your submission.
When will my funds be deducted for corporate actions requiring payment such as rights issue and shares purchase plan?
Funds will be deducted from your IBKR Australia account on the stated IBKR Australia deadline. Please ensure that there are sufficient funds available in the IBKR Australia account at that time. Failure to ensure that you have sufficient funding may result in a rejection of your election, and in some circumstances, forced liquidations to occur in your account.
When is the deadline to submit ASX Proxy Votes via IBKR Australia?
Similar to the circumstances of submitting elective corporate actions, Australian Proxy Vote instructions must be submitted at least 8 business days prior to the meeting day. We are unable to pass on voting instructions after this deadline has passed.
Will IBKR Australia notify me of upcoming ASX Proxy Votes?
ASX Proxy voting is provided as a courtesy service only and we do not support the provision of notifications for upcoming shareholder meetings, as such.
What are the steps to submit a proxy vote for ASX stock?
In order to participate in shareholder meetings for ASX listed companies, you will need to submit a ticket via Message Center and indicate your responses to the resolutions and the number of shares you would like to submit as part of the vote. Please provide your instructions at least 8 business days prior to the meeting for IBKR Australia and our agent to have sufficient time for processing. Note that any requests received after this submission deadline are not guaranteed to be processed and are worked on best effort basis only. Please do not contact BNP directly.
Please ensure you create a ticket under the category Proxy Voting on the Message Center with all of the following information to avoid any delays:
1. For complete details of the sub-custodians that IBA has appointed for ASX securities, please refer to this link
4. 在表格中找到您想操作的證券,並從表格右側選擇“分配”
If you are a shareholder of record as of the close of business on a dividend Record Date (see KB47), you are entitled to receive the dividend on its Payment Date. While the actual dividend amount is not assured until the payment has been made by the issuer on the Payment Date, information deemed reliable is available such that IB will accrue the value of the dividend, net of any withholding taxes, on the Ex-Date. This information can be confirmed via the Daily Activity Statement posted to Account Management. The details of the accrual will be reflected in the statement section titled "Change in Dividend Accruals" and the net amount in a line item titled "Dividend Accruals" under the "Net Asset Value" section. If you wish to see information regarding dividends that you held through the Ex Date but which have not yet been paid out, choose "Legacy Full" from the Statements drop down when launching your statement. This will include an additional section called "Open Dividend Accruals" which will give you information on any pending dividends.
Note that dividend accruals may be either a debit (if short and borrowing the stock on the Record Date) or a credit (if long the stock on the Record date). In terms of account valuation, the dividend accrual is included in Equity with Loan Value as well as equity for purposes of determining compliance with the Pattern day Trading rules. A dividend credit accrual does not increase Available Funds and can therefore not be withdrawn until paid. A dividend accrual which is a debit does reduce Available Funds to ensure that funds are available to meet the obligation when payment is due.