

IBKR的交易者工作站(TWS)是一个全球交易系统,可供客户使用一整套在线交易工具。TWS可以安装于Windows、Mac OS X和Linux系统,需要Java运行时环境(JRE)。因此,在安装TWS时,同时还会下载必要的Java文件以使用Java虚拟机(JVM)运行。















1. 删除TWS安装程序并重新从IBKR主网站或地区网站上下载

a) 删除您电脑上已有的TWS安装文件,然后再从回收站将其删除(清空回收站)

b) 在下表中点击与您所在地区对应的TWS下载区域

所在地 TWS下载区域

c) 检查网站证书。如果网站证书失效、受损或过期,大多数浏览器会立即向您发出警报。但是,如果您想手动检查网站证书的有效性,请点击地址(URL)旁边的安全锁,确保连接显示为安全并且没有出现任何安全警告(见下方图2)。


d) 点击您想要使用的TWS版本对应的按钮,再次下载TWS安装程序


2. 检查您所下载的TWS安装文件的数字签名



a) 从Windows文件资源管理器打开下载(Downloads)文件夹或您保存TWS安装程序的文件夹

b) 右键点击TWS安装文件,选择属性(Properties)然后点击“数字签名(Digital Signatures)

c) 点击“详细信息(Details)”然后点击“查看证书(View Certificate)”检查证书状态和签署者。合法的签署者为“IB Exchange Corp.”(见下方图3


Mac OS X

a) 点击屏幕右上角的放大镜(Spotlight搜索)然后输入Terminal。从搜索结果中启动Terminal应用程序

b) 输入cd Downloads然后按Enter键

c) 输入codesign -dv --verbose=4 tws-latest-macosx-x64.dmg然后按Enter键。请注意,文件名称(tws-latest-macosx-x64.dmg)可能会因您下载的TWS版本不同而有所不同。如需要,您可在命令行更换文件名称

d) 检查命令输出,确保“Developer ID Application”是“IB Exchange Corp.”(见下方图4




3. 运行您下载的TWS安装文件

下载好TWS安装程序并确定文件为原版文件后(上方第1点和第2点),您便可以继续安装了。 这时如果还收到杀毒软件的警告,您可合理相信其为误报并予以忽略。 如果在这一步需要指导,请直接进入下一节。



现在的安全系统都会允许添加例外,正是为了解决误报的问题。 例外规则会强制杀毒软件引擎不对特定文件或程序进行扫描,因而使该特定文件或程序被认为是安全可靠,从而不对其发出警报。































  • 每次有新版本发布,TWS都会自动更新。

  • 离线版TWS不会自动更新。如要更新离线版TWS,您需要从我们网站下载并运行最新发布的离线版TWS安装程序。



A. 您电脑上已经运行了TWS程序

B. 有程序阻止了平台自动更新

C. 您的防火墙阻止了平台自动更新

D. 您太长时间没有启动过TWS


A. 您电脑上已经运行了TWS程序


如果您能在桌面或任务栏中找到TWS窗口,把它调到前台,使用TWS顶部菜单文件 -> 退出将其关闭。然后再启动TWS,等待其完成自动更新。届时您将会看到TWS登录窗口,在此输入用户名和密码登录。



1. 在键盘上同时按住CTRL、ALT和DEL,选择任务管理器

2. 在“进程”下,如果看到有名称为TWS.exeupdate.exe的进程在运行,请勾选。勾选后,点击任务管理器窗口右下角的“结束任务”或“强制结束”按钮

3. 如果出于某种原因您无法通过任务管理器终止进程,请重启电脑


          1. 在键盘上同时按住CMD、OPT和ESC

          2. 选择“Trader Workstation”进程并点击“强制结束

          3. 如果出于某种原因您无法终止进程,请重启电脑


B. 有程序阻止了平台自动更新

您电脑上的某个程序(如杀毒软件)可能会错误地将TWS更新程序的行为理解成可疑或具有威胁性,从而阻止其运行或连接TWS存储库服务器。如果出现这种情况,请参见IBKB 3424了解解决方法。


C. 您的防火墙阻止了平台自动更新


如果出现这种情况,您可以修改防火墙设置,允许向以下端口为TCP 443的主机开放对外网络连接:

有关TWS所使用的主机和端口的信息,请参见IBKB 2816的“桌面版TWS”部分。

D. 您太长时间没有启动过TWS


安装完成后,双击桌面上的“Trader Workstation”快捷方式即可启动平台。





2021年12月9日,Apache Log4j发现了一个高危安全漏洞——Log4Shell。Log4j是一个日志记录组件,被广泛用于消费者和企业服务、网站、应用程序和设备,用来记录安全和性能信息。 攻击者可以利用该漏洞远程控制目标系统、执行任意代码。由于Log4j被广泛应用并且该漏洞的攻击难度非常低,此次事件不仅危害极大,影响范围也极广。




  • 我们已采用不受该漏洞影响的Log4j版本对所有可从外部访问(因特网)的服务器进行了修复。
  • 我们已采用不受该漏洞影响的Log4j版本对TWS软件和TWS安装包进行了升级。
  • 我们已采用最新的保护措施对我们的安全框架(包括网络防火墙、应用程序防火墙和入侵检测工具等)进行了更新,可检测并拦截利用Log4j漏洞发起的网络攻击。
  • 我们会继续努力,找出所有受影响的内部系统(不可通过Internet访问的系统)并进行修复。
  • 我们会持续监控不断演变的威胁并采取必要的应对措施。




Please Upgrade TraderWorkstation (TWS)


On December 9, 2021, a critical security vulnerability in Apache's Log4j software library was disclosed, (now commonly referred to as “Log4Shell”). Log4j is very broadly used in a wide variety of consumer and enterprise services, websites, applications, and devices to log security and performance information. The vulnerability allows an unauthenticated remote actor to take control of an affected system and execute arbitrary code on it. The ubiquitous nature of Log4j and the ease of exploitation of the vulnerability makes this threat not only critical but also nearly universal.



We are actively working, with high priority, to mitigate the threat on several levels:

  • We have patched all our servers accessible externally (from the Internet) with a version of Log4j that is not susceptible to this vulnerability.
  • We have upgraded our Trader Workstation (TWS) software and our TWS installers with a version of Log4j that is not susceptible to this vulnerability.
  • We have updated our security infrastructure (including network firewalls, application firewalls, intrusion detection tools, etc.) with the latest protection measures that help detect and block cyber-attacks that attempt to exploit the Log4j vulnerability.
  • We continue our ongoing efforts to fully identify and patch any impacted internal systems (those that are not accessible from the Internet).
  • We continue monitoring the evolving industry threats and adopt additional mitigation measures as needed.



We are committed to providing a secure environment for your assets and trading activities. To that end, we request that our clients give priority to the use of the LATEST TWS version, which will auto-update. Should you have the STABLE or any OFFLINE version, which does not auto-update, please ensure that you take the necessary steps to keep your TWS in line with the latest security fixes.

How to solve "Login failed due to timing of auto-updates."


When you use certain versions of the Trader Workstation (TWS), you may receive the error message "Login failed due to timing of auto-updates." When this occurs, the platform will not start up and will not display the login window.

In this article we will outline the possible causes of this error along with the resolution steps.



We provide two TWS installation types:  the TWS and the Offline TWS

  • The TWS automatically updates itself each time a new platform release is available.

  • The Offline TWS does not update itself automatically. Should you want to update the offline TWS, you would have to download and run the newly released Offline TWS installer from our website.


What can cause this error?

A. Another TWS session is running on your computer

B. A program is blocking the platform auto-update process

C. Your firewall is blocking the platform auto-update process

D. You have not launched the TWS for an extended period of time


A. Another TWS session is running on your computer

If another TWS session is running on your computer (either visibly or in the background), the updater process will not be able to update the application core files since they are in use. In this case, please follow the steps below:

If you are able to locate the TWS window on your Desktop or on the tray bar, bring it to the foreground and use the TWS top menu File -> Exit to close it. Then launch the TWS again and wait for the automatic update to complete. You should then see the TWS login window where you can enter your credentials.

If you are unable to locate the TWS window, please consider that the TWS process may still be running. This usually happens when the TWS was not properly closed or unresponsive. In this case you can use the task manager to terminate the process. According to your operating system, please follow the steps below:


1. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL on your keyboard and select Task Manager

2. Under the tab "Processes", please check if there is a process named TWS.exe or update.exe running. If you find any, click on it to highlight it and click on the button "End task"  or "Force Quit" on the bottom right corner of the Task Manager window

3. If for some reason, you are unable to terminate the process through the Task Manager, restart your computer


          1. Press CMD+OPT+ESC on your keyboard

          2. Select the "Trader Workstation" process and click on "Force Quit"

          3. If for some reason, you are unable to terminate the process, restart your computer


B. A program is blocking the platform auto-update process

A program on your computer, such as an antivirus, may erroneously interpret the behavior of the TWS updater process as suspicious or threatening and prevent it from running or from connecting to the TWS repository server. If this occurs please refer to IBKB 3424 for further recommendations and steps.


C. Your firewall is blocking the platform auto-update process

Your firewall may be set to block the network communication between the TWS updater process and the TWS repository server. 

If this occurs, you may modify your firewall configuration for allowing outgoing network connections towards the following hosts on port TCP 443:

For more details on the Hosts and Ports used by the TWS please refer to the section "DESKTOP TWS " of IBKB 2816.

D. You have not launched the TWS for an extended period of time

In this case, the auto-update process may be unable to bridge the gap between the TWS generation that you are running and the current one. If this occurs, please download and run the current TWS installer for the same TWS channel you are using:

Once you have performed the installation, double-click on the shortcut "Trader Workstation" already on your Desktop to launch the platform.



Possible Alerts during the TWS installation or update


IBKR's Trader Workstation (TWS) is a global trading system enabling clients to use a suite of online trading tools. The TWS can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, and it requires the presence of a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). Therefore, when you install the TWS, it also downloads the necessary Java files in order to run using a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Sometimes, during the installation or update process of the TWS, software such as Antivirus applications will show an alert and prevent the process to complete. The warning and other messages in this case can safely be ignored, and you can complete the installation of the trading platform. 


Table of content


Downloading the TWS installer and update patches

The TWS installers available in the download areas of or IBKR regional web sites are sealed and digitally signed using all the safety procedures required by the industry standards and do not contain any malicious code or process. The same industry standard practices have been used for the TWS update patches, which are automatically downloaded and installed when launching the TWS (if and only if there is an update available). Nevertheless, if you have received an alert, we recommend you to be cautious. Should you intend to keep the TWS installation file on your machine for future use, you should make sure that the same precautions for the protection of data from viruses and malware are applied to it.


Why do I receive a warning when I install the TWS or when the TWS automatic update runs?

You might see an alert (similar to Figure 1 but not limited to) and your security system would wait for your input on how to process the suspicious file. You usually have the option to quarantine the file, delete it, ignore it once or create a permanent exception for it.

Please note that your antivirus might autonomously quarantine or delete the TWS installer file or some of his components without asking for your confirmation and without showing you any warning. Nevertheless, this should only happen if you have preset your antivirus to specifically react in this way.

Figure 1.


What should I do when I receive a warning?

In case you receive a warning during the TWS installation or update, we recommend the following steps:

1. Delete the TWS installer and download it again from the IBKR main or regional web site

a) Delete the TWS installer file already present on your computer and then delete it as well from your Trash (empty your Trash)

b) From the table below, click on the TWS download area correspondent to your location

Location TWS download area
Asia / Oceania

c) Check the website certificate. Most Internet browsers will immediately alert you in case the site certificate is invalid, compromised or expired. Nevertheless, if you want to check manually the validity of the site certificate, click on the padlock close to the address (URL) and make sure the Connection is reported as secure and no security warning are present (see Figure 2 below).

Figure 2.

d) Click on the button labeled with the TWS version you wish to use and download again the TWS installer


2. Check the digital signature of the TWS installer file you have downloaded

Normally you will immediately receive a security warning in case the digital signature of a file is compromised. Nevertheless, if you wish to perform a manual check, proceed as follows, according to your Operating System:

For Windows

a) From the Windows file explorer, access your Downloads folder or the folder where you placed the TWS installer

b) Right click on the TWS installer file, select Properties and then click on the tab "Digital Signatures"

c) Click on "Details" and on "View Certificate" to check the certificate status and signer. The legitimate signer is "IB Exchange Corp." (See Figure 3 below)

Figure 3.

For Mac OS X

a) Click on the magnifier glass (Spotlight Search) on the top right of your screen and type Terminal. From the search results, launch the Terminal app

b) Type cd Downloads and press Enter

c) Type codesign -dv --verbose=4 tws-latest-macosx-x64.dmg and press Enter. Please notice that the name of the file (tws-latest-macosx-x64.dmg) may differ according to the TWS version you decided to download. If needed, replace the file name in the command with the appropriate one

d) Check the command output and make sure the "Developer ID Application" is "IB Exchange Corp." (see Figure 4 below)

Figure 4.



3. Run the TWS installer file you have downloaded

Once you have downloaded again the TWS installer and after you made sure the file is original (points 1. and 2. above), you can proceed with the installation. Should you still receive a warning from your antivirus, you can reasonably consider it as a false positive and ignore it.  Should you need guidance on this step, please proceed directly to the next section.


How can I signal an Alert as false positive?

All modern security systems allow the creation of exceptions, precisely in order to address false positive cases.  An exception is a rule forcing the antivirus engine not to scan a specific file or process. That specific file or process will hence be deemed safe and no further alerts will be raised for it.

The procedure for creating an exception may vary, according to the security software you are using. You may be able to create a temporary or permanent exception directly from the alert pop-up or you may have to create one manually from a specific section in the main configuration panel.

If you are unsure of the procedure, we recommend you to consult your antivirus documentation.

Once you have set an exception for the TWS installer file or for the TWS updater process, those will be no longer blocked and will be able to complete their respective tasks successfully.


What else can I do if I have doubts or if my system behaves abnormally?

If you have reasons to believe your machine may be compromised or infected, we recommend performing a full system scan. Usually you can right click on the antivirus icon present on the bottom taskbar (for Windows) or on the upper menu bar (for MacOS) and you will find the option to launch a full system scan. Alternatively, you may start that task from the main antivirus window. If you are unsure of the procedure, we recommend you to consult your antivirus documentation.



Technical Background


How does my security system scan the files I download from the Internet?

Modern antivirus and anti-malware engines base their threats recognition on:

Signature-based scanning: the antivirus scanner searches for a specific pattern of bytes that was previously catalogued as malicious or at least suspicious. The antivirus may check as well file signatures (called hash) against a database of known threats (called virus definitions).

Analysis of behavior: the antivirus engine detects specific actions which individually may not represent a threat but, when correlated together, resemble the usual activity of a malicious software (e.g. the ability of a code to replicate or hide itself, download additional files from the Internet, contact external hosts over the Internet, modify the Operating System registry) This type of scan is designed to detect previously unknown computer threats.

Heuristic detection: the scanner de-compiles the code or runs it within a virtual, restricted environment. It then classifies and weights the actions performed by the code against a predefined, behavior based, rule set.

Cloud-based protection and machine learning: those are relatively new techniques. The file that needs to be analyzed is sent to the antivirus / security system vendor cloud where sophisticated algorithms perform a deep analysis of the code authenticity and behavior.

Are those scan methods infallible?

Modern threats are very sophisticated and, like biological viruses, can mutate their code and their signatures. Moreover, new malwares and exploits are created every day and spread rapidly over the Internet. The threat recognition methods mentioned above are therefore not infallible but can guarantee a high percentage of malware recognition when combined together.

While signature based techniques are very successful in recognizing known threats and less prone to false positives, they are not so efficient in recognizing unknown malware or mutations of existing ones. In this area, the behavioral and heuristic methods perform much better although they are more prone to false positives since their detection is not based on bare code matching but on a certain degree of interpretation and hence uncertainty.

The term "false positive" is used when a security system classifies an innocuous file or process as malware.




How to download and install the IBKR Mobile app from alternative app stores


As a consequence of the US Government Huawei ban, the owners of Huawei smartphones will be no longer able to access the Google Play Store and download app from there. If you are affected by this constraint, you will still be able to download and install the IBKR Mobile app from an alternative app store.

Please proceed as follows:

A) Allow your phone to install software from alternative app stores in this way:

1) Go to your phone Settings

2) Under the section System you will find the item Security (it can be called Lock Screen and Security). Click on it  

3) Tick the checkbox (or enable the switch) correspondent to Unknown sources
4) Should the system show you a warning message, aknowledge it by clicking OK

B) You can now download the IBKR Mobile by clicking on one of the links below, according to the alternative store you want to use:

1) Click on the image below to open the IBKR Mobile download page:
2) Click on the green button on the right





1) Click on the image below to open the IBKR Mobile download page:
2) Click on the green button on the right

How to fix the "Cannot create ... file" error during TWS installation on MacOS


The filesystem permissions are controlled by your machines operating system. One of their functions is to secure your files, preventing unauthorized access or undesired modifications to the system and to your personal data.   

Some software on your computer may modify or override the permissions assigned by the operating system. Under certain circumstances, this prevents the TWS installer from accessing the folder where the application core files have to be created (/users/youruser/home/Applications). In such cases, the TWS installation usually displays the error "Cannot create ... file. Shall I try again?"

In this article we explain how to reset the filesystem permission of the "Applications" folder located under your user home folder in order to allow a smooth run of the TWS installation.


1. On your keyboard, press ⌘CMD + ⇧Shift +H to open your home folder
 Figure 1
2. Select the folder "Applications" within your home folder and press ⌘CMD + I to open the Info panel
 Figure 2
2. At the bottom right of the panel, click on the padlock
 Figure 3
3. To unlock the permissions panel, enter your MacOS credentials and click OK
 Figure 4
4. In the line correspondent to "everyone", click on "No Access" (Figure 5) and then select "Read & Write" (Figure 6)
 Figure 5                                                                            Figure 6
5. Click on the icon bellow the permissions panel and select “Apply to enclosed items..."
 Figure 7
6. Now run the TWS installer and click on Next> until you complete the installation
 Figure 8

7. Once the installation has completed successfully, repeat the previous steps from 1. to 5. setting back the permissions of “everyone” to “Read Only” to revert your changes to the initial status






1. 您的智能手机仅用于交易(安装了IB TWS)- 点击此处
2. 您的智能手机仅用于验证(安装了IB Key) -  点击此处
3. 您的智能手机既用于交易,也用于验证(安装了IB TWS和IB Key) - 点击此处
4. 您的智能手机用于进行借记卡交易(安装了IB Key) -  点击此处

您是IB TWS用户

您使用手机上的IB TWS交易,但您未使用IB Key。
1. 在首次打开应用程序时,您将看到以下新的主页面。

图1                                                                 图2

2. 点击“交易”按钮。
3. 应用程序的其它方面与您之前使用的一样。




1. 打开菜单上的“更多”(页面右下角)。
2. 滚动到页面底部。
1. 打开“应用”菜单
2. 滚动到底部的App设置

图3                                                                                        图4

您是IB Key使用者


1. 打开移动IBKR并点击“验证”。
2. 应用程序会检测设备上是否安装了IB Key并提示您下一步如何操作 - 要么自动迁移(图5),要么先更新、然后再自动迁移。

图5                                                          图6                                                            图7

迁移完成后,如您尝试运行独立的IB Key应用 - 即您之前验证过的IB Key - 您将看到以下界面(图8)。




A. 如您有网络连接,则日常登录没有任何变化 - 系统会使用无缝验证:
1. 在(TWS、账户管理、网页交易者或移动IBKR)的相应区域内输入您的登录信息。点击“登录”。
2. 系统会向您的手机发送一条通知 - 点击该通知。
3. 取决于您的设备,(在iOS设备上)将面部置于摄像头前或在指纹传感器上按压指纹,或(在安卓设备上)输入您的PIN码。系统会自动登录。

B. 如您没有互联网连接,您可通过验证-响应的模式使用移动IBKR:
1. 在(TWS、账户管理、网页交易者或移动IBKR)的相应区域内输入您的登录信息。点击“登录”。
2. 点击“我没有收到通知”。
3. 打开移动IBKR并点击“验证”。
4. 在您手机的“验证码”区域输入登录界面上显示的值。点击“生成”按钮。
5. 在登录界面的“响应字符串”区域输入您智能手机应用显示的值。点击“登录”。


您既是IB TWS的使用者,也是IB Key的使用者

1. 请先激活移动IBKR程序的“验证”模块(点击此处)。
2. 点击您新的移动IBKR应用主页面上的“交易”按钮登录交易界面(点击此处)。



1. 请先激活移动IBKR程序的“验证”模块(点击此处)。
2. 在移动IBKR应用的主页面上点击“借记卡”按钮。其它功能的使用和过去一样



How to check and solve connectivity issues affecting the Trader Workstation (TWS)


The Trader Workstation (TWS) software needs to connect to our gateways and market data servers in order to work properly. Connectivity issues affecting your local network or your Internet Service Provider network may negatively affect the TWS functionality. In this article we will indicate how to test your connectivity using an automated connectivity test web page.


How to test the connectivity using the automated "IB Connectivity Test" web page?

1) Launch the Firefox browser and open this link with that browser: 
Note: due to browser specific constraints, the above connectivity test link will only produce consistent results on the Mozilla Firefox browser. If you do not have Firefox, you can download and install it form here.

2) Please wait until all the tests have been completed and results have been displayed. If you see "Success" as outcome for all tests, your connectivity to IB Servers is reliable at the present moment. No additional connectivity troubleshooting or configuration should be needed.

3) If you see "Fail" as outcome for one or more test/s, please click on the link "Fail" itself in order to display the "IB Network Troubleshooting Guide". That section will help you conduct some manual tests to identify the cause of the failure.

Note for Corporative environments and Proxy server users: the automated "Connectivity Test" page may return misleading results in case your machine is accessing the Internet through a Proxy server. This usually happens if you are connected to a company network. If this is your case, we kindly ask you to contact your Network Administrator or your IT Team and ask them to perform a manual connectivity tests towards the destination servers indicated in the table on the top of the IB automated "Connectivity Test" web page itself. The manual connectivity test should be conducted using destination TCP ports 4000 and 4001. Should they prefer to have the server list in another format or should they need to set up the firewall / IP Management rules, you can forward them this page.


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