How to Deposit CZK to Interactive Brokers

What transfer method can I use to fund my account in CZK?

IBKR is currently not offering a local bank account held with a bank in Czech Republic that would allow you to use domestic transfer method to fund your account in CZK.

Depending on which Interactive Brokers entity your brokerage account is held with, you may be directed to deposit CZK into an Interactive Brokers bank account held at a bank in Germany. However, please note that even though the bank account is located outside of the Czech Republic, it is denominated in CZK and can receive CZK transfers without issues. IBKR is currently not offering a local bank account in Czech Republic that would allow you to use domestic transfer method to fund your account.

IMPORTANT: You must instruct your bank to transfer CZK.

If your bank is located in the Czech Republic, your bank application may ask if you would prefer to send funds in the currency of the destination country (which is EUR for Germany). Do not select to transfer EUR, and do not select SEPA as the transfer method as it is only valid for EUR transfers.

Ensure that the currency sent by your bank is CZK.

Certain banks in the Czech Republic may send funds in EUR by default when the destination bank is in Germany if you use their mobile application. We advise you to avoid using the mobile application and switch to their desktop application instead.

A list of banks affected can be found below. Please note that we cannot confirm the accuracy of the information provided, as they are based on client feedback and user experience. We recommend contacting your bank for further assistance on how to use their platforms and how to transfer funds in CZK:

  • mBank
  • ČSOB
  • Komerční Banka
  • Equa bank
  • Česká spořitelna

IMPORTANT: If you send EUR to Interactive Brokers' bank account denominated in CZK, the funds will not arrive at Interactive Brokers and will be returned to the remitter bank account automatically. Interactive Brokers will not be informed nor involved in the return process at the bank. The return process can be lengthy and fees may apply.

SWIFT payment

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication - SWIFT - is a network that allows banks to communicate financial information securely.

SWIFT payments are offered by most banks, for international money transfers, and involve a series of banks which work together to make sure your money arrives at your account.

If you transfer CZK from or to a financial institution outside of Czech Republic, they may require to use a so called intermediary or correspondent bank to route the payment through, before reaching your account and they are called cross-border payments.

Bank transfers can take time to complete, particularly when it comes to cross-border payments. Clients are increasingly accustomed to a payments experience that feels instant. But making a payment to another country can be much more complex and time-consuming.

Processing bank transfers involves a number of steps – particularly for cross-border payments. These are sent via the correspondent banking network and typically pass between several different banks along the way. After being initiated, a wire transfer is sent by the debtor agent to an intermediary bank before moving on to the creditor agent. Once these steps are complete, the recipient will receive their funds.

There are a number of reasons why cross-border payments may be delayed or held up. Firstly, not all account balances can be updated outside the operating hours of local settlement systems. Delays can also arise if compliance checks need to be carried out, especially when a payment passes through different countries and jurisdictions.

Difference between domestic and international bank transfer

Banks make a domestic transfer to send funds to financial institutions residing in the same country or financial zone. When sending funds to financial institutions in a foreign country or financial zone, banks have to make an international bank transfer. The differences between these two bank transfers affect the number of fees banks charge and the duration it takes to complete the transfer.

How long does it usually take for my funds to arrive?

Payment Type


Approximate Cost*

Domestic/Local Transfer method

same day up to 1 business day

free of cost or very low cost

International bank transfer (SWIFT)

from 1 to 4 business days

vary by bank

*Please consult with the sending institution about the costs to process your payment as this may vary by financial institution. IBKR does not charge fees for the deposit of funds.

IBKR credit funds real time upon receipt . Please note that we do not have influence on the speed of transfer. You may consult with your bank regarding their processing times .
Payments that are subject to additional review may take longer to credit.

How long does it usually take for my funds to arrive?

Payment Type


Approximate Cost*

Domestic/Local Transfer method

same day up to 1 business day

free of cost or very low cost

International bank transfer (SWIFT)

from 1 to 4 business days

vary by bank

*Please consult with the sending institution about the costs to process your payment as this may vary by financial institution. IBKR does not charge fees for the deposit of funds.

IBKR credit funds real time upon receipt . Please note that we do not have influence on the speed of transfer. You may consult with your bank regarding their processing times .
Payments that are subject to additional review may take longer to credit.





不过,为了资金限制期尽早开始尽早结束,申请者仍然可以在收到账户获批的确认信息之前通过电汇、支票或电子资金转账(如ACH, EFT)汇入资金。但需要注意的是,在账户获批前收到的存款在申请获批前不会记入账户,也不会获得利息。如果申请者授权IBKR通过资产转账(如ACATS、ATON)从其他经纪商处转入资产注资,IBKR只有在申请获批之后才会发起转账。


买卖给定的产品所需的特定币种是交易所决定的,不是IBKR决定的。例如,当您下单买入某种以您的账户中没有的币种计价的证券,假设您使用的是保证金账户且在满足了保证金要求后有多余的资产,则IBKR会借入该币种的资金。请注意,IBKR有义务以指定的计价币种和清算所结算该交易。如您不希望我们借入资金进而产生利息成本,则您需先向您的账户存入所需的币种及金额的资金,或通过IdealPro或各种零数(odd lot)交易场所将账户中的资金兑换为所需的币种及金额——对于超过25,000美元或等值的金额,通过IdealPro兑换;对于小于25,000美元或等值的金额,通过零数交易场所兑换,这两种渠道都可在TWS中找到。


Glossary terms: 


根据监管要求,IBKR须将您账户中的证券资产和商品资产分隔开来。  这些商品资产可能包含期货期权仓位的市场价值加上用作商品期货和期货期权仓位保证金的现金。  您商品仓位的保证金要求会定期重新计算,如果保证金降低,则多出来的现金便会从账户的商品分区转到证券分区。 同样,如果商品保证金要求提高,IBKR也会将资金从证券分区转到商品分区。 由于美国证券投资者保护公司(SIPC)的保险覆盖的是您账户证券分区(而非商品分区)的资产,这种定期转账也是为了确保您的现金能得到最大程度的保护。 请注意,这种现金移动表示的是您账户中的日记账分录,是用来互相抵消的,因此对账户的总现金余额并没有影响(参考活动报表现金报告的总计栏)。



IBKR的保证金政策规定,如果一个账户违反保证金要求/保证金不足,则该账户将不能进行转账或其它存款。 如果违反保证金要求/保证金不足,账户将立即面临平仓清算。自动平仓清算会以市价委托单的方式完成,账户中的任何/所有仓位都可能会被清算。某些情况下,由于特定市场行情,保证金不足最好是通过手动平仓清算解决。






  • IBKR将接受来自符合条件之客户的美国微型市值股票转账。符合条件的客户包括:(1) 资产(转账前或转账后)不低于500万美元的账户,或资产规模不低于2000万美元的财务顾问的客户;并且(2) 美国微型市值股票投资占比不到其账户资产的一半。
  • IBKR将只接受符合条件的客户能够确认股票系从公开市场买入或已在美国证监会(SEC)进行过注册的美国微型市值股票的大宗转账1
  • IBKR不接受客户被OTC标记为“买者自负”或“灰色市场”的美国微型市值股票转账1或开仓委托单。持有该等股票仓位的客户可以进行平仓;
  • IBKR不接受为了回补在IBKR的空头仓位而进行的美国微型市值股票转账;
  • 仅执行客户(即只通过IBKR执行交易,但在别处清算)不能在其IBKR账户中交易美国微型市值股票。(IBKR可对在美国注册的经纪商例外对待);


“微型市值股票”是指市值介于5000万美元到3亿美元之间并且价格低于5美元一股的(1) 场外交易股票或(2) Nasdaq和NYSE American挂牌股票。就该政策而言,微型市值股票包括市值等于或低于5000万美元的美国上市公司股票,这种股票有时也被称为纳级股或者是在与微型市值股票相关的市场上交易。



微型市值股票通常在OTC市场而非全国性证券交易所交易。其通常由做市商在OTC系统(如OTCBB)和OTC Markets Group管理的市场(如OTCQX、OTCQB和Pink)以电子方式报价。该类别下还包含非公开报价的股票和被指定为“买者自负”、其它OTC或“灰色市场”的股票。
此外,美国监管部门也将在Nasdaq和NYSE American挂牌、价格等于或低于5美元一股且市值等于或低于3亿美元的股票视为微型市值股票。






1) IBKR账户号码
2) IBKR账户名称
3) 交易日期
4) 结算日期
5) 代码
6) 买卖方向
7) 价格
8) 数量
9) 执行时间
10) 交易所
11) 必须有签字
12) 必须有公司正式抬头





  • 与发行方存在潜在关联:美国证监会规则144对发行人的关联方交易股票(包括微型市值股票)有一定限制。如果IBKR发现微型市值股票交易活动或持仓接近规则144规定的交易量阈值(“规则144阈值”),则IBKR会限制客户交易该微型市值股票,直到完成合规审查。
  • 微型市值股票转仓:如果客户近期将微型市值股票转入其IBKR账户,IBKR会限制客户交易该证券,直到完成合规审查。



规则144适用于包括微型市值股票在内的所有证券。但是,鉴于交易微型市值股票涉及高风险,如果客户的微型市值股交易和/或持仓接近规则144阈值,IBKR将限制客户交易该微型市值股票。 该等限制在合规对客户的潜在关联方身份进行审核并作出决定之前将保持生效。












1. 从手机屏幕的底部向上滑,然后点击相机图标。



2. 将手机移到文件上方,镜头对准需要的位置或页面。


3. 确保光线均匀、充足,避免因为拿手机的姿势在文件上投下任何阴影。手机拿稳,防止抖动。点击拍照按钮拍照。


4. 点击左下角的缩略图查看您刚刚拍的照片。

5.  确保照片清晰,文件字迹清楚。您可以用两个手指在图片上划开来放大图片查看细节。


6. 点击屏幕左下角的分享图标。

7. 点击电子邮件图标。



8. 请参见此处了解如何填写电子邮件收件人(To:)和主题(Subject:)。填写完毕后,点击右上方的向上箭头发送邮件。


1. 打开应用程序列表,启动相机应用程序。或者直接从手机主屏幕启动相机。取决于您的手机型号、制造商或设置,相机应用程序的叫法可能有所不同。



2. 将手机移到文件上方,镜头对准需要的位置或页面。


3. 确保光线均匀、充足,避免因为拿手机的姿势在文件上投下任何阴影。手机拿稳,防止抖动。点击拍照按钮拍照。

4.  确保照片清晰,文件字迹清楚。您可以用两个手指在图片上划开来放大图片查看细节。


5. 点击屏幕右下角的空白圈圈图标。   


6. 点击屏幕左下角的分享图标。

7. 在显示的分享菜单中点击手机上安装好的电子邮件客户端的图标。下图显示的是Gmail,但手机设置不同,电子邮件程序也会不同。


8. 请参见此处了解如何填写电子邮件收件人(To:)和主题(Subject:)。填写完毕后,点击右上方的飞机图标发送邮件。


1. 在收件人(To:)字段,输入:


2. 主题(Subject:)字段必须注明所有以下信息:

  •     您的账户号码(通常格式为Uxxxxxxx,其中x是数字)您的用户名
  •     发送文件的目的。请采用以下惯例:
    • 居住地证明请写PoRes
    • 身份证明请写PID







  • 在被认定为具有较高反洗钱风险之国家居住或拥有联系地址的客户不得将资金取到位于另一具有较高反洗钱风险之国家的账户,除非其在该国也有联系地址。
  • 在被认定为具有较高反洗钱风险之国家居住或拥有联系地址的客户不得从位于另一具有较高反洗钱风险之国家的账户发起存款,除非其在该国也有联系地址。
  • 在被认定为具有较高反洗钱风险之国家居住或拥有联系地址的客户只能将资金取到其曾从中收到过存款的自己名下的账户。
  • 客户只能以基础货币、其本国货币或通用货币(如USD、EUR、HKD、AUD、GBP、CHF、CAD、JPY和SGD)取款。
  • IBKR会对客户取款的目标银行数目进行限制,不论客户或银行的所在国家或地区。




Funds Transfer Restrictions


As part of its anti-money laundering efforts, IBKR implements restrictions on certain client deposits and withdrawals. These restrictions apply to transfers associated with countries considered to have elevated AML risk and consider factors such as the client’s residency, the withdrawal destination and the denomination of the currency being transferred.1 An outline of these restrictions is provided below.



  • Clients residing or maintaining an address in a country designated as having elevated AML risk may not withdraw funds to an account located in another country that has elevated AML risk unless they also maintain an address in that country.
  • Clients residing or maintaining an address in a country designated as having elevated AML risk may not deposit funds from an account located in another country having elevated AML risk unless they also maintain an address in that country.
  • Clients residing or maintaining an address in a country designated as having elevated AML risk may only withdraw funds to an account from which that client received a first-party deposit.
  • Clients may only withdraw funds in their base currency, their home country’s currency or common currencies (e.g. USD, EUR, HKD, AUD, GBP, CHF, CAD, JPY and SGD).
  • IBSG clients may only withdraw in SGD, USD, CNH, EUR, GBP and HKD.
  • IBKR may restrict the number of banks that a client may send money to, regardless of the domicile of the client or the bank.
  • A change to your base currency requires a minimum of 5 days before withdrawal instructions can be entered and a withdrawal request can be processed.

Note that clients who attempt to create an online banking instruction or initiate a deposit or withdrawal which is restricted will be blocked from creating that instruction or initiating that transaction and will be presented with an online error message.


1In determining whether a country is associated with elevated AML risk, consideration is given to information provided by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an intergovernmental organization which promotes measures for combating money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system and other public AML indices.


Deposit Funds with IBKR Mobile Check Deposit


US clients using IBKR Mobile with IB Key two-factor authentication can deposit endorsed checks drawn on a US bank into their account from anywhere using Mobile Check Deposit.

Mobile Check Deposit is NOT supported for: IRAs, MMCs, partitioned accounts or Advisor Masters (Advisors cannot deposit into client accounts).

To use Mobile Check Deposit:

  • You must be a US client.
  • The check must be drawn on a US bank.
  • The check must be properly endorsed.
  • You must have IBKR Mobile installed on your phone.
  • You must have activated IB Key two-factor authentication on the IBKR Mobile app.
  • It must not be your first deposit.

To find out more about how to install IBKR Mobile, visit the IBKR Mobile web page.

For information on how to activate IB Key on IBKR Mobile, see the Users’ Guide:
Using Mobile Check Deposit
Once you have installed IBKR Mobile and activated IB Key, you can use IBKR Mobile to deposit checks into your account.
  1. Log into IBKR Mobile, and tap the More menu followed by Transfer & Pay.
  2. From the Transfer & Pay menu tap Deposit Check.
  3. If prompted, read and accept the disclosure.
  4. Set up your deposit:
    • a. If you hold multiple accounts with IBKR, select the account for the deposit in the Deposit to field.
    • b. Enter the amount of the deposit in the Amount field.
    • c. Scan the front and back of your check using the camera function on your phone. You may be asked to allow IBKR Mobile to access your camera. Please be sure that you have properly endorsed your check.
  5. When you are satisfied with your scanned images, tap Deposit Check at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Validate with IB Key as required.
Timelines and Limitations
  • Once the deposit has been approved and processed, the funds are deposited into your IBKR account. Funds are generally available to use within six (6) business days after the deposit has been approved.
  • Currently available for US clients and for checks drawn on US banks.
  • Requires active IB Key protocol for two-factor authentication.
  • To find out the daily limit and 30 day limit on check deposits, tap “What is my daily limit?” on the Deposit Check screen.
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