This article intends to clarify the definition of a Professional Market Data User (Commercial) versus a Non-Professional Market Data User (Private).
There has been heightened confusion regarding professional and non-professional market data subscriber classifications. Being marked as non-professional is not a personal label regarding one’s character. The classification is solely related to the user’s account type and/or job title/responsibilities. The focus is on how the data is being used. In order to avoid misunderstanding, we will reference “Professional” as “Commercial” use and “Non-professional” as “Private” use. In broad terms, Commercial usage relates to commerce or general business activity where market data is used in trading or adding other value on or behalf of businesses or entities. On the other hand, Private usage refers to market data for personal use only.
Therefore, any individual who utilizes market data to make investment decisions on behalf of an employer, or engages in the trading between businesses or entities, will be marked as a Commercial user.
According to many exchanges’ audit enforcement, the classification of Commercial vs Private usage may be determined by the user’s industry of employment rather than how the data is used. However, this approach is inaccurate. A user could work for a bank but not use market data in their day-to-day responsibilities (e.g. accountant, CEO, and/or bank clerk/teller).
For this reason, we consider the user’s employment responsibilities and account type rather than the employer or industry when determining a user’s market data classification. We understand that the fees charged by vendors and exchanges for Commercial use can be substantially more expensive than fees for Private use. Therefore, it is of the upmost importance to classify market data users fairly and accurately.
However, any user registered with a financial regulatory body (e.g. FINRA, NFA, CSA, et al.) will be marked as Commercial regardless of their employment status or position.
For detailed information on IBKR’s different account types, please see
We use the following guidelines to determine user and/or account-specific classifications. Please note that exchange policies require all new subscribers to be classified as Commercial until properly reviewed and proven to be eligible for Private use.
If any of the following criteria are met, the user/usage is classified as Commercial:
Individual/Joint Accounts:
Trust Accounts:
Advisor Accounts: