If you have been informed or believe that your account profile contains an incorrect US SSN/ITIN, you may simply log into your Account Management to update this information. Depending on your taxpayer status, you can update your US SSN/ITIN by modifying one of the following documents:
1) IRS Form W9 (if you are a US tax resident and/or US citizen holding a US SSN/ITIN)
2) IRS Form W-8BEN (if you are a Non-US tax resident holding a US SSN/ITIN)
Please note, if your SSN/ITIN has already been verified with the IRS you will be unable to update the information. If however the IRS has not yet verified the ID, you will have the ability to update through Account Management.
How to Modify Your W9/W8
1) To submit this information change request, first login to Account Management
2) Click on the Settings section followed by Account Settings
3) Find the Profile(s) section. Locate the User you wish to update and click on the Info button (the "i" icon) to the left of the User's name
4) Scroll down to the bottom where you will see the words Tax Forms. Next to it will be a link with the current tax form we have for the account. Click on this tax form to open it
5) Review the form. If your US SSN/ITIN is incorrect, click on the UPDATE button at the bottom of the page
6) Make the requisite changes and click the CONTINUE button to submit your request.
7) If supporting documentation is required to approve your information change request, you will receive a message. Otherwise, your information change request should be approved within 24-48 hours.
By default, Trader Workstation (TWS) is designed to display in a font size and style which can be read comfortably for the average user across various screen sizes and resolutions. With the advent of new technologies, there has been an exponential push to make monitors with higher display sizes and your layout may need to be further adjusted manually. This document serves to explain how to manually adjust the font size for TWS.
To adjust font size throughout TWS:
Note: It is possible that currently not all windows will be adjusted in the same way.
The Trader Workstation (TWS) software needs to connect to our gateways and market data servers in order to work properly. Connectivity issues affecting your local network or your Internet Service Provider network may negatively affect the TWS functionality. In this article we will indicate how to test your connectivity using an automated connectivity test web page.
2) Please wait until all the tests have been completed and results have been displayed. If you see "Success" as outcome for all tests, your connectivity to IB Servers is reliable at the present moment. No additional connectivity troubleshooting or configuration should be needed.
3) If you see "Fail" as outcome for one or more test/s, please click on the link "Fail" itself in order to display the "IB Network Troubleshooting Guide". That section will help you conduct some manual tests to identify the cause of the failure.
Note for Corporative environments and Proxy server users: the automated "Connectivity Test" page may return misleading results in case your machine is accessing the Internet through a Proxy server. This usually happens if you are connected to a company network. If this is your case, we kindly ask you to contact your Network Administrator or your IT Team and ask them to perform a manual connectivity tests towards the destination servers indicated in the table on the top of the IB automated "Connectivity Test" web page itself. The manual connectivity test should be conducted using destination TCP ports 4000 and 4001. Should they prefer to have the server list in another format or should they need to set up the firewall / IP Management rules, you can forward them this page.
1. 打開瀏覽器,訪問網頁ibkr.com.
1. 如您使用的是舊版客戶端,請在頂部菜單點擊管理賬戶,然後點擊安全 > 安全登錄系統 > 安全登錄系統退出。然後選擇您的使用者對應的行旁邊的重新加入單選按鈕。
1. 您的資金
首先,通過您的賬戶管理 > 資金 > 資金轉賬 > 轉賬類型:“存款”創建一個存款通知(如何創建存款通知)。第二步,通知您的銀行進行電匯轉賬,在存款通知中提供詳細銀行信息。
通過您的賬戶管理 > 資金 > 資金轉賬 > 轉賬類型:“取款”創建一個取款指令(如何創建取款指令)
a) 資金轉賬需要1至4個工作日。
b) 存款通知缺失。您必須通過賬戶管理創建存款通知并向客戶服務發送一條咨詢單。
c) 修改詳情缺失。轉賬詳情中缺失您的姓名和IB賬戶號碼。您必須聯繫您的銀行索取完整的修改詳情。
d) IB發起的ACH存款7個工作日內限額為10萬美元。如果您開立的是初始要求為11萬美元的投資組合保證金賬戶,最好選擇電匯存款以減少您第一筆交易的等待時間。如果選擇ACH,會需要等待近2周時間,或者可以選擇臨時升級至RegT。
a) 資金轉賬需要1至4個工作日。
b) 被拒。超出最大取款限額。請檢查您賬戶的現金餘額。注意,出於監管要求,存入資金時會有三天置存期,之後才可以被取出。
c) 您的銀行退回了資金。可能是因為接收銀行賬戶與匯款銀行賬戶名稱不匹配。
2. 設置您的賬戶以進行交易
3. 如何交易
魔方TWS:直觀可用性, 簡便的交易准入,定單管理,自選列表與圖表全部在一個窗口呈現。
基本描述與信息 / 快速入門指南 / 用戶指南
互動課程:TWS基礎 / TWS設置 / 魔方TWS
如何下單交易:標準模式TWS視頻 / 魔方TWS視頻
交易工具:基本描述與信息 / 用戶指南
要求:如何安裝適用於Windows的Java / 如何安裝適用於MAC的Java / 需打開端口4000和4001
登錄TWS / 下載TWS
快速入門指南 / 網絡交易者用戶指南
我們的移動解決方案可供您隨時隨地用您的IB賬戶進行交易。IB TWS iOS版和IB TWS BlackBerry版是為這些型號定制設計的,而通用的移動交易者支持大多數其他職能手機。
定單類型 可用定單類型與描述 / 視頻 / 課程 / 用戶指南
模擬交易 基本描述與信息 / 如何獲得模擬交易賬戶
一旦您的模擬交易賬戶創建成功,您便可用模擬交易賬戶分享您真實賬戶的市場數據:賬戶管理 > 管理賬戶 > 設置 > 模擬交易
4. 在全球範圍進行交易
A) 貨幣轉換。
B) IB保證金貸款。(對現金賬戶不可用)
5. 拓展您IB經驗的五個要點
1. 合約搜索
2. IB知識庫
3. 賬戶管理
登錄賬戶管理 / 賬戶管理快速入門指南 / 賬戶管理用戶指南
4. 安全登錄系統
為向您提供最高級別的在線安全,盈透證券推出了安全登錄系統(SLS),通過安全登錄系統訪問賬戶需要進行雙因素驗證。雙因素驗證旨在于登錄時採用兩項安全因素確認您的身份:1) 您的用戶名與密碼組合;和2) 生成隨機、一次性安全代碼的安全設備。因為登錄賬戶需要既知曉您的用戶名/密碼又持有實物安全設備,所以參加安全登錄系統基本上可以杜絕除您以外的其他任何人訪問您賬戶的可能性。
如何激活您的安全設備 / 如何獲取安全代碼卡 / 如何退還安全設備
5. 報表與報告
Interactive Brokers takes our intuitive and ergonomic mobile trading platform to the next level by providing you a companion app for the Apple Watch.
The companion app is designed to display information when a user has logged in to the IBKR Mobile app on their iPhone. It will work in both the Live Trading and Read Only Modes but does not support active trading. This companion app is only available for informational purpose only.
At 'glance view' the app will display the following information; Amount of FYI Notification, Account Number, Daily P&L, Net Liquidation Value, Number of Open Orders, Number of Trades Executed, Excess Liquidity and number of Positions you currently own. It will also display the time when it has fetched the information from your iPhone.
Important: The Apple Watch applications are only 'companion' apps. This means they are not installed directly on the watch itself, but rather are a function of an application already installed on your iPhone.
1. Install the latest version of the IBKR Mobile app on your iPhone.
2. Pair your Apple Watch to your phone.
3. Launch the Watch app on your phone.
4. Scroll down on the main screen until you see your list of apps, locate the IBKR Mobile app and Tap on it.
5. Enable Show App on Apple Watch by swiping the slider to the right (green).
6. After the top slider is set to green, you will see a text informing you that the app is being installed. At this stage the phone is sending the application to your watch per Bluetooth. This might take a short moment (approximately 30-60 seconds.) Once completed the companion app has been installed.
Note: Once enabled it will take 24 hours before P&L shows up on the watch after activation.
On your Apple Watch click on the crown to access your Home Screen, you should now see an icon for the IBKR Mobile App.
For the purpose of this guide, we will divide the Linux distributions nowadays available into three big families:
The most simple way to install Java on Ubuntu or Mint is using the webupd8 repository. This method will install the latest version of JDK 8 and the JRE 8 browser plugin. The supported versions are: Ubuntu 15.04, 14.10, 14.04, 12.04 - Linux Mint 17.1, 17, 13
For details, please refer to: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/09/install-oracle-java-8-in-ubuntu-via-ppa.html
a. On your Linux machine, open the "Terminal". If you need help with accessing and using the Terminal, please refer to: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
b. Become root, by typing su on the Terminal and entering the super user password. Instead of becoming root, you can choose to use the sudo feature (which gives your user the root privileges for a single command). If you want to use sudo, just add sudo before each one of the commands you will enter in the Terminal. You will be requested to enter the sudo password.
c. Add the webupd8 repository by tiping add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java Follow the instructions on the screen. You should be asked to press [ENTER] to continue. Once done, the repository will be added.
d. Type the command apt-get update
e. Enter the command: apt-get install oracle-java8-installer The process will download and install automatically the required packages along with their dependencies. Once the command has completed, the Oracle Java platform will be ready to be used.
Should you prefer to have control of all the phases of the installation, instead of relying on the APT facility, please refer to the instructions on this page: http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Oracle-Java-JRE-on-Ubuntu-Linux
a. On your Linux machine, open the "Terminal". If you need help with accessing and using the Terminal, please refer to: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal
b. Become root, by typing su on the Terminal and entering the super user password. Instead of becoming root, you can choose to use the sudo feature (which gives your user the root privileges for single commands). If you want to use sudo, just add sudo before each one of the commands you will enter in the Terminal. You will be requested to enter the sudo password.
c. Create the folder /usr/java by issuing the command mkdir /usr/java. If the directory already exists you will see a message indicating that. In this case you can proceed directly to point d.
d. Go to the page https://www.java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp
e. If you have a 32 bit system, download the file "Linux RPM" . If you have a 64 bit system, download the file "Linux64 RPM". In either case, please instruct your browser to save the file in the folder /usr/java or move the file to that foder once it has been downloaded.
f. Go back to the Terminal and move to the /usr/java folder by typing cd /usr/java
g. List the content of the folder by typing the command ls -la You should see the file you downloaded. It will be called jre-XuYY-linux-ARCH.rpm (where X is the Java family, YY the update number and ARCH will be i586 for 32 bit installer and x64 for 64 bit installer)
h. Launch this command to perform the installation: rpm -ivh jre-XuYY-linux-ARCH.rpm Obviously you need to use the real file name, for example jre-8u65-linux-x64.rpm
Once the installation has been performed, the Oracle Java should be ready to be used. Usually a system restart is not required on Linux machines. In case you see warning or error message/s during the installation, please check their content and search the Internet for possible solutions. Most of the time the warning/error messages maight refer to missing dependencies (this means that another package needs to be installed before you can install Java) or to unsufficient privileges (this means that you are launching the command with a regular user instead of "root"). If you cannot find the proper course of actions to overcome the issue, please refer to the support documentation or forums for your current Linux distribution.
If your Linux distribution does not support RPM or APT package managers, the installation of Oracle Java can be performed manually in this way:
a. On your Linux machine, open the "Terminal".
b. Become root, by typing su on the Terminal and entering the super user password. Instead of becoming root, you can choose to use the sudo feature (which gives your user the root privileges for single commands). If you want to use sudo, just add sudo before each one of the commands you will enter in the Terminal. You will be then required to enter the sudo password.
c. Create the folder /usr/java by issuing the command mkdir /usr/java. If the directory already exists you will see a message indicating that. In this case you can proceed directly to point d.
d. Go to the page https://www.java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp
e. If you have a 32 bit system, download the file "Linux" . If you have a 64 bit system, download the file "Linux x64". In either case, please instruct your browser to save the file in the folder /usr/java or move the file to that foder once it has been downloaded.
f. Go back to the Terminal and move to the /usr/java folder by typing cd /usr/java
g. List the content of the folder by typing the command ls -la You should see the file you downloaded. It will be called jre-XuYY-linux-ARCH.tar.gz (where X is the Java family, YY the update number and ARCH will be i586 for 32 bit installer and x64 for 64 bit installer)
h. Launch this command to perform the installation: tar zxvf jre-XuYY-linux-ARCH.tar.gz Obviously you need to use the real file name, for example jre-8u65-linux-x64.tar.gz
i. Once done, enter command ls -la You will see the folder /usr/java/jre1.X.0_YY (where X is the Java family, YY the update number)
l. The Java executables are now present in the folder /usr/java/jre1.X.0_YY/bin
m. Now check which is the symbolic link used by the system to access the java executables by entering the commands:
which java - you will receive an output similar to this: /usr/bin/java From now on we will refer to this path as javasympath.
which javac - you will receive an output similar to this: /usr/bin/java From now on we will refer to this path as javacsympath.
which javaws - you will receive an output similar to this: /usr/bin/java From now on we will refer to this path as javawssympath.
Unless your are launching the java applications using the full path (for example /usr/java/jre1.X.0_YY/bin/java ...), you would need to tell your system which java executables should be used when a generic java command is issued. In order to to this, you can either update your alternatives files (if your system supports them) or the symbolic links. Here below you can see the instructions, according to your system:
- If your system uses the alternatives files:
n. Issue the following commands, paying attention to make the necessary substitutions .
update-alternatives --install javasympath java /usr/java/jre1.X.0_YY/bin/java 1
update-alternatives --install javacsympath javac /usr/java/jre1.X.0_YY/bin/javac 1
update-alternatives --install javawssympath javaws /usr/java/jre1.X.0_YY/bin/javaws 1
- If your system does not use the alternatives files:
n. Issue the following commands, paying attention to make the necessary substitutions .
ln -sf /usr/java/jre1.X.0_YY/bin/java javasympath
ln -sf /usr/java/jre1.X.0_YY/bin/javac javacsympath
ln -sf /usr/java/jre1.X.0_YY/bin/javaws javawssympath
1) Click on the Log In button at the top right corner of the page.
2) Click on Download Trader Workstation:
5) Click on the item Windows 32-bit:
6) Make sure that the description under the DOWNLOAD button has changed to "Windows: 32 bit". Click now on DOWNLOAD:
7) Launch the downloaded file. The Trader Workstation installation will start. At this point, you may see the warning message "Trader Workstation latest is already installed...". Ignore this warning and click on the button Next > to continue the installation:
8) Your "Trader Workstation" Desktop icon will be automatically updated. You can now launch the 32-bit Trader Workstation by a double click on that icon.
If you have launched the 32-bit TWS and the 32 bit version of eSignal but you still receive the same error message, please follow as well the instructions below.
To correct an incompatibility with the dbcapi.dll file, we will replace that file with another version of it taken from the eSignal installation folder. Please follow the steps below to perform the substitution:
1) Navigate to C:\Jts and rename the file dbcapi.dll to dbcapi_old.dll
2) Navigate to the directory where 32-bit eSignal 12 is installed (most commonly C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Interactive Data\DM).
3) Copy dbcapi_vc8.dll from that directory into the C:\Jts directory.
4) Move to the C:\Jts directory.
5) Right click on the dbcapi_vc8.dll file (now in the C:\Jts directory) and select rename. Type dbcapi.dll as the new filename.
6) TWS is now ready to accept the eSignal data feed.
Clients who have performed an opt-out from the Secure Login System (SLS) program expose themselves to certain risks and are therefore subject to certain restrictions (e.g. ability to trade Pink Sheet and OTCBB stocks). Considering this, along with the protection benefits afforded through a complete SLS protection, you may decide to opt back into the Secure Login System. The following article provides the step-by-step instructions for accomplishing this.
Please note that in order to modify the security settings for an account, the primary user needs to login to the Client Portal. If your user is not allowed to change the security settings, the system will show you a notice and will point you to the user which has such rights.
In order to opt back into the Secure Login System, please proceed as follows:
1. Open your browser and go to the web page ibkr.com.