Forex Execution Statistics


IBKR clients can now analyze the quality of their forex executions in comparison to forex trades by other IBKR customers through the FX Browser tool in Client Portal. The tool provides transaction data for the 15 forex transactions that occur immediately before and after in the same currency pair of the client's transaction.


The number of transactions may be limited to fewer than the stated 15 as the NFA also has placed a 15 minute window on the query. Meaning, if within a 15 minute window before and after the customer's execution there are fewer than 15 executions the customer's query will return only those executions which occurred within the time window.

Accessing the FX Browser Tool
To Access the FX Browser tool, login to Client Portal using the Login button on our website. Click the Help menu (question mark icon in the top right corner) followed by Support Center. Please note, at this time only data for the live account will be provided.


From there, select "See Trades on IBKR's FX Platform" from the list of Information & Tools:


Submitting a Query

When the FX Browser is launched, you will be presented with the following screen:


Please note that only Trade Date is a mandatory field in the query. When clicking on the Trade Date field, a calendar widget will populate and allow you to select your trade date. Only transactions from the last 6 months will be available to search.


Active customers may wish to limit the results by further selecting the currency pair, side or time of the execution.

Once the desired query has been entered, click on the Submit button.

The next screen will display the list of executions for the given account on the specified day. From there, you may select the execution you wish to receive the execution statistics on.


Once the execution you wish to view has been selected, click the "Download NFA Report" button.


Reading the Report
The results will be returned in a new tab and will contain the 15 executions before and 15 executions after the trade you selected on the previous screen. Per the note above, if fewer than 15 executions occurred in the 15 minute time frame only those executions will be displayed.

The query results will include the following information:

  • Execution date and time, as expressed in Eastern time
  • Side (buy or sell)
  • Quantity (of Transaction Currency)
  • Currency pair
  • Execution price
  • Commissions and other charges assessed by the FDM
  • Currency denomination of commissions

Your trade will be marked as Trade Number "0" and the trades before and after your trade will be numbered from 1 to 15.


Error Messages

If the search criteria you enter does not bring up any trade information, you will be presented with the following error message:


Automatic Forex Swap


In general, interest on account balances are credited/debited at benchmark rates plus/minus a spread as shown on our web pages. For qualified clients with substantial forex positions, however, IB has created a mechanism to carry large gross FX positions with higher efficiency with respect to carrying costs. We refer to it as the “auto swap program”. The design allows clients to benefit from IB’s participation in the interbank forex swaps market where implied interest rate spreads are usually much narrower than the spreads available in the retail deposit market. 

a. Concept 

Interest is charged on settled balances, so the intent of a Forex swap as used here is to defer the settlement of a currency position from one day to the next business day. This is done by a simultaneous sell and buy of the same amount of base (first) currency but for two different value dates e.g. on T you go long 10 mio. EUR.USD for value date T+2. By example, on T+1 the position is swapped T+2 to T+3, here a sell of 10 mio EUR.USD for T+2 and a purchase of 10 mio. EUR.USD for T+3. As a result you have deferred settlement from T+2 to T+3, with the difference in prices of the two trades representing the financing cost from T+2 to T+3.

b. Cost

This service is provided as a free service and no commission or markup is charged by Interactive Brokers. The interbank market bid/ask spread inherent in the swap prices may be regarded as a cost but is not determined by Interactive Brokers. Interactive Brokers provides the service on a best efforts basis to our large Forex clients.

c. Position Criteria

Swap activity is only applied to accounts with gross FX positions larger than 10 mio. USD or approximate equivalent of other currencies. Positions are swapped (rolled) in increments or multiples of USD 1 mio. (or equivalent). The residual settled balances are traded under IB‘s standard interest model1. Positions that are swapped (rolled) are real positions, i.e. the projected T+1 settled cash balances.

The so-called “Virtual Positions” are not considered; the virtual position is only a representation of the original trades expressed as currency pairs, for example EUR.CHF.

Settled cash balances are a single currency concept, e.g. EUR or CNH. IB executes all swaps against USD as it is the most efficient funding currency. Should you have a position in a cross, e.g. EUR against CHF, two swaps, one in EUR.USD and one in USD.CHF will be done. The threshold(s) and increment(s) may change at any time without notice.

d. Client Eligibility

As we offer this service for free, only clients with substantial currency positions are eligible for inclusion in the service. US legal residents need to be an Eligible Contract Participant (ECP) and be in the possession of an LEI number (legal entity identifier). Interactive Brokers cannot guarantee a client’s inclusion in the program and all inquiries require compliance approval prior to become active.2

e. Swap Price Recognition 

Interactive Brokers may conduct a series of swaps in a currency during a day. Interactive Brokers will use average bid and ask prices at which it executed, respectively average bid and asks as quoted in the interbank market. Swap prices are not published but can be seen (or calculated) in the statement after execution. The swaps are applied in the account at the end of the day.

f. Recognition in the Statement 

You will find the swap transaction(s) in the Trades section of the statement. The swap are represented as simultaneous purchase/sale or vice versa, do not have a time stamp and shows an M (manual entry) in the code column. The actual swap prices are the difference in between the two prices.

Here an example for cob 20150203 that shows a swap from 20150203 to 20150204.


g. Examples of Swap Prices 

Here a couple of examples that use swap prices from a major interbank provider. Often bid/ask spreads are even tighter. 

Currency Pair

Spot Bid

Spot Ask


Days in Period (TN)

Swap Points Bid

Swap Points Ask

Implied Currency

Implied Rate Bid

Implied Rate Ask









































In more detail, let’s assume you want to calculate the implied CNH rate resulting from a USD.CNH swap. We are looking for the implied rate of the quote currency CNH (Currency 2). Therefore the following formula is used:



Description Variable Value
Currency Pair (Currency1.Currency2) USD.CNH  
day count convention Currency 1 (base Currency), i.e. USD dayCountCurr1 360
day count convention Currency 2 (quote Currency), i.e. CNH dayCountCurr2 365
Tenor TomNext  
number of days in the Tenor noDays 1
interest rate of Currency 1 (in decimals, i.e. 1% = 0.01) inRateCurr1 0.0070
Currency rate (Spot) currencyRate 6.939500
swap Points expressed in decimals swapPoints 0.0012
near Currency Rate (Spot - swap points) nearCurrencyRate 6.938300
far Currency Rate (in a Tomnext swap this is the spot rate) farCurrencyRate 6.939500
implied interes rate of Currency2, i.e. CNH impliedRateCurrncy2(quoteCurrency) 0.0702

 So using above figures, this results in a 7.02% implied interest rate for CNH.


Now if you wanted to calculate the implied rate for the base currency (Currency 1) the formula would change slightly. Here an example using EUR.USD:


Description Variable Value
Currency Pair (Currency1.Currency2) EUR.USD  
day count convention Currency 1 (base Currency), i.e. EUR dayCountCurr1 360
day count convention Currency 2 (quote Currency), i.e. USD dayCountCurr2 360
Tenor TomNext  
number of days in the Tenor noDays 1
interest rate of Currency 2 (in decimals, i.e. 1% = 0.01) inRateCurr2 0.0070
Currency rate (Spot) currencyRate 1.039900
swap Points expressed in decimals swapPoints 0.000042
near Currency Rate (Spot - swap points) nearCurrencyRate 1.039858
far Currency Rate (in a Tomnext swap this is the spot rate) farCurrencyRate 1.039900
implied interes rate of Currency1, i.e. EUR impliedRateCurrncy1(baseCurrency) -0.0075

 Using above example, this results in a -0.75 % implied interest rate for EUR. 


1. For example, in the case of a USD 20.3 mio. position only 20 mio. will be swapped. USD 0.3 remains in the account and interest using benchmark and spreads will be applied. A USD 300k position will not be considered for swapping at all. The position by currency is taken as the reference, regardless of the overall position. 

 2 US, Australian and Israeli domiciled residents are currently not eligible for inclusion in the Automated Forex Swap Program.




Summary of Risks relating to Forex CFDs issued by Interactive Brokers Securities Japan, Inc.


This summary highlights the principal risks associated with trading Forex CFDs issued by IBSJ (“IB FXCFDs"). It is not a risk disclosure for regulatory purposes.

  • Trading of IB FXCFDs is not suitable for all investors, and you should not trade them unless you are an experienced investor with a high risk tolerance and the capability to sustain losses if they occur
  • The volatility of foreign exchange rates and interest rates may quickly cause significant losses. Forex CFDs employ leverage that further amplifies the volatility relative to your investment and you may lose more than you have invested. In addition, IB FXCFD roll over interest may turn from a credit to a debit due to changes in interest rates
  • You are required to maintain sufficient equity in your account at all times to cover IBSJs maintenance margin requirement. There are no grace-periods and IBSJ does not issue margin calls. Your equity is calculated in real time and should it become insufficient, IBSJ will immediately and automatically liquidate positions to bring your account into margin compliance. Real time liquidations aim to minimize the risk that your account equity becomes negative, but they cannot eliminate that risk. Should your equity become negative you are required to deposit additional funds to cover the deficit
  • The price IBSJ displays to you for IB FXCFDs is based on the prevailing foreign exchange market. However there is no guarantee for executions at that price. Slippage may occur for large trades or in fast moving markets and during heavily traded hours
  • Moreover, your ability to establish or close positions on a timely basis is not guaranteed. It may become difficult to display quotes during major holidays or during hours when foreign exchange trading is not active. IBSJ may display prices that deviate from a fair market due to system-malfunctions or failures, or erroneous quotes that IBSJ may receive from market participants or for other reasons (off-market prices). IBSJ will adjust or cancel trades executed with off-market prices
  • IB FXCFDs are over-the-counter trades between you and IBSJ. They are not traded on any exchange or cleared by any central counterparty. You are therefore exposed to counterparty risk and should IBSJ become insolvent you may not be able to fully recoup your investment, or at all

Please contact IBSJs Client Service Department should you have questions about the content of this summary and read the full risk disclosure carefully before commencing trading. The risk disclosure is available in Account Management when you request IB FXCFD trading permissions, and on IBSJs web site.

CFD sur Forex IBKR - Informations et FAQ

L’article qui suit constitue une introduction générale aux CFD (contrat sur différence) sur Forex émis par IB UK.


Les CFD sur Forex IB sont disponibles pour les 85 paires de devises que nous proposons pour le FX spot, avec les mêmes faibles commissions et taux de marge. Les CFD sur Forex se basent sur un modèle de financement extrêmement compétitif sous forme de contrat dont vous trouverez le détail ci-dessous.
Pour des informations concernant les CFD sur actions IB, veuillez cliquer ici Pour les CFD sur indices, cliquez ici.

Avertissement concernant les risques
Les CFD sont des instruments complexes associés à un risque élevé de perte financière rapide en raison de l'effet de levier.

67% des comptes d'investisseurs de détail perdent de l'argent lorsqu'ils tradent des CFD avec IBKR (UK).

Vous devez vous assurer que vous comprenez la manière dont fonctionnent les CFD et que vous pouvez vous permettre de courir un risque élevé de perdre de l'argent.

Règles ESMA relatives aux CFD (Pour les clients de détail uniquement)

L'Autorité européenne des marchés financiers (ESMA) a édicté de nouvelles règles relatives aux CFD qui entreront en vigueur à compter du 1er août 2018.

Les règles consistent en: 1) des limites sur les effets de levier à l'ouverture de positions de CFD; 2) une règle de clôture des positions ouvertes par compte basée sur la marge 3) une protection contre les soldes négatifs par compte. La Décision de l'ESMA ne s'applique qu'aux clients de détail.

Les clients professionnels ne sont pas affectés.

Veuillez vous référer au document Application des règles de l'ESMA sur les CFD à IBKR pour plus d'informations.


Caractéristiques des CFD sur Forex IBKR

Cotations DMA transparentes: Pour vous assurer des spreads aussi serrés et une liquidité substantielle, nous combinons les flux de cotation de 14 des plus grands négociateurs de Forex, ce qui représente plus de 70% de part de marché du marché interbancaire mondial.* Cela nous permet d'afficher des cotations de 0.1 PIP seulement. IB ne majore pas les cotations. Nous répercutons les prix que nous recevons et facturons une faible commission séparément.

*Source: Euromoney FX survey FX Poll 2016.

Taux d'intérêt sur portage: Les CFD sur Forex sont prorogés en reflétant le différentiel du taux d'intérêt de référence de la paire de devise concernée. Il est en principe similaire aux TOM Next rolls utilisés par d'autres courtiers mais offre plus de stabilité étant donné que les taux de benchmark sont généralement moins volatiles que les taux de swap. De plus, IB applique un spread à faible financement avec un taux de départ de 1.0% seulement pour les paires de devises majeures, et pouvant descendre à 0.5% pour les soldes sur des   soldes importants. Les paires plus volatiles ont des spreads à financement plus élevé.
Le taux d'intérêt pour les CFD sur Forex se base sur une paire de devises pour un benchmark et un spread spécifiques. Le benchmark est la différence entre les taux du benchmark (BM) IB pour ces deux devises. Il se calcule comme suit : + Devise de base BM – Devise de cotation BM.

Le 21 avril 2016, le taux de benchmark était par exemple de 0.483% et le taux USD de 0.37%. Le taux de benchmark applicable était donc:

GBP.USD BM +0.48% - 0.37% = +0.113%

Le taux applicable pour le client est : Paire BM - spread IB pour positions longues, Paire BM + spread pour positions courtes.

GBP.USD Taux long +0.113% - 1.00% = -0.887%

GBP.USD Taux court +0.113% + 1.00% = +1.113%

Il est important de noter que le taux long est crédité, tandis que le taux court est débité. Par conséquent, pour une position longue, un taux positif se traduit par un crédit, et un taux négatif par une charge. Cependant, pour les positions courtes, un taux positif signifie une charge et un taux négatif un crédit.

Le taux d'intérêt est calculé sur la valeur du contrat exprimée dans la devise de cotation et crédité ou débité dans cette même devise. Par exemple :

Par exemple :

Intérêt journalier
  Position GBP.USD Clôture Valeur USD Taux USD
GBP.USD -20,000 1.43232 -28,646.40 1.113% -0.89

Le taux d'intérêt sur les soldes de CFD sur Forex est calculé sur la base d'un contrat unique et n'est pas combiné ou consolidé aux expositions d'autres devises, y compris le FX spot. Bien qu'IB ne référence pas directement les taux de swap, IB se réserve le droit d'appliquer des taux plus élevés dans des conditions de marché exceptionnelles, telles que durant des pics des taux swap qui peuvent se produire en période de fin d'exercice financier.

L'échelle des taux d'intérêt peut être consultée ici.
Trading: Les CFD sur Forex sont tradés exactement comme le FX spot. Plus de 20 types d'ordres et algorithmes sont également disponibles. Les CFD sur Forex IB peuvent être tradés aussi bien dans TWS Classic que IB FX Trader. Pour trouver le contrat que vous souhaitez trader dans TWS Classic ou FX Trader, entrez la paire de devises (ex. EUR.USD) et choisissez le type de CFD dans la fenêtre contextuelle de sélection du contrat.
Marge:Les marges IB des CFD sur Forex sont déterminées par contrat pour chaque paire de devises, sans
qu'il soit tenu compte des soldes Forex détenus dans le compte, notamment le FX spot. Les plus petites marges représentent 2.5% de la valeur du contrat pour les paires de devises majeures. Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur toutes les paires de devises ici. Les clients de détail sont soumis à une marge initiale minimum réglementaire de 3.33% ou 5% selon la paire de devises. Veuillez consulter le document Application des règles de l'ESMA sur les CFD à IBKR pour plus d'informations.
Commissions: nous répercutons les prix que nous recevons et nous facturons une faible commission séparément.
Contrairement à de nombreux courtiers Forex qui ne font pas apparaître de commissions mais ajoutent une marge commerciale aux cotations, notre tarification est totalement transparente. Les commissions, allant de 0.20 points de base à 0.08 points de base, sont déterminées par palier sur la valeur mensuelle des transactions. Les CFD sur Forex ainsi que les volumes de FX spot sont comptabilisés dans le palier.
Vous trouverez plus d'informations ici.
Autorisations de trading: Afin de réaliser des opérations de trading de CFD, vous devez mettre en place les autorisations de trading de CFD sur Forex dans la Gestion de compte. Les critères d'éligibilité sont les mêmes que ceux du FX avec effet de levier.  Veuillez noter que les CFD sur Forex, tout comme les autres CFD, sont détenus auprès d'IB UK et par conséquent, si vous êtes titulaire d'un compte IB LLC, vous serez invité à ouvrir un segment IB UK. Le segment IB UK fera apparaître votre numéro de compte actuel, suivi du suffixe F.  

Exemple de trading (Clients professionnels)

Ouvrir une position

Vous achetez 10 lots de CFD (200000) à 1.16195$ pour 232,390 CHF que vous conservez pendant 5 jours.

EUR.CHF Forex CFDs – Nouvelle position
Prix du sous-jacent de référence 1.16188 - 1.16195
Prix de référence du CFD 1.16188 - 1.16195
Opération Acheter
Quantité 200,000
Valeur de la transaction 232,390.00 CHF
Marge (3% x 232,390) 9,100 AUD


Intérêt facturé (232,390 CHF pendant 5 jours)
Palier I (Paire BM 0.42% - IB Spread 1%) 232,390.00 CHF -0.58% (18.72 CHF)

Fermeture la position

Sortie de la position CFD
  Scénario de profit Scénario de perte
Prix du sous-jacent de référence 1.16840 - 1.16848 1.15539 - 1.15546
Prix de référence du CFD 1.16840 - 1.16848 1.15539 - 1.15546
Opération Vente Vente
Quantité 200,000 200,000
Valeur de la transaction 233,680.00 CHF 231,078.00 CHF
P&L de la transaction 1,290.00 CHF (1,312.00 CHF)
Financement (18.72 CHF) (18.72 CHF)
Droit d'entrée 0.002% (4.65 CHF) (4.65 CHF)
Droit d'entrée 0.002% (4.67 CHF) (4.62 CHF)
P&L total 1,261.96 CHF (1,339.99 CHF)

Ressources CFD

Vous trouverez ci-dessous des liens utiles contenant des informations plus détaillées sur l’offre des CFD IB:


Foire aux questions

Le trading de CFD IB est-il ouvert à tous?

Tous les clients peuvent trader des CFD IB à l'exception des résidents des États-Unis, du Canada et de Hong Kong. Il n'existe pas d'exemptions aux exclusions sur la base de la résidence en fonction du type d'investisseur.


Quelle est la différence entre les CFD IB sur Forex et IB Cash Forex?

IB Cash Forex est une transaction de cash avec effet de levier pour laquelle vous prenez livraison des deux devises constituant la paire. Les soldes associés à votre trading de Forex sont combinés à vos soldes générés par vos autres activités de trading et vous payez ou percevez des intérêts sur ces soldes consolidés sur la base du taux du benchmark pour chaque devise.

En revanche, les CFD sur Forex IB sont des contrats qui fournissent une exposition mais pour lesquels le sous-jacent n'est pas livré, vous payez ou percevez un intérêt sur la valeur notionnelle du contrat. Le taux de benchmark  pour le contrat est la différence entre les taux de benchmark pour les deux devises sous-jacentes. Il est en principe similaire aux TOM Next rolls utilisés par d'autres courtiers mais offre plus de stabilité étant donné que les taux de benchmark sont généralement moins volatiles que les taux de swap.

Veuillez consulter la section traitant des intérêts reportés ci-dessus pour un exemple plus détaillé.


Existe t-il des conditions en termes de données de marché?

Les données de marché pour les CFD IB sur Forex sont les mêmes que pour le FX avec effet de levier. Il s'agit d'une autorisation au niveau mondial,  gratuite.


Mes transactions de CFD apparaissent-elles dans mes relevés de compte?

Si vous êtes titulaire d'un compte détenu par IB LLC, vos positions de CFD sont détenues dans un segment de compte distinct identifié par le suffixe "F" et votre numéro de compte principal. Vous pouvez choisir de voir les relevés  d'activité pour le segment F soit séparément, soit de manière consolidée avec votre compte principal. Vous pouvez sélectionner  l'option de votre choix dans la fenêtre des relevés de la Gestion de compte.


Puis-je trader des CFD sur Forex avec le même type d'ordres et les algorithmes que les FX spot, et puis-je le faire dans le FX Trader?

Oui, l’expérience de trading est identique.


Allocation of Partial Fills


How are executions allocated when an order receives a partial fill because an insufficient quantity is available to complete the allocation of shares/contracts to sub-accounts?



From time-to-time, one may experience an allocation order which is partially executed and is canceled prior to being completed (i.e. market closes, contract expires, halts due to news, prices move in an unfavorable direction, etc.). In such cases, IB determines which customers (who were originally included in the order group and/or profile) will receive the executed shares/contracts. The methodology used by IB to impartially determine who receives the shares/contacts in the event of a partial fill is described in this article.



Before placing an order CTAs and FAs are given the ability to predetermine the method by which an execution is to be allocated amongst client accounts. They can do so by first creating a group (i.e. ratio/percentage) or profile (i.e. specific amount) wherein a distinct number of shares/contracts are specified per client account (i.e. pre-trade allocation). These amounts can be prearranged based on certain account values including the clients’ Net Liquidation Total, Available Equity, etc., or indicated prior to the order execution using Ratios, Percentages, etc. Each group and/or profile is generally created with the assumption that the order will be executed in full. However, as we will see, this is not always the case. Therefore, we are providing examples that describe and demonstrate the process used to allocate partial executions with pre-defined groups and/or profiles and how the allocations are determined.

Here is the list of allocation methods with brief descriptions about how they work.

·         AvailableEquity
Use sub account’ available equality value as ratio. 

·         NetLiq
Use subaccount’ net liquidation value as ratio

·         EqualQuantity
Same ratio for each account

·         PctChange1:Portion of the allocation logic is in Trader Workstation (the initial calculation of the desired quantities per account).

·         Profile

The ratio is prescribed by the user

·         Inline Profile

The ratio is prescribed by the user.

·         Model1:
Roughly speaking, we use each account NLV in the model as the desired ratio. It is possible to dynamically add (invest) or remove (divest) accounts to/from a model, which can change allocation of the existing orders.




Basic Examples:


CTA/FA has 3-clients with a predefined profile titled “XYZ commodities” for orders of 50 contracts which (upon execution) are allocated as follows:

Account (A) = 25 contracts

Account (B) = 15 contracts

Account (C) = 10 contracts


Example #1:

CTA/FA creates a DAY order to buy 50 Sept 2016 XYZ future contracts and specifies “XYZ commodities” as the predefined allocation profile. Upon transmission at 10 am (ET) the order begins to execute2but in very small portions and over a very long period of time. At 2 pm (ET) the order is canceled prior to being executed in full. As a result, only a portion of the order is filled (i.e., 7 of the 50 contracts are filled or 14%). For each account the system initially allocates by rounding fractional amounts down to whole numbers:


Account (A) = 14% of 25 = 3.5 rounded down to 3

Account (B) = 14% of 15 = 2.1 rounded down to 2

Account (C) = 14% of 10 = 1.4 rounded down to 1


To Summarize:

A: initially receives 3 contracts, which is 3/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.12)

B: initially receives 2 contracts, which is 2/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.134)

C: initially receives 1 contract, which is 1/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.10)


The system then allocates the next (and final) contract to an account with the smallest ratio (i.e. Account C which currently has a ratio of 0.10).

A: final allocation of 3 contracts, which is 3/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.12)

B: final allocation of 2 contracts, which is 2/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.134)

C: final allocation of 2 contract, which is 2/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.20)

The execution(s) received have now been allocated in full.


Example #2:

CTA/FA creates a DAY order to buy 50 Sept 2016 XYZ future contracts and specifies “XYZ commodities” as the predefined allocation profile. Upon transmission at 11 am (ET) the order begins to be filled3 but in very small portions and over a very long period of time. At 1 pm (ET) the order is canceled prior being executed in full. As a result, only a portion of the order is executed (i.e., 5 of the 50 contracts are filled or 10%).For each account, the system initially allocates by rounding fractional amounts down to whole numbers:


Account (A) = 10% of 25 = 2.5 rounded down to 2

Account (B) = 10% of 15 = 1.5 rounded down to 1

Account (C) = 10% of 10 = 1 (no rounding necessary)


To Summarize:

A: initially receives 2 contracts, which is 2/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.08)

B: initially receives 1 contract, which is 1/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.067)

C: initially receives 1 contract, which is 1/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.10)

The system then allocates the next (and final) contract to an account with the smallest ratio (i.e. to Account B which currently has a ratio of 0.067).

A: final allocation of 2 contracts, which is 2/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.08)

B: final allocation of 2 contracts, which is 2/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.134)

C: final allocation of 1 contract, which is 1/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.10)


The execution(s) received have now been allocated in full.

Example #3:

CTA/FA creates a DAY order to buy 50 Sept 2016 XYZ future contracts and specifies “XYZ commodities” as the predefined allocation profile. Upon transmission at 11 am (ET) the order begins to be executed2  but in very small portions and over a very long period of time. At 12 pm (ET) the order is canceled prior to being executed in full. As a result, only a portion of the order is filled (i.e., 3 of the 50 contracts are filled or 6%). Normally the system initially allocates by rounding fractional amounts down to whole numbers, however for a fill size of less than 4 shares/contracts, IB first allocates based on the following random allocation methodology.


In this case, since the fill size is 3, we skip the rounding fractional amounts down.


For the first share/contract, all A, B and C have the same initial fill ratio and fill quantity, so we randomly pick an account and allocate this share/contract. The system randomly chose account A for allocation of the first share/contract.


To Summarize3:

A: initially receives 1 contract, which is 1/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.04)

B: initially receives 0 contracts, which is 0/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.00)

C: initially receives 0 contracts, which is 0/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.00)


Next, the system will perform a random allocation amongst the remaining accounts (in this case accounts B & C, each with an equal probability) to determine who will receive the next share/contract.


The system randomly chose account B for allocation of the second share/contract.

A: 1 contract, which is 1/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.04)

B: 1 contract, which is 1/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.067)

C: 0 contracts, which is 0/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.00)


The system then allocates the final [3] share/contract to an account(s) with the smallest ratio (i.e. Account C which currently has a ratio of 0.00).

A: final allocation of 1 contract, which is 1/25 of desired (fill ratio = 0.04)

B: final allocation of 1 contract, which is 1/15 of desired (fill ratio = 0.067)

C: final allocation of 1 contract, which is 1/10 of desired (fill ratio = 0.10)


The execution(s) received have now been allocated in full.


Available allocation Flags

Besides the allocation methods above, user can choose the following flags, which also influence the allocation:

·         Strict per-account allocation.
For the initially submitted order if one or more subaccounts are rejected by the credit checking, we reject the whole order.

·         “Close positions first”1.This is the default handling mode for all orders which close a position (whether or not they are also opening position on the other side or not). The calculation are slightly different and ensure that we do not start opening position for one account if another account still has a position to close, except in few more complex cases.

Other factor affects allocations:

1)      Mutual Fund: the allocation has two steps. The first execution report is received before market open. We allocate based onMonetaryValue for buy order and MonetaryValueShares for sell order. Later, when second execution report which has the NetAssetValue comes, we do the final allocation based on first allocation report.

2)      Allocate in Lot Size: if a user chooses (thru account config) to prefer whole-lot allocations for stocks, the calculations are more complex and will be described in the next version of this document.

3)      Combo allocation1: we allocate combo trades as a unit, resulting in slightly different calculations.

4)      Long/short split1: applied to orders for stocks, warrants or structured products. When allocating long sell orders, we only allocate to accounts which have long position: resulting in calculations being more complex.

5)      For non-guaranteed smart combo: we do allocation by each leg instead of combo.

6)      In case of trade bust or correction1: the allocations are adjusted using more complex logic.

7)      Account exclusion1: Some subaccounts could be excluded from allocation for the following reasons, no trading permission, employee restriction, broker restriction, RejectIfOpening, prop account restrictions, dynamic size violation, MoneyMarketRules restriction for mutual fund. We do not allocate to excluded accountsand we cancel the order after other accounts are filled. In case of partial restriction (e.g. account is permitted to close but not to open, or account has enough excess liquidity only for a portion of the desired position).




1.        Details of these calculations will be included in the next revision of this document.

2.        To continue observing margin in each account on a real-time basis, IB allocates each trade immediately (behind the scenes) however from the CTA and/or FA (or client’s) point of view, the final distribution of the execution at an average price typically occurs when the trade is executed in full, is canceled or at the end of day (whichever happens first).

3.       If no account has a ratio greater than 1.0 or multiple accounts are tied in the final step (i.e. ratio = 0.00), the first step is skipped and allocation of the first share/contract is decided via step two (i.e. random allocation).


Additional Information Regarding the Use of Stop Orders

U.S. equity markets occasionally experience periods of extraordinary volatility and price dislocation. Sometimes these occurrences are prolonged and at other times they are of very short duration. Stop orders may play a role in contributing to downward price pressure and market volatility and may result in executions at prices very far from the trigger price. 

Investors may use stop sell orders to help protect a profit position in the event the price of a stock declines or to limit a loss. In addition, investors with a short position may use stop buy orders to help limit losses in the event of price increases. However, because stop orders, once triggered, become market orders, investors immediately face the same risks inherent with market orders – particularly during volatile market conditions when orders may be executed at prices materially above or below expected prices.
While stop orders may be a useful tool for investors to help monitor the price of their positions, stop orders are not without potential risks.  If you choose to trade using stop orders, please keep the following information in mind:
·         Stop prices are not guaranteed execution prices. A “stop order” becomes a “market order” when the “stop price” is reached and the resulting order is required to be executed fully and promptly at the current market price. Therefore, the price at which a stop order ultimately is executed may be very different from the investor’s “stop price.” Accordingly, while a customer may receive a prompt execution of a stop order that becomes a market order, during volatile market conditions, the execution price may be significantly different from the stop price, if the market is moving rapidly.
·         Stop orders may be triggered by a short-lived, dramatic price change. During periods of volatile market conditions, the price of a stock can move significantly in a short period of time and trigger an execution of a stop order (and the stock may later resume trading at its prior price level). Investors should understand that if their stop order is triggered under these circumstances, their order may be filled at an undesirable price, and the price may subsequently stabilize during the same trading day.
·         Sell stop orders may exacerbate price declines during times of extreme volatility. The activation of sell stop orders may add downward price pressure on a security. If triggered during a precipitous price decline, a sell stop order also is more likely to result in an execution well below the stop price.
·         Placing a “limit price” on a stop order may help manage some of these risks. A stop order with a “limit price” (a “stop limit” order) becomes a “limit order” when the stock reaches or exceeds the “stop price.” A “limit order” is an order to buy or sell a security for an amount no worse than a specific price (i.e., the “limit price”). By using a stop limit order instead of a regular stop order, a customer will receive additional certainty with respect to the price the customer receives for the stock. However, investors also should be aware that, because a sell order cannot be filled at a price that is lower (or a buy order for a price that is higher) than the limit price selected, there is the possibility that the order will not be filled at all. Customers should consider using limit orders in cases where they prioritize achieving a desired target price more than receiving an immediate execution irrespective of price.
·         The risks inherent in stop orders may be higher during illiquid market hours or around the open and close when markets may be more volatile. This may be of heightened importance for illiquid stocks, which may become even harder to sell at the then current price level and may experience added price dislocation during times of extraordinary market volatility. Customers should consider restricting the time of day during which a stop order may be triggered to prevent stop orders from activating during illiquid market hours or around the open and close when markets may be more volatile, and consider using other order types during these periods.
·         In light of the risks inherent in using stop orders, customers should carefully consider using other order types that may also be consistent with their trading needs.

IB Forex CFDs - Facts and Q&A

The following article is intended to provide a general introduction to forex-based Contracts for Differences (CFDs) issued by IBKR.
IBKR Forex CFDs are available for the same 85 tradable currency pairs IBKR offers as Spot FX, with identical low commissions and margin rates. By contrast, Forex CFDs feature a contract-style highly competitive financing model detailed below.
For information on IBKR Share CFDs click here. For Index CFDs click here.

Risk Warning
CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage.

61% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with IBKR.

You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

ESMA Rules for CFDs (Retail Clients only)

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has enacted new CFD rules effective 1st August 2018.

The rules include: 1) leverage limits on the opening of a CFD position; 2) a margin close out rule on a per account basis; and 3) negative balance protection on a per account basis. The ESMA Decision is only applicable to retail clients.

Professional clients are unaffected.

Please refer to the following articles for more detail:

ESMA CFD Rules Implementation at IBKR (UK) and IBKR LLC

ESMA CFD Rules Implementation at IBIE and IBCE

IBKR Forex CFD Features

Transparent DMA Quotes: IBKR ensures tight spreads and substantial liquidity as a result of combining quotation streams from 14 of the world's largest foreign exchange dealers which constitute more than 70% of market share in the global interbank market*. This results in displayed quotes as small as 0.1 PIP. IBKR does not mark up the quotes, rather passes through the prices that it receives and charges a separate low commission.

*Source: Euromoney FX survey FX Poll 2016.

Carry Interest: Forex CFDs are rolled over reflecting the benchmark interest rate differential of the relevant currency pair. This is in principle similar to the TOM Next rolls used by other brokers, but offers greater stability as benchmark rates generally are less volatile than swap rates. In addition IBKR applies a low financing spread that for major pairs starts at just 1.0% and can be as low as 0.5% for large balances. More volatile pairs have higher financing spreads.
The carry interest for IBKR Forex CFDs is based on a currency-pair specific benchmark and a spread. The benchmark is the difference between the IBKR benchmark rates for the two currencies. It is calculated as + BM Base currency – BM Quote currency.

For example, April 21, 2016 the GBP benchmark rate was 0.483%, the USD rate was 0.37%. The applicable benchmark rate is:

GBP.USD BM +0.48% - 0.37% = +0.113%

The applicable customer rate is Pair BM – IBKR spread for long positions, BM + spread for short positions:

GBP.USD Long Rate +0.113% - 1.00% = -0.887%

GBP.USD Short Rate +0.113% + 1.00% = +1.113%

It is important to note that the long rate is applied as a credit, the short rate as a debit. Consequently for a long position a positive rate means a credit, a negative rate a charge. However for short positions a positive rate means a charge, a negative rate a credit.

Interest is calculated on the contract value expressed in the quote currency, and credited or debited in that currency. For example:

For example:

Daily Interest
  Position GBP.USD Close USD Value Rate USD
GBP.USD -20,000 1.43232 -28,646.40 1.113% -0.89

Interest on Forex CFD balances is calculated on a stand-alone contract basis, and not combined or netted with other currency exposures, including Spot FX. Although IBKR does not directly reference swap rates, IBKR reserves the right to apply higher spreads in exceptional market conditions, such as during spikes in swap rates that can occur around fiscal year-ends.

Detailed interest schedules can be viewed here.
Trading: IBKR Forex CFDs are traded exactly like Spot FX, with the same over 20 available order types and algos. IBKR Forex CFDs can be traded either in classical TWS or in the IBKR FX Trader. To find the contract you want to trade in classical TWS or FX Trader, enter the currency pair (i.e. EUR.USD) and choose Sec Tyoe CFD in the Contract Selection pop-up.
Margin: IBKR Forex CFD margins are determined for each currency pair on a per contract basis without
regard to other Forex balances held in the account, including Spot FX. Margins start as low as 2.5% of contract value for major currency pairs. Details for all currency pairs can be found here. Retail clients are subject to minimum regulatory initial margins of 3.33% or 5% depending on the currency pair. 
Commissions: IBKR passes through the prices that it receives and charges a separate low commission.
We do this in the interest of providing a transparent pricing structure instead of marking up our quotes and charging nothing in commissions as is the practice with many forex brokers. Commissions are tiered based on monthly traded value, and range from 0.20 basis points to 0.08 basis points. Both Forex CFD and spot FX volumes count toward the tiers.
Details are found here.
Trading Permissions: In order to trade Forex CFDs, you must set up the trading permission for Forex CFDs in Client Portal.

If your account is with IBKR (UK) or with IBKR LLC, IBKR will then set up a new account segment (identified with your existing account number plus the suffix “F”). Once the set-up is confirmed you can begin to trade. You do not need to fund the F-account separately, funds will be automatically transferred to meet CFD margin requirements from your main account.  

If your account is with another IBKR entity, only the permission is required; an additional account segment is not necessary. 

Trading Example (Professional Clients)

Opening the position

You purchase 10 lots (200000) EUR.CHF CFDs at $1.16195 for CHF 232,390, which you then hold for 5 days.

EUR.CHF Forex CFDs – New Position
Reference Underlying Price 1.16188 - 1.16195
CFDs Reference Price 1.16188 - 1.16195
Action Buy
Quantity 200,000
Trade Value CHF 232,390.00
Margin (3% x 232,390) AUD 9,100


Interest Charged (on CHF 232,390 over 5 days)
Tier I (Pair BM 0.42% - IB Spread 1%) CHF 232,390.00 -0.58% (CHF 18.72)

Closing the position

Exit CFD Position
  Profit Scenario Loss Scenario
Reference Underlying Price 1.16840 - 1.16848 1.15539 - 1.15546
CFDs Reference Price 1.16840 - 1.16848 1.15539 - 1.15546
Action Sell Sell
Quantity 200,000 200,000
Trade Value CHF 233,680.00 CHF 231,078.00
Trade P&L CHF 1,290.00 (CHF 1,312.00)
Financing (CHF 18.72) (CHF 18.72)
Entry Commission 0.002% (CHF 4.65) (CHF 4.65)
Entry Commission 0.002% (CHF 4.67) (CHF 4.62)
Total P&L CHF 1,261.96 (CHF 1,339.99)

CFD Resources

Below are some useful links with more detailed information on IBKR’s CFD offering:


Frequently Asked Questions

Can anyone trade IBKR Forex CFDs?

All clients can trade IBKR CFDs, except residents of the USA, Canada, and Hong Kong. There are no exemptions based on investor type to the residency-based exclusions.

What is the difference between IBKR Forex CFDs and IBKR Cash Forex?

IBKR Cash Forex is a leveraged cash trade where you take delivery of the two currencies making up the pair. Your Forex-trading related balances are combined with your other balances arising out of your other trading activity, and you pay or receive interest on these consolidated balances based on the benchmark rate for each currency.

By contrast IBKR Forex CFDs are a contract which provides exposure but does not deliver the underlying currencies, and you pay or receive interest on the notional value of the contract. The benchmark rate for the contract is the difference between the benchmark rates for the two underlying currencies. This is in principle similar to the TOM Next rolls used by other brokers, but offers greater stability as benchmark rates generally are less volatile than swap rates.

Please see the Carry Interest section above for a detailed example.

Are there any market data requirements?

The market data for IBKR Forex CFDs is the same as for Leverage FX. It is a global permission and free of charge.

How are my CFD trades and positions reflected in my statements?

If you are a client of IBKR (U.K.) or IBKR LLC, your CFD positions are held in a separate account segment identified by your primary account number with the suffix “F”. You can choose to view Activity Statements for the F-segment either separately or consolidated with your main account. You can make the choice in the statement window in Client Portal.

 If you are a client of other IBKR entities, there is no separate segment. You can view your positions normally alongside your non-CFD positions.

Can I trade Forex CFDs with the same order types and algos as Spot FX, and can I trade them in the FX Trader?

Yes, the trading experience is identical.



Bienvenue chez Interactive Brokers


Maintenant que votre compte est approvisionné et approuvé, vous pouvez commencer à trader. Les informations ci-dessous vous aideront à démarrer en tant que nouveau client d'Interactive Brokers.

  1. Votre argent
  2. Configurer votre compte pour le trading
  3. Comment trader
  4. Trader à travers le monde
  5. Cinq rappels pour tirer pleinement parti de nos services

 1. Votre argent

Dépôts et retraits  Informations générales. Toutes les transactions sont gérées par le biais de votre  Gestion de compte sécurisée.
Tout d'abord, vous créez une notification de dépôt depuis Gestion de compte> Approvisionnement > Transferts de fonds > Type de transactions : “Dépôt” Comment créer une notification de dépôt. La seconde étape consiste à demander à votre banque d'effectuer un virement en utilisant les coordonnées bancaires fournies dans votre Notification de dépôt.
Créez une instruction de dépôt via Gestion de compte > Approvisionnement > Transfert de fonds > Type de transaction : "Retraits" Comment créer des instructions de retrait
Si vous demandez un retrait dépassant les limites de retrait, il sera considéré comme un retrait exceptionnel et par conséquent, le détenteur du compte et le compte IB devront être les mêmes. Si le compte bancaire du destinataire a été utilisé pour un dépôt, le retrait sera traité. Dans le cas contraire, vous devez contacter le service clientèle et fournir les documents requis.
Résolution de problèmes
Dépôts : ma banque m'a envoyé de l'argent mais je ne vois pas ce montant crédité sur mon compte IB.

Raisons possibles :
a) Un transfert d'argent prend entre 1 et 4 jours ouvrés
b) La notification de dépôt est manquante. Vous devez la créer via votre Gestion de compte et envoyer un ticket au service clientèle
c) Les informations de modification sont manquantes. Votre nom ou le numéro de compte IB ne sont pas indiqués dans les informations de transfert. Vous devez contacter votre banque et demander les informations complètes.
d) La compensation par ACH initiée par IB est limitée à 100k USD par périodes de 7 jours. Si vous avez ouvert un compte Portfolio Margin avec une exigence de dépôt minimum de 110k, un virement est sans doute la meilleure option pour réduire le temps d'attente avant votre première transaction. Si vous avez opté pour une compensation par ACH, un temps d'attente de presque 2 semaines est à prévoir. Une autre solution est d'utiliser temporairement un compte RegT.

Retraits : J'ai demandé un retrait mais je ne vois pas cet argent crédité sur mon compte bancaire.

Raisons possibles :

a) Un transfert de fonds prend entre 1 à 4 jours ouvrés
b) Rejet. Le montant demandé excède le montant maximum disponible. Veuillez vérifier le solde de votre compte. Veuillez noter que conformément aux exigences réglementaires, lorsque les fonds sont déposés, ils doivent être détenus pendant une période de 3 jours avant qu'ils ne soient disponibles.

c) Votre banque a retourné les fonds. La raison en est sans doute que les noms du compte bancaire destinataire et émetteur ne correspondent pas.

2. Configurez votre compte pour le trading

Différence entre un compte de marge et un compte au comptant : si vous avez choisi de faire une demande d'ouverture de compte FastTrack, le type de compte par défaut est un compte au comptant avec autorisations de trading d'actions américaines. Si vous souhaitez trader avec un effet de levier et réaliser des opérations sur marge, voici comment faire une demande de compte de marge Reg T.

Autorisations de trading

Afin de trader une classe d'actifs particulière dans un pays donné, vous devez obtenir les autorisations de trading via votre Gestion de compte. Veuillez noter que les autorisations de trading sont obtenues gratuitement. Il vous sera par contre demandé de signer des clauses d'informations du risque conformément à la réglementation imposée par les organismes régulateurs du pays. Comment demander des autorisations de trading
Données de marché

Si vous voulez recevoir des données de marché en temps réel pour un produit ou une Bourse en particulier, vous devez vous abonner à une des liasses de données de marché qui sont facturées par la Bourse.  Comment s'abonner aux données de marché

L'assistant de données de marché vous aidera à choisir la bonne liasse. Consultez la vidéo vous expliquant leur fonctionnement.
Les clients ont la possibilité de recevoir gratuitement des données de marché en différé en cliquant sur le bouton correspondant aux données gratuites en différé sur une ligne de symbole pour laquelle ils n'ont pas de souscription.

Comptes gérants indépendants

Jetez un oeil à notre guide  "Comment commencer en tant que gérant indépendant". Vous trouverez ici des informations sur la manière de créer des utilisateurs supplémentaires sur votre compte de gérant et comment leur conférer des droits d'accès.

3. Comment trader

L'Academie du trading est le lieu où vous apprendrez comment utiliser nos plateformes. Vous y trouverez nos webinaires, live ou enregistrés dans 10 langues différentes, ainsi que de la documentation sur nos différentes plateformes de trading.

Trader Workstation (TWS)

Les traders qui ont besoin d'outils de trading plus sophistiqués peuvent utiliser notre Trader Workstation (TWS). Élaborée pour les teneurs de marché, cette plateforme vous propose une interface tableur qui prend en charge plus de soixante types d'ordres, des outils de trading adaptés à toutes les stratégies et un aperçu de votre solde et de vos activités en temps réel, pour trader plus rapidement et plus efficacement.

Essayez nos deux versions :

TWS Mosaic : intuitive, accès simple au trading, gestion des ordres, listes de suivi, graphiques, disponibles dans une fenêtre unique

TWS Classic : une gestion des ordres avancée pour les traders ayant besoin d'outils plus sophistiqués et d'algorithmes.

Description et informations générales / Guide de prise en main rapide / Manuel utilisateur

Visites guidées interactives : Les bases de TWS / Configuration de TWS / TWS Mosaic
Comment passer un ordre :  Vidéo Classic TWS / Vidéo Mosaic
Outils de trading : Description et informations générales / Guide utilisateurs
Conditions préalables : Comment installer Java pour Windows / Comment installer Java pour MAC / Les ports 4000 et 4001 doivent être ouverts
Se connecter à TWS / Télécharger TWS


Les traders qui préfèrent une interface simplifiée peuvent utiliser notre plateforme HTML WebTrader, qui offre une présentation claire et simplifiée des données de marché et vous permet d'envoyer des ordres, de suivre l'évolution de vos comptes et de vos exécutions. Utilisez la dernière version du WebTrader pour votre navigateur

Guide de prise en main rapide / Manuel d'utilisation de WebTrader
Introduction : Vidéo WebTrader
Comment passer un ordre : Vidéo WebTrader
Connexion WebTrader


Nos solutions mobiles vous permettent de trader sur votre compte IB durant vos déplacements. MobileTWS pour iOS et mobileTWS pour Blackberry sont conçus spécialement pour ces appareils tandis que la version plus générique MobileTrader prend en charge la plupart des autre smartphones.

Description et informations générales

Types d'ordres  Types d'ordres disponibles et descriptions / Vidéos / Visites guidées / Manuel d'utilisation
Trading simulé Description générale et informations  / Comment obtenir un compte de trading simulé
Une fois votre compte de trading simulé créé, les données de marché de votre compte simulé et de votre compte réel seront mises en commun : Gestion de compte > Gérer un compte > Paramètres > Trading simulé

 4. Tradez dans le monde entier

Les comptes IB sont des comptes multi-devises. Votre compte peut contenir différentes devises au même moment. Cela vous permet de trader de multiples produits dans le monde à partir d'un seul compte.

Devise de base

Votre devise de base détermine la devise utilisée sur vos relevés de compte et celle utilisée pour déterminer les exigences de marge. La devise de base est déterminée lorsque vous ouvrez un compte. Les clients peuvent modifier la devise de base à tout moment sur leur Gestion de compte.

Nous ne convertissons pas automatiquement les devises dans votre devise de base

Les conversions de devises doivent être réalisées manuellement par le client. Sur cette vidéo, vous apprendrez comment effectuer une conversion de devise. Afin d'ouvrir une position libellée dans une devise différente de celle utilisée sur votre compte, vous avez deux possibilités :

A) Conversion de la devise
B) Prêt sur marge IB. (Non disponible pour les comptes au comptant)
Ce cours vous explique les mécanismes des transactions Forex. 

5. Rappels utiles

1. Recherche de contrats
Vous trouverez ici tous nos produits, symboles et spécifications.

2. Base de connaissance IB
La base de connaissance est composée d'un glossaire terminologique, de guides pratiques ainsi que de conseils et recommandations en cas de problèmes. Elle vise à aider les clients IB à gérer leurs comptes. Saisissez votre requête dans la fenêtre de recherche et vous obtiendrez une réponse à votre question.

3. Gestion de compte

De la même manière que votre plateforme de trading vous donne accès aux marchés, la Gestion de compte vous permet d'accéder à votre compte IB. Utilisez la Gestion de compte pour gérer les tâches liées à votre compte telles que le retrait ou dépôt de fonds, la consultation de vos relevés, la souscription aux données de marché ou leur modification, les autorisations de trading et la vérification ou modification de vos informations personnelles.

Connexion Gestion de compte / Guide d'utilisation rapide de la Gestion de compte / Guide d'utilisation de la Gestion de compte

4.Systèmes d'accès sécurisé

Afin de vous garantir le plus haut niveau de sécurité en ligne, Interactive Brokers a mis en place une système d'accès sécurisé
(Secure Login System - SLS) par lequel l'accès à votre compte se fait par un processus d'authentification en deux temps. Cette double authentification permet de confirmer votre identité au moment de la connexion de deux manières :   1) Par une information dont vous avez connaissance (votre nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe ); et 2) Par quelque chose que vous possédez (un appareil de sécurité fourni par IB qui génère un code de sécurité aléatoire, valable une seule fois). Votre nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe ainsi que la possession physique de l'appareil étant requis, participer au système d'accès sécurisé élimine la possibilité pour quiconque d'accéder à votre compte.

Comment activer votre appareil de sécurité / Comment obtenir une carte de sécurité / Comment retourner un appareil de sécurité

Si vous oubliez votre mot de passe ou perdez votre carte de sécurité, veuillez nous contacter pour une assistance immédiate.

5. Relevés et rapports

Facile à consulter et à personnaliser, nos relevés et rapports recouvrent tous les aspects de votre compte Interactive Brokers. Comment consulter un relevé d'activités


Welcome to Interactive Brokers


Now that your account is funded and approved you can start trading. The information below will help you getting
started as a new customer of Interactive Brokers.

  1. Your Money
  2. Configure your account to trade
  3. How to trade
  4. Trade all over the World
  5. Five points to enrich your IB experience


1. Your Money
Deposits & Withdrawals General Info. All transactions are administered through your secure Account Management
First, you create a deposit notification through your Account Management > Funding > Fund Transfers > Transaction Type: “Deposit” How to create a deposit notification. The second step is to instruct your Bank to do the wire transfer with the bank details provided in your Deposit Notification.
Create a withdrawal instruction via your secure Account Management > Funding > Fund Transfers > Transaction Type: "Withdrawals" How to create a withdrawal instruction
If you instruct a withdrawal over the Withdrawal limits, it will be considered an exceptional withdrawal and we will therefore need to match bank account holder and IB account. If destination bank account has been used for a deposit, withdrawal will be processed; otherwise, you must contact customer service and provide the documents needed.
Deposits: My bank sent the money but I do not see it credited into my IB account. Possible reasons:
a) A fund transfer takes 1-4 business days
b) A Deposit Notification is missing. You have to create it via your Account Management and send a ticket to Customer Service
c) Amending details are missing. Your name or IB account number is missing in the transfer details. You have to contact your bank and ask for the full amending details.
d) ACH initiated by IB is limited to 100k USD in a 7 business period. If you opened a Portfolio Margin account where the initial requirement is 110k, a wire deposit might be the better deposit option to reduce wait time for your first trade. If selecting ACH a wait time of almost 2 weeks or a temporary downgrade to RegT can be possible solutions.
Withdrawals: I have requested a withdrawal but I do not see the money credited to my bank account. Possible reasons:
a) A fund transfer takes 1-4 business days
b) Rejected. Over the max it can be withdrawn. Please check your account cash balance. Note that for regulatory requirements, when the funds are deposited, there is a 3 day holding period before they can be withdrawn.
c) Your bank returned the funds. Probably because receiving bank account and remitting bank account names do not match.


2. Configure your account to trade
Difference between Cash and Margin accounts: If you have chosen the FastTrack application, by default your account type is a cash account with US stock permission. If you would like to get leverage and trade on margin, here how to upgrade to a RegT Margin account
Trading Permissions
In order to be able to trade a particular asset class in a particular country, you need to get the trading permission for it via your Account Management. Please note that trading permissions are free. You might however be asked to sign risk
disclosures required by local regulatory authorities. How to Request Trading Permissions
Market Data
If you want to have market data in real-time for a particular product/exchange, you need to subscribe to a market data package charged by the exchange. How to subscribe to Market data
The Market data assistant will help you choose the right package. Please watch this Video explaining how it works.
Customers have the option to receive delayed market data for free by clicking the Free Delayed Data button from a non-subscribed ticker row.
Advisor Accounts
Have a look at the user guide getting started as advisors. Here you see how to create additional users to your advisor account and grant them access and much more.


3. How to trade
The Trader's University is the place to go when you want to learn how to use our Platforms. Here you will find our webinars, live and recorded in 10 languages and tours and documentation about our various Trading Platforms.
Trader Workstation (TWS)
Traders who require more sophisticated trading tools can use our market maker-designed Trader Workstation (TWS), which optimizes your trading speed and efficiency with an easy-to-use spreadsheet interface, support for more than 60 order types, task-specific trading tools for all trading styles, and real-time account balance and activity monitoring. Try the two models
TWS Mosaic: for intuitive usability, easy trading access, order management, watchlist, charts all in one window or
TWS Classic: the Advanced Order Management for traders who need more advanced tools and algos.
General Description and Information / Quick start guide / Usersguide
Interactive Tours: TWS Basics / TWS configuration / TWS Mosaic
How to place a trade:  Video Classic TWS / Video Mosaic
Trading tools: General Description and InformationUsers guide
Requirements: How to install Java for WindowsHow to install Java for MAC / Port 4000 and 4001 needs to be open
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Traders who prefer a clean and simple interface can use our HTML-based WebTrader, which makes it easy to view market data, submit orders, and monitor your account and executions. Use the latest WebTrader from every browser
Quick Start Guide / WebTrader User's Guide
Introduction: Video WebTrader
How to place a Trade: Video WebTrader
Login WebTrader
Our mobile solutions allow you to trade your IB account on the go. The mobileTWS for iOS and the mobileTWS for BlackBerry are custom-designed for these popular models, while the generic MobileTrader supports most other Smart phones.
General Description and Information
Order Types Order Types available and Description / Videos / Tour / Users guide
Paper Trading General Description and Information / How to get a Paper Trading Account
Once your paper account is created, you can share the market data of your real account with your paper trading account: Account Management > Manage Account > Settings > Paper trading

4. Trade all over the World
IB accounts are multi-currency accounts. Your account can hold different currencies at the same time, this allows you to trade multiple products around the world from a single account.
Base Currency
Your base currency determines the currency of translation for your statements and the currency used for determining margin requirements. Base currency is determined when you open an account. Customers may change their base currency at any time through Account Management.
We do not automatically convert currencies into your Base currency
Currency conversions must be done manually by the customer. In this video you can learn how to do a currency conversion.
In order to open a position denominated in a currency that you do not have in your account, you have two possibilities:
A) Currency conversion.
B) IB Margin Loan. (Not available for Cash Accounts)
Please see this course explaining the mechanics of a foreign transaction.


5. Five points to enrich your IB experience
1. Contract Search
Here you will find all our products, symbols and specifications.
2. IB Knowledge Base
The Knowledge Base is a repository of glossary terms, how-to articles, troubleshooting tips and guidelines designed to assist IB customers with the management of their IB accounts. Just enter in the search button what you are looking for and you will get the answer.
3. Account Management
As our trading platforms give you access to the markets, the Account Management grants you access to your IB account. Use Account Management to manage account-related tasks such as depositing or withdrawing funds, viewing your statements, modifying market data and news subscriptions, changing your trading permissions, and verifying or changing your personal information.
Log In Account Management / AM Quick Start Guide / AM Users Guide
4. Secure Login System
To provide you with the highest level of online security, Interactive Brokers has implemented a Secure Login System (SLS) through which access to your account is subject to two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication serves to confirm your identity at the point of login using two security factors: 1) Something you know (your username and password combination); and 2) Something you have (an IB issued security device which generates a random, single-use security code). As both knowledge of your username/password and physical possession of the security device are required to login to your account, participation in the Secure Login System virtually eliminates the possibility of anyone other than you accessing your account.
How to Activate your Security Device / How to Obtain a Security Code Card / How to return Security device
In case you forgot your password or lost your security code card, please call us for immediate assistance.
5. Statements and Reports
Easy to view and customize, our statements and reports cover all aspects of your Interactive Brokers account. How to view an Activity Statement 


Information regarding high precision forex quotes


Clients wishing to see forex (IDEALPRO) market data in a more detailed way can now control the order book display mode via the Global Configuration. In order to access this feature you must use TWS release 944.2b or higher. The display mode selection allows the order book to be viewed either as:

  • Rounded prices (default): market data is rounded out to the next 0.5 pip. This is identical to the current display functionality for the IB trading platforms. This setting provides a more stable visible quote and a larger ‘top-of-book’ size since it includes the available size at multiple price levels up to the rounded price.
  • Unrounded prices: market data is visible in 0.1 pip increments. This allows you to see prices in a more granular fashion, but the displayed values will change more rapidly and the sizes for the top-of-book may appear to be smaller.

It is important to understand that either display mode accesses the same IDEALPRO order book. Order submission will still be in 0.5 pip increments and orders submitted in either display mode will execute in exactly the same way. As in the past (and currently), in cases where the order book has prices at better than your order’s limit price, you will receive the full price improvement.

Instructions on how to display high precision forex quotes

In Global Configuration go to Display, choose Ticker Row and then at the bottom of the window in the Market Data section tick Show high precision quotes for Forex. Then press apply or ok to enable the new setting.


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