Using Risk Navigator to Project Exposure Fees


IB's Risk Navigator provides a custom scenario feature which allows one to determine what effect, if any, changes to their portfolio will have to the Exposure fee. Outlined below are the steps for creating a what-ifportfolio through assumed changes to an existing portfolio or through an entirely new proposed portfolio along with determining the resultant fee.   Note that this feature is available through TWS build 971.0i and above.

Step 1: Open a new “What-if” portfolio
From the Classic TWS trading platform, select the Analytical Tools, Risk Navigator, and then Open New What-If menu options (Exhibit 1).
Exhibit 1
From the Mosaic TWS trading platform, select the New Window, Select Risk Navigator, and then Open New What-If menu options.
Step 2: Define starting portfolio
A pop-up window will appear (Exhibit 2) from which you will be prompted to define whether you would like to create a hypothetical portfolio starting from your current portfolio or a newly created portfolio.  Clicking on the "yes" button will serve to download existing positions to the new “What-If” portfolio.
Exhibit 2
Clicking on the "No" button will open up the “What-If” Portfolio with no positions. 
Step 3: Add Positions
To add a position to the what-ifportfolio, click on the green row titled "New" and then enter the underlying symbol (Exhibit 3), define the product type (Exhibit 4) and enter position quantity (Exhibit 5).
Exhibit 3
Exhibit 4
Exhibit 5
You can modify the positions to see how that changes the margin.  After you altered your positions you will need to click on the recalculate icon () to the right of the margin numbers in order to have them update.  Whenever that icon is present the margin numbers are not up-to-date with the content of the what-ifPortfolio.
Step 4: Determine Exposure Fee
To view the projected correlated exposure fee based upon your what-ifportfolio, click on the Report and then Exposure Fee menu options (Exhibit 6).  Once selected, a new Exposure Fee tab will be added, which will display the projected exposure fee broken down by primary risk factors (Exhibit 7).
Exhibit 6
Exhibit 7
You can modify the positions to see how that changes the Exposure Fee.  After you altered your positions you will need to click on the refresh button to the right of the Last Calculation Time.  Whenever the warning icon () is present the Exposure Fee Calculations numbers are not up-to-date with the content of the what-ifPortfolio. 

Please see KB2344 for information on monitoring the Exposure fee through the Account Window and KB2276 for verifying exposure fee through the Order Preview screen.

Important Note

1. The on-demand Exposure Fee check represents a projection based upon readily available information.  As the fee calculation is based upon information (e.g., prices and implied volatility factors) available only after the close, the actual fee may differ from that of the projection.