Secure Login with Digital Security Card+


Securely log into any IBKR application, including TWS, Client Portal or WebTrader, using IBKR's Digital Security Card+.


NOTE: The buttons on your security card are not touch sensitive, but rather require to be pressed.

1. When logging in to your account, enter your user name and password as usual (Point 1 of Figure 1). If successful, a 6-digit Challenge Code will appear (Point 2 of Figure 1).

Figure 1.


2. Turn on your device by pressing the “press” button until the 'PIN>' display appears (Figure 2), enter the 4-digit PIN code you specified at the time you requested the device, then press the “OK” button (Figure 3).


3. When the 'CHALLNG>' display appears on the device (Figure 4), enter the 6-digit Challenge Code from the login screen (step 1.) into the device, then press the "OK" button (Figure 5).

4. A response code will appear (Figure 6)

Figure 6.                                                          

5. Enter the 8 digits of the response code into the login screen (Figure 7). Select the Login button to proceed. If the passcode expires, start over from step 1. above.

Figure 7.                                                               

NOTE: The Security Code field will look slightly different depending on the application you are logging in to.


  • See KB1131 for an overview of the Secure Login System
  • See KB2636 for information and procedures related to Security Devices
  • See KB2481 for instructions about sharing the Security Login Device between two or more users
  • See KB2545 for instructions on how to opt back in to the Secure Login System
  • See KB975 for instructions on how to return your security device to IBKR
  • See KB2260 for instructions on activating the IB Key authentication via IBKR Mobile
  • See KB2895 for information about Multiple 2Factor System (M2FS)
  • See KB1861 for information about charges or expenses associated with the security devices
  • See KB69 for information about Temporary passcode validity

How is my IB Canada account protected?

The Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF) is sponsored by the Canadian regulator (IIROC) to ensure client assets held by a Canadian investment dealer are protected if a member firm becomes insolvent. IB Canada is a member of the CIPF which offers insurance against member default for amounts up to CAD 1,000,000. Covered assets include cash, securities and commodities and will depend on the account type:

Non-registered accounts (Cash, Margin, TFSA)

1,000,000 CAD for any combination of cash, securities and commodities under all non-registered account types.
For assets held in a joint account or under a corporation, the percentage interest is added towards the same total.

Registered account (RSP)

RSP accounts are treated as "Separate Account" and are eligible for an additional 1,000,000 CAD coverage. Additional details can be found on

Please note, IB Canada accounts receive CIPF protection in lieu of SIPC protection.

How to use Voice callback for receiving login authentication codes


 If you have SMS enabled as two-factor authentication method, you may use Voice callback to receive your login authentication codes. This article will provide you steps on how to select voice callback when logging in to our platforms.


How to use Voice callback
You may select Voice if you do not receive your login authentication code. You will then receive your login authentication code via an automated callback. Follow the instructions below, depending on which platform you are trying to login to.


Client Portal

1. Click on "Didn't receive a security code?"

2. From the two options, select "Voice" and wait for the callback.

3. After selecting Voice, you should receive the callback within a minute. Please wait for the callback and be ready to write down the code that will be provided over the callback.



1. Click on "Request new Security Code"

2. From the two options, select "Voice" and click on OK. Then wait for the callback.

 3. After selecting Voice, you should receive the callback within a minute. Please wait for the callback and be ready to write down the code that will be provided over the callback.

Note: Voice callback for the TWS is only available in the LATEST and BETA version.


IBKR Mobile - iOS

1. Click on "Request New Code"

2. From the two options, select "Voice" and wait for the callback.

 3. After selecting Voice, you should receive the callback within a minute. Please wait for the callback and be ready to write down the code that will be provided over the callback.


IBKR Mobile - Android

1. Click on "Request New Security Code"

2. From the two options, select "Voice" and wait for the callback.

 3. After selecting Voice, you should receive the callback within a minute. Please wait for the callback and be ready to write down the code that will be provided over the callback.




IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) Use Without Notifications

In case your smartphone is unable to receive IBKR Mobile notifications, you can still complete the login process using the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) Challenge/Response method, described on the following pages (according to your device operating system):

The same information applies to you if your phone has no Internet connectivity (you are in roaming, out of coverage, without an active mobile data plan, etc.)

If your smartphone is unable to receive IBKR Mobile notifications despite having Internet connectivity, we recommend you to perform the steps outlined in the IBKR Knowledge Base.




在IBKR,我們致力於通過雙因素驗證登錄保護您的賬戶。在雙因素驗證模式下,只有通過使用兩項安全因素才能訪問賬戶,即“您已知的”(用戶名和密碼)和“您已有的”(工具生成的隨機密碼,將在用戶名和密碼後輸入)。 雙因素保護旨在降低網絡黑客(其可通過惡意軟件或社會工程陷阱取得您的密碼)訪問您賬戶的風險。


1. 始終可用:

2. 便利:

3. 快速激活:

4. 無需郵寄、運輸或退還:

5. 用我們的無縫驗證實現安全且快速通暢的登錄:
登錄交易平臺或客戶端時,您只需輸入用戶名和密碼 - IBKR會向您發送通知,您再通過IB Key協議用生物特徵識別或PIN碼(具體取決於您的配置)完成驗證。

6. 允許多個使用者用同一個應用程序進行驗證:

7. 所有智能手機都可使用:

8. 可離線運行:

9. 重置密碼安全傳輸:
安裝了移動IBKR並激活了IB Key驗證後,您便可讓IBKR客服將臨時密碼以一種安全的方式發送到您的手機,而無需通過短信或其它方式。

10. 內存占用量小:



如何將移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)遷移到新手機

您可以將移動IBKR應用程序同時安裝在多個設備上,但集成的驗證模塊——移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)——只能在一個手機上激活,您將在這台手機上完成任何其它設備觸發的雙因素驗證任務。

儘管如此,如果您有多台手機,或者如果您丟了/換了手機,您也可以在無需聯繫IBKR客戶服務的情况下直接遷移移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)激活。移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)遷移可供您在從主設備/舊設備上移除雙因素驗證功能的同時繼續在備用手機/新手機上執行雙因素驗證任務。
    - 該程序將完全在您的備用手機/新手機上進行。無需用到主手機/舊手機(當前激活了移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)的設備)
    - 除非您的使用者有已激活的實物安全設備,否則您會需要最初用來激活移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)的手機號碼,因爲在遷移過程中,我們會向該號碼發送短信(SMS)。


  • iOS
  • 安卓



1. 打開移動IBKR,輸入用戶名和密碼,點擊登錄
圖 1

2. 選擇遷移IB Key圖 2),然後點擊遷移IB Key確認您的選擇(圖 3
圖 2                                                              圖 3


3. 閱讀完說明後,點擊繼續
圖 4
4. 輸入用戶名和密碼,點擊登錄
圖 5
5. 從發送給您的短信(SMS)中找到激活碼圖 6)。在激活碼對應框輸入激活碼,然後點擊激活圖 7
圖 6                                                             圖 7
6. 點擊完成完成遷移程序
圖 8




1. 打開移動IBKR,輸入用戶名和密碼,點擊登錄
圖 1

2. 選擇遷移IB Key圖 2),然後點擊遷移IB Key確認您的選擇(圖 3
圖 2                                                            圖 3
3. 閱讀完說明後,點擊繼續
圖 4
4. 輸入用戶名和密碼,點擊登錄
圖 5
5. 從發送給您的短信(SMS)中找到激活碼圖 6)。在短信碼對應框輸入激活碼,然後點擊驗證圖 7
圖 6                                                          圖 7
6. 自行設置一個PIN碼(字母數字,4到6個字符,至少有一個數字),輸入到PIN碼對應框。然後在重複PIN碼區域再次輸入該PIN碼進行確認。點擊激活
圖 8
7. 點擊完成完成遷移程序
圖 9



  • 參見KB2879KB2260瞭解有關移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)的基本信息
  • 參見KB2260瞭解移動IBKR應用程序的安裝/激活/操作說明
  • 參見KB2278瞭解在蘋果手機上操作移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)的說明
  • 參見KB2277瞭解在安卓手機上操作移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)的說明 
  • 參見KB3279瞭解在另一手機上啓用了移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)的情况下如何登錄移動IBKR
  • 參見KB3073瞭解如何重新激活或遷移移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)


在其它手機上啓用了移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)的情况下如何登錄移動IBKR


驗證設備:這是您激活了移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)的智能手機







1. 交易設備上打開移動IBKR應用程序。在登錄界面輸入用戶名和密碼,點擊登錄
 圖 1
2. 點擊雙因素驗證 (圖 2)。屏幕會出現一條挑戰碼(圖 3
  圖 2                                                            圖 3
 圖 4
4a.如果沒有自動登錄,點擊左上角的服務圖 5),然後點擊驗證圖 6)。
 圖 5                                                          圖 6
  圖 7

5.輸入在第2步中獲得的挑戰碼。然後點擊生成響應碼 圖 8)。提供安全驗證要素後(圖 9),您便會收到一條響應字符串(圖 10)。
  圖 8                                                     圖 9                                                  圖 10

6. 交易設備上,將響應字符串輸入到“輸入響應碼“區域,然後點擊發送以最終完成驗證程序。
 圖 11




1. 交易設備上打開移動IBKR應用程序。在登錄界面輸入用戶名和密碼,點擊登錄
  圖 1
2. 點擊雙因素驗證 (圖 2)。  您會看到一條挑戰碼(圖 3
 圖 2                                                          圖 3
 圖 4
4a.如果沒有自動登錄,點擊服務圖 5),然後點擊驗證圖 6)
 圖 5                                                            圖 6
4b.如果已經登錄,點擊菜單按鈕(圖 7),向下滾動,然後點擊驗證圖 8)。
圖 7                                                          圖 8
5.輸入您移動IBKR的PIN碼以及您在第2步中獲得的挑戰碼,然後點擊生成響應碼圖 9)。屏幕上會顯示一條響應字符串(圖 10
圖 9                                                         圖 10
6. 交易設備上,將響應字符串輸入到“輸入響應碼“區域,然後點擊登錄以最終完成驗證程序。
 圖 11

  • 參見KB2260 瞭解如何使用移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)
  • 參見KB3073瞭解如何將移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)遷移到新手機
  • 參見KB2748瞭解如何恢復移動IBKR驗證程序(IB Key)


I am not receiving text messages (SMS) from IBKR on my mobile phone


Once your mobile phone number has been verified in the Client Portal, you should immediately be able to receive text messages (SMS) from IBKR directly to your mobile phone. This article will provide you with basic troubleshooting steps in case you are unable to receive such messages.


1. Activate the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) as 2-Factor security device

In order to be independent of wireless/phone carrier-related issues and have a steady delivery of all IBKR messages we recommend to activate the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) on your smartphone.

The smartphone authentication with IB Key provided by our IBKR Mobile app serves as a 2-Factor security device, thereby eliminating the need to receive authentication codes via SMS when logging in to your IBKR account. 

Our IBKR Mobile app is currently supported on smartphones running either Android or iOS operating system. The installation, activation, and operating instructions can be found here:

Android: KB2277
iOS: KB2278


2. Restart your phone:

Power your device down completely and turn it back on. Usually this should be sufficient for text messages to start coming through. 

Please note that in some cases, such as roaming outside of your carrier's coverage (when abroad) you might not receive all messages.


3. Use Voice callback

If you do not receive your login authentication code after restarting your phone, you may select 'Voice' instead. You will then receive your login authentication code via an automated callback. Further instructions on how to use Voice callback can be found in IBKB 3396.


4. Check whether your phone carrier is blocking the SMS from IBKR

Some phone carriers automatically block IBKR text messages, as they are wrongly recognized as spam or undesirable content. According to your region, those are the services you can contact to check if a SMS filter is in place for your phone number:

In the US:

In India:

In China:

  • Call your phone carrier directly to check whether they are blocking IBKR messages




How to Migrate IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) to a New Smartphone

You may have the IBKR Mobile app installed simultaneously on multiple devices but the integrated authentication module IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) can only be active on a single smartphone, on which you will complete the Two-Factor authentication tasks triggered from any other device.

Nevertheless, if you possess multiple smartphones or if you lost/replaced your smartphone, you have the possibility to Migrate the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) activation, without the need of contacting IBKR Client Services. The IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) migration allows you to carry on the Two-Factor authentication tasks on your secondary/new smartphone, while removing this capability from your primary/old device.
This procedure can be used in case you lost/replaced your device or in preparation for a business trip or for a holiday period, during which you will not have access to it.
    - This procedure will be entirely performed on your secondary/new smartphone. You do not need to be in possession of your primary/old smartphone (where IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) is currently active)
    - Unless you have a physical security device active for your user, you need to have access to the mobile phone number you originally used to activate IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key), since we will send a text message (SMS) to that mobile number as a part of the migration procedure.

    Once you have reviewed the above requirements, please click one of the below links, according to the operating system of your secondary smartphone

  • Apple iOS
  • Android


Apple iOS

1. Open IBKR Mobile, enter your username and password and tap Log In
Figure 1

2. Select the Migrate IB Key option (Figure 2), then tap Migrate IB Key to confirm your choice (Figure 3)
Figure 2                                                              Figure 3


3. Once you have read the instructions, tap Continue
Figure 4
4. Enter your username and password, then tap Log In
Figure 5
5. Read the Activation Token from the text message (SMS) sent to you (Figure 6). Enter the Activation Token in the Activation Code field, then tap Activate (Figure 7)
Figure 6                                                             Figure 7
6. Tap Done to complete the migration process
Figure 8




1. Open IBKR Mobile and enter your username and password and tap Log In
Figure 1

2. Select the Migrate IB Key option (Figure 2), then tap Migrate IB Key to confirm your choice (Figure 3)
Figure 2                                                            Figure 3
3. Once you have read the instructions, tap Continue
Figure 4
4. Enter your username and password, then tap Log In
Figure 5
5. Read the Activation Token from the text message (SMS) sent to you (Figure 6). Enter the Activation Token in the SMS Code field, then tap Verify (Figure 7)
Figure 6                                                          Figure 7
6. Choose a PIN of your preference (alphanumeric, between 4 and 6 characters, with at least one number) and enter it into the PIN field. Then enter the same PIN in to the Repeat PIN field to confirm it. Tap Activate
Figure 8
7. Tap Done to complete the migration process
Figure 9



  • See KB2879, KB2260 for General information about IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key)
  • See KB2260 for instructions on how to install/activate/operate the IBKR Mobile app
  • See KB2278 for instructions on how to operate your IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) on an Apple iPhone
  • See KB2277 for instructions on how to operate your IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) on an Android smartphone: 
  • See KB3279 for instructions on how to log in to IBKR Mobile when IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) is enabled on another phone
  • See KB3073 for instructions on how to reactivate or transfer the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key)


How to Log in to IBKR Mobile when IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) is Enabled on Another Phone

This article is intended for clients who have activated the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) on their smartphone and possess as well an additional mobile device, on which they desire to trade.
Clients with this setup will be able to log in to the IBKR Mobile trading platform on their secondary device, using their smartphone to complete the Two-Factor Authentication step.


For the purposes of this article, we will use the following naming convention:

Authentication device: this is the smartphone on which you activated the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key)

Trading device: this is where you want to use IBKR Mobile app for trading.



Please click on one of the link below according to your phone operating system:


Apple iOS

1. On your Trading device, launch the IBKR Mobile app. Enter your your credentials in the login screen and tap Log In
 Figure 1
2. Tap Two-Factor Authentication (Figure 2).  A Challenge code will be displayed (Figure 3)
  Figure 2                                                            Figure 3
3. On the Authentication device, launch the IBKR Mobile app
 Figure 4
4a. If you are not automatically logged in, tap Services (Figure 5) on the top left, then tap Authenticate (Figure 6).
 Figure 5                                                          Figure 6
4b. If you are already logged in, tap on the More button on the bottom right. Then, scroll down and tap on Authenticate
  Figure 7

5. Enter the Challenge code you obtained at point 2. Then tap Generate Response (Figure 8). Once you have provided your security element (Figure 9), you will receive a Response String (Figure 10).
  Figure 8                                                     Figure 9                                                  Figure 10

6. On your Trading device, enter the Response String into the "Enter response code" field and tap Send to finalize the authentication process.
 Figure 11




1. On your Trading device, launch the IBKR Mobile app. Enter your your credentials in the login screen and tap Log In
  Figure 1
2. Tap on the option Two-Factor Authentication (Figure 2).  You will see a Challenge code (Figure 3)
 Figure 2                                                          Figure 3
3. On the Authentication device, launch the IBKR Mobile app
 Figure 4
4a. If you are not automatically logged in, tap Services (Figure 5) and then tap Authenticate (Figure 6).
 Figure 5                                                            Figure 6
4b. If you are already logged in, tap the Menu button (Figure 7), scroll down and tap Authenticate (Figure 8).
  Figure 7                                                          Figure 8
5. Enter your IBKR Mobile PIN and the Challenge code you obtained at point 2. Then tap Generate Response (Figure 9). A Response String will be displayed (Figure 10)
  Figure 9                                                         Figure 10
6. On your Trading device, enter the Response String in to the "Enter response code" field and then tap Log In to finalize the authentication process.
 Figure 11

  • See KB2260 for general instructions on how to use IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key)
  • See KB3073 for instructions on how to migrate the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) to a new smartphone
  • See KB2748 for instructions on how to perform the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) recovery


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