Most exchanges charge for access to their real-time market data (quotes and trade information).
The charges for professional users are considerably higher than for non-professional use. Accordingly, many exchanges, and US exchanges in particular, have a detailed questionnaire that they require users to complete in order to qualify for the lower charges.
If you wish to access real-time data for any of the following data services (AMEX, CME, NYSE, NASDAQ, OPRA or U.S. Securities Snapshot & Futures Value Bundle), you must fill out this questionnaire and re-affirm it annually.
More information about Professional vs. Non-Professional data use can be found at various knowledge base articles:
In determining the range of market data subscription offerings to make available, IBKR seeks to balance the needs of a wide variety of clients, both in terms of the scope of products traded and the frequency of data use. To afford clients the opportunity to minimize their monthly subscription costs for U.S. data, both bundled and a la carte monthly services are offered as well as options for real-time streaming, snapshot and delayed feeds. Please note, in accordance with regulatory requirements, IBKR no longer offers delayed quotation information on U.S. equities to Interactive Brokers LLC clients.
IBKR offers eligible clients the option of receiving a real-time price quote for a single instrument on a request basis. This service, referred to as “Snapshot Quotes” differs from the traditional quote services which offer continuous streaming and updates of real-time prices. Snapshot Quotes are offered as a low-cost alternative to clients who do not trade regularly and require data from specific exchanges1 when submitting an order. Additional details regarding this quote service is provided below.
The Snapshot quote includes the following data:
Service | Restrictions | Price per Quote Request (USD)2 |
AMEX (Network B/CTA) | $0.01 | |
ASX Total | No access to ASX24. Limited to Non-Professional subscribers |
$0.03 |
Bolsa de Madrid | $0.03 | |
Canadian Exchange Group (TSX/TSXV) | Limited to Non-Professional subscribers who are not clients of IB Canada | $0.03 |
CBOT Real-Time | $0.03 | |
CME Real-Time | $0.03 | |
COMEX Real-Time | $0.03 | |
Eurex Core | Limited to Non-Professional subscribers | $0.03 |
Euronext Basic | Limited to Non-Professional subscribers Includes Euronext equities, indices, equity derivatives and index derivatives. |
$0.03 |
German ETF's and Indices | Limited to Non-Professional subscribers | $0.03 |
Hong Kong (HKFE) Derivatives | $0.03 | |
Hong Kong Securities Exchange (Stocks, Warrants, Bonds) | $0.03 | |
Johannesburg Stock Exchange | $0.03 | |
Montreal Derivatives | Limited to Non-Professional subscribers | $0.03 |
NASDAQ (Network C/UTP) | $0.01 | |
Nordic Derivatives | $0.03 | |
Nordic Equity | $0.03 | |
NYMEX Real-Time | $0.03 | |
NYSE (Network A/CTA) | $0.01 | |
OPRA (US Options Exchanges) | $0.03 | |
Shanghai Stock Exchange 5 Second Snapshot (via HKEx) | $0.03 | |
Shenzhen Stock Exchange 3 Second Snapshot (via HKEx) | $0.03 | |
SIX Swiss Exchange | Limited to Non-Professional subscribers | $0.03 |
Spot Market Germany (Frankfurt/Xetra) | Limited to Non-Professional subscribers | $0.03 |
STOXX Index Real-Time Data | Limited to Non-Professional subscribers | $0.03 |
Toronto Stk Exchange | Limited to Non-Professional subscribers who are clients of IB Canada | $0.03 |
TSX Venture Exchange | Limited to Non-Professional subscribers who are clients of IB Canada | $0.03 |
UK LSE (IOB) Equities | $0.03 | |
UK LSE Equities | $0.03 |
1In accordance with regulatory requirements, IBKR no longer offers delayed quotation information on U.S. equities to Interactive Brokers LLC clients. All clients (IBKR Lite and Pro) have access to streaming real-time US equity quotes from Cboe One and IEX at no charge. Since this data does not include all markets, IB does not show this quote when entering parameters for an order in a US stock quote. IB customers are able to access a snapshot of real-time quote information for US stocks at the point of order entry.
2Cost is per snapshot quote request and will be assessed in the Base Currency equivalent, if not USD.
Service | Price per Quote Request (USD) | Non-Pro Subscriber Cap (Requests/Total Cost)2 | Pro Subscriber Cap (Requests/Total Cost)3 |
AMEX (Network B/CTA) | $0.01 | 150/$1.50 | 2,300/$23.00 |
NASDAQ (Network C/UTP) | $0.01 | 150/$1.50 | 2,500/$25.00 |
NYSE (Network A/CTA) | $0.01 | 150/$1.50 | 4,500/$45.00 |
The Trader Workstation (TWS) software needs to connect to our gateways and market data servers in order to work properly. Connectivity issues affecting your local network or your Internet Service Provider network may negatively affect the TWS functionality. In this article we will indicate how to test your connectivity using an automated connectivity test web page.
2) Please wait until all the tests have been completed and results have been displayed. If you see "Success" as outcome for all tests, your connectivity to IB Servers is reliable at the present moment. No additional connectivity troubleshooting or configuration should be needed.
3) If you see "Fail" as outcome for one or more test/s, please click on the link "Fail" itself in order to display the "IB Network Troubleshooting Guide". That section will help you conduct some manual tests to identify the cause of the failure.
Note for Corporative environments and Proxy server users: the automated "Connectivity Test" page may return misleading results in case your machine is accessing the Internet through a Proxy server. This usually happens if you are connected to a company network. If this is your case, we kindly ask you to contact your Network Administrator or your IT Team and ask them to perform a manual connectivity tests towards the destination servers indicated in the table on the top of the IB automated "Connectivity Test" web page itself. The manual connectivity test should be conducted using destination TCP ports 4000 and 4001. Should they prefer to have the server list in another format or should they need to set up the firewall / IP Management rules, you can forward them this page.
How are executions allocated when an order receives a partial fill because an insufficient quantity is available to complete the allocation of shares/contracts to sub-accounts?
From time-to-time, one may experience an allocation order which is partially executed and is canceled prior to being completed (i.e. market closes, contract expires, halts due to news, prices move in an unfavorable direction, etc.). In such cases, IB determines which customers (who were originally included in the order group and/or profile) will receive the executed shares/contracts. The methodology used by IB to impartially determine who receives the shares/contacts in the event of a partial fill is described in this article.
Before placing an order CTAs and FAs are given the ability to predetermine the method by which an execution is to be allocated amongst client accounts. They can do so by first creating a group (i.e. ratio/percentage) or profile (i.e. specific amount) wherein a distinct number of shares/contracts are specified per client account (i.e. pre-trade allocation). These amounts can be prearranged based on certain account values including the clients’ Net Liquidation Total, Available Equity, etc., or indicated prior to the order execution using Ratios, Percentages, etc. Each group and/or profile is generally created with the assumption that the order will be executed in full. However, as we will see, this is not always the case. Therefore, we are providing examples that describe and demonstrate the process used to allocate partial executions with pre-defined groups and/or profiles and how the allocations are determined.
Here is the list of allocation methods with brief descriptions about how they work.
· AvailableEquity
Use sub account’ available equality value as ratio.
· NetLiq
Use subaccount’ net liquidation value as ratio
· EqualQuantity
Same ratio for each account
· PctChange1:Portion of the allocation logic is in Trader Workstation (the initial calculation of the desired quantities per account).
· Profile
The ratio is prescribed by the user
· Inline Profile
The ratio is prescribed by the user.
· Model1:
Roughly speaking, we use each account NLV in the model as the desired ratio. It is possible to dynamically add (invest) or remove (divest) accounts to/from a model, which can change allocation of the existing orders.
Basic Examples:
CTA/FA has 3-clients with a predefined profile titled “XYZ commodities” for orders of 50 contracts which (upon execution) are allocated as follows:
Account (A) = 25 contracts
Account (B) = 15 contracts
Account (C) = 10 contracts
Example #1:
CTA/FA creates a DAY order to buy 50 Sept 2016 XYZ future contracts and specifies “XYZ commodities” as the predefined allocation profile. Upon transmission at 10 am (ET) the order begins to execute2but in very small portions and over a very long period of time. At 2 pm (ET) the order is canceled prior to being executed in full. As a result, only a portion of the order is filled (i.e., 7 of the 50 contracts are filled or 14%). For each account the system initially allocates by rounding fractional amounts down to whole numbers:
Account (A) = 14% of 25 = 3.5 rounded down to 3
Account (B) = 14% of 15 = 2.1 rounded down to 2
Account (C) = 14% of 10 = 1.4 rounded down to 1
To Summarize:
A: initially receives 3 contracts, which is 3/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.12)
B: initially receives 2 contracts, which is 2/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.134)
C: initially receives 1 contract, which is 1/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.10)
The system then allocates the next (and final) contract to an account with the smallest ratio (i.e. Account C which currently has a ratio of 0.10).
A: final allocation of 3 contracts, which is 3/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.12)
B: final allocation of 2 contracts, which is 2/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.134)
C: final allocation of 2 contract, which is 2/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.20)
The execution(s) received have now been allocated in full.
Example #2:
CTA/FA creates a DAY order to buy 50 Sept 2016 XYZ future contracts and specifies “XYZ commodities” as the predefined allocation profile. Upon transmission at 11 am (ET) the order begins to be filled3 but in very small portions and over a very long period of time. At 1 pm (ET) the order is canceled prior being executed in full. As a result, only a portion of the order is executed (i.e., 5 of the 50 contracts are filled or 10%).For each account, the system initially allocates by rounding fractional amounts down to whole numbers:
Account (A) = 10% of 25 = 2.5 rounded down to 2
Account (B) = 10% of 15 = 1.5 rounded down to 1
Account (C) = 10% of 10 = 1 (no rounding necessary)
To Summarize:
A: initially receives 2 contracts, which is 2/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.08)
B: initially receives 1 contract, which is 1/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.067)
C: initially receives 1 contract, which is 1/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.10)
The system then allocates the next (and final) contract to an account with the smallest ratio (i.e. to Account B which currently has a ratio of 0.067).
A: final allocation of 2 contracts, which is 2/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.08)
B: final allocation of 2 contracts, which is 2/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.134)
C: final allocation of 1 contract, which is 1/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.10)
The execution(s) received have now been allocated in full.
Example #3:
CTA/FA creates a DAY order to buy 50 Sept 2016 XYZ future contracts and specifies “XYZ commodities” as the predefined allocation profile. Upon transmission at 11 am (ET) the order begins to be executed2 but in very small portions and over a very long period of time. At 12 pm (ET) the order is canceled prior to being executed in full. As a result, only a portion of the order is filled (i.e., 3 of the 50 contracts are filled or 6%). Normally the system initially allocates by rounding fractional amounts down to whole numbers, however for a fill size of less than 4 shares/contracts, IB first allocates based on the following random allocation methodology.
In this case, since the fill size is 3, we skip the rounding fractional amounts down.
For the first share/contract, all A, B and C have the same initial fill ratio and fill quantity, so we randomly pick an account and allocate this share/contract. The system randomly chose account A for allocation of the first share/contract.
To Summarize3:
A: initially receives 1 contract, which is 1/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.04)
B: initially receives 0 contracts, which is 0/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.00)
C: initially receives 0 contracts, which is 0/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.00)
Next, the system will perform a random allocation amongst the remaining accounts (in this case accounts B & C, each with an equal probability) to determine who will receive the next share/contract.
The system randomly chose account B for allocation of the second share/contract.
A: 1 contract, which is 1/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.04)
B: 1 contract, which is 1/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.067)
C: 0 contracts, which is 0/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.00)
The system then allocates the final [3] share/contract to an account(s) with the smallest ratio (i.e. Account C which currently has a ratio of 0.00).
A: final allocation of 1 contract, which is 1/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.04)
B: final allocation of 1 contract, which is 1/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.067)
C: final allocation of 1 contract, which is 1/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.10)
The execution(s) received have now been allocated in full.
Available allocation Flags
Besides the allocation methods above, user can choose the following flags, which also influence the allocation:
· Strict per-account allocation.
For the initially submitted order if one or more subaccounts are rejected by the credit checking, we reject the whole order.
· “Close positions first”1.This is the default handling mode for all orders which close a position (whether or not they are also opening position on the other side or not). The calculation are slightly different and ensure that we do not start opening position for one account if another account still has a position to close, except in few more complex cases.
Other factor affects allocations:
1) Mutual Fund: the allocation has two steps. The first execution report is received before market open. We allocate based onMonetaryValue for buy order and MonetaryValueShares for sell order. Later, when second execution report which has the NetAssetValue comes, we do the final allocation based on first allocation report.
2) Allocate in Lot Size: if a user chooses (thru account config) to prefer whole-lot allocations for stocks, the calculations are more complex and will be described in the next version of this document.
3) Combo allocation1: we allocate combo trades as a unit, resulting in slightly different calculations.
4) Long/short split1: applied to orders for stocks, warrants or structured products. When allocating long sell orders, we only allocate to accounts which have long position: resulting in calculations being more complex.
5) For non-guaranteed smart combo: we do allocation by each leg instead of combo.
6) In case of trade bust or correction1: the allocations are adjusted using more complex logic.
7) Account exclusion1: Some subaccounts could be excluded from allocation for the following reasons, no trading permission, employee restriction, broker restriction, RejectIfOpening, prop account restrictions, dynamic size violation, MoneyMarketRules restriction for mutual fund. We do not allocate to excluded accountsand we cancel the order after other accounts are filled. In case of partial restriction (e.g. account is permitted to close but not to open, or account has enough excess liquidity only for a portion of the desired position).
Family Advisors and Non-Professional Advisor Accounts that are reclassified from Professional to Non-Professional are subject to the same market data cancellation, replacement and billing considerations as noted above for Individual accounts.
a) 您是否出於業務需要、或代表其他商業實體接收財經信息(包括關於證券、商品及其他金融產品的新聞或價格數據)?
b) 您是否代表公司、合夥企業、專業信託機構、專業投資俱樂部或其他實體開展證券、商品或外匯交易?
c) 您是否就以下事項與其他實體或個人達成過協議:(a) 分享交易活動的盈利,或(b)獲取交易酬勞?
d) 您是否通過交易換取辦公場所、設備或其他福利?或者,您是否擔任任意個人、企業或商業實體的財務顧問?
a) 目前您是否擔任任何投資顧問或經紀交易商的職務?
b) 您是否擔任證券、商品或外匯方面的資產管理人?
c) 目前您是否在工作中使用此類財經信息,或將其用於管理您的雇主或公司的資產?
d) 您交易時是否使用了其他個人或實體的資金?
a) 您是否以任意方式向任意第三方傳播、再傳播、發布或提供任何從服務中獲得的財經信息?
a) 目前,您是否為任意證券機構、商品或期貨市場的註冊或合資格的專業證券交易員,或為任意國家交易所、監管機構、專業協會或公認專業機構的投資顧問?i, ii
是☐ 否☐
i) 監管機構的例子包括但不限於:
ii) 自律組織(SROs)的例子包括但不限於:
1. 您的資金
首先,通過您的賬戶管理 > 資金 > 資金轉賬 > 轉賬類型:“存款”創建一個存款通知(如何創建存款通知)。第二步,通知您的銀行進行電匯轉賬,在存款通知中提供詳細銀行信息。
通過您的賬戶管理 > 資金 > 資金轉賬 > 轉賬類型:“取款”創建一個取款指令(如何創建取款指令)
a) 資金轉賬需要1至4個工作日。
b) 存款通知缺失。您必須通過賬戶管理創建存款通知并向客戶服務發送一條咨詢單。
c) 修改詳情缺失。轉賬詳情中缺失您的姓名和IB賬戶號碼。您必須聯繫您的銀行索取完整的修改詳情。
d) IB發起的ACH存款7個工作日內限額為10萬美元。如果您開立的是初始要求為11萬美元的投資組合保證金賬戶,最好選擇電匯存款以減少您第一筆交易的等待時間。如果選擇ACH,會需要等待近2周時間,或者可以選擇臨時升級至RegT。
a) 資金轉賬需要1至4個工作日。
b) 被拒。超出最大取款限額。請檢查您賬戶的現金餘額。注意,出於監管要求,存入資金時會有三天置存期,之後才可以被取出。
c) 您的銀行退回了資金。可能是因為接收銀行賬戶與匯款銀行賬戶名稱不匹配。
2. 設置您的賬戶以進行交易
3. 如何交易
魔方TWS:直觀可用性, 簡便的交易准入,定單管理,自選列表與圖表全部在一個窗口呈現。
基本描述與信息 / 快速入門指南 / 用戶指南
互動課程:TWS基礎 / TWS設置 / 魔方TWS
如何下單交易:標準模式TWS視頻 / 魔方TWS視頻
交易工具:基本描述與信息 / 用戶指南
要求:如何安裝適用於Windows的Java / 如何安裝適用於MAC的Java / 需打開端口4000和4001
登錄TWS / 下載TWS
快速入門指南 / 網絡交易者用戶指南
我們的移動解決方案可供您隨時隨地用您的IB賬戶進行交易。IB TWS iOS版和IB TWS BlackBerry版是為這些型號定制設計的,而通用的移動交易者支持大多數其他職能手機。
定單類型 可用定單類型與描述 / 視頻 / 課程 / 用戶指南
模擬交易 基本描述與信息 / 如何獲得模擬交易賬戶
一旦您的模擬交易賬戶創建成功,您便可用模擬交易賬戶分享您真實賬戶的市場數據:賬戶管理 > 管理賬戶 > 設置 > 模擬交易
4. 在全球範圍進行交易
A) 貨幣轉換。
B) IB保證金貸款。(對現金賬戶不可用)
5. 拓展您IB經驗的五個要點
1. 合約搜索
2. IB知識庫
3. 賬戶管理
登錄賬戶管理 / 賬戶管理快速入門指南 / 賬戶管理用戶指南
4. 安全登錄系統
為向您提供最高級別的在線安全,盈透證券推出了安全登錄系統(SLS),通過安全登錄系統訪問賬戶需要進行雙因素驗證。雙因素驗證旨在于登錄時採用兩項安全因素確認您的身份:1) 您的用戶名與密碼組合;和2) 生成隨機、一次性安全代碼的安全設備。因為登錄賬戶需要既知曉您的用戶名/密碼又持有實物安全設備,所以參加安全登錄系統基本上可以杜絕除您以外的其他任何人訪問您賬戶的可能性。
如何激活您的安全設備 / 如何獲取安全代碼卡 / 如何退還安全設備
5. 報表與報告
Insight into completing the new Non-Professional Questionnaire.
The NYSE and most US exchanges require vendors to positively confirm the market data status of each customer before allowing them to receive market data. Going forward, the Non-Professional Questionnaire will be used to identify and positively confirm the market data status of all customer subscribers. As per exchange requirements, without positively identifying customers as non-professional, the default market data status will be professional. The process will protect and maintain the correct market data status for all new subscribers. For a short guide on non-professional definitions, please see
Each question on the questionnaire must be answered in order to have a non-professional designation. As exchanges require positive confirmations of proof for non-professional designations, an incomplete or unclear Non-Professional Questionnaire will result in a Professional designation until the status can be confirmed.
If the status should change, please contact the helpdesk.
Explanation of questions:
a) Do you receive financial information (including news or price data concerning securities, commodities and other financial instruments) for your business or any other commercial entity?
Explanation: Are you receiving and using the market data for use on behalf of a company or other organization aside from using the data on this account for personal use?
b) Are you conducting trading of any securities, commodities or forex for the benefit of a corporation, partnership, professional trust, professional investment club or other entity?
Explanation: Are you trading for yourself only or are you trading on behalf of an organization (Ltd, LLC, GmbH, Co., LLP, Corp.)?
c) Have you entered into any agreement to (a) share the profit of your trading activities or (b) receive compensation for your trading activities?
Explanation: Are you being compensated to trade or are you sharing profits from your trading activities with a third party entity or individual?
d) Are you receiving office space, and equipment or other benefits in exchange for your trading or work as a financial consultant to any person, firm or business entity?
Explanation: Are you being compensated in any way for your trading activity by a third party, not necessarily by being paid in currency.
a) Are you currently acting in any capacity as an investment adviser or broker dealer?
Explanation: Are you being compensated to manage third party assets or compensated to advise others on how to manage their assets?
b) Are you engaged as an asset manager for securities, commodities or forex?
Explanation: Are you being compensated to manage securities, commodities, or forex?
c) Are you currently using this financial information in a business capacity or for managing your employer’s or company’s assets?
Explanation: Are you using data at all for a commercial purposes specifically to manage your employer and/or company assets?
d) Are you using the capital of any other individual or entity in the conduct of your trading?
Explanation: Are there assets of any other entity in your account other than your own?
a) Are you distributing, redistributing, publishing, making available or otherwise providing any financial information from the service to any third party in any manner?
Explanation: Are you sending any data you receive from us to another party in any way, shape, or form?
a) Are you currently registered or qualified as a professional securities trader with any security agency, or with any commodities or futures contract market or investment adviser with any national or state exchange, regulatory authority, professional association or recognized professional body? i, ii
i) Examples of Regulatory bodies include, but are not limited to,
ii) Examples of Self-Regulatory Organization (SROs) include, but are not limited to:
This article intends to clarify the definition of a Professional Market Data User (Commercial) versus a Non-Professional Market Data User (Private).
There has been heightened confusion regarding professional and non-professional market data subscriber classifications. Being marked as non-professional is not a personal label regarding one’s character. The classification is solely related to the user’s account type and/or job title/responsibilities. The focus is on how the data is being used. In order to avoid misunderstanding, we will reference “Professional” as “Commercial” use and “Non-professional” as “Private” use. In broad terms, Commercial usage relates to commerce or general business activity where market data is used in trading or adding other value on or behalf of businesses or entities. On the other hand, Private usage refers to market data for personal use only.
Therefore, any individual who utilizes market data to make investment decisions on behalf of an employer, or engages in the trading between businesses or entities, will be marked as a Commercial user.
According to many exchanges’ audit enforcement, the classification of Commercial vs Private usage may be determined by the user’s industry of employment rather than how the data is used. However, this approach is inaccurate. A user could work for a bank but not use market data in their day-to-day responsibilities (e.g. accountant, CEO, and/or bank clerk/teller).
For this reason, we consider the user’s employment responsibilities and account type rather than the employer or industry when determining a user’s market data classification. We understand that the fees charged by vendors and exchanges for Commercial use can be substantially more expensive than fees for Private use. Therefore, it is of the upmost importance to classify market data users fairly and accurately.
However, any user registered with a financial regulatory body (e.g. FINRA, NFA, CSA, et al.) will be marked as Commercial regardless of their employment status or position.
For detailed information on IBKR’s different account types, please see
We use the following guidelines to determine user and/or account-specific classifications. Please note that exchange policies require all new subscribers to be classified as Commercial until properly reviewed and proven to be eligible for Private use.
If any of the following criteria are met, the user/usage is classified as Commercial:
Individual/Joint Accounts:
Trust Accounts:
Advisor Accounts: