The security of your assets and personal information is of utmost concern to us and we are committed to taking the steps necessary to ensure you are protected from the moment you open your account.
Clients who participate in the Secure Login System enjoy enhanced withdrawal capabilities, while clients who do not participate are subject to daily and weekly withdrawal restrictions. The amount that a participating client may withdraw or transfer over a given one- or five-day period increases commensurate with the protective value of the device and is outlined in the table below.
Security Device | Maximum Withdrawal per Day | Maximum Withdrawal in 5 Business Days |
None | 50K USD | 100K USD |
SMS | 200K USD | 600K USD |
IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) | 1M USD | 1M USD |
Security Code Card* | 200K USD | 600K USD |
Digital Security Card* | 1M USD | 1.5M USD |
Digital Security Card+ | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Platinum*/Gold* | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Please click on the use case below which best describes your login issue for guidance as to how to proceed:
I. No Access to Account Management or TWS
1. I forgot my User Name and/or password
2. I am temporarily without possession of my security device
3. My security device is lost or damaged
4. My temporary passcode has expired
5. My on-line security card has expired
II. Partial Access (Account Management only)
1. I am able to log into Account Management with my temporary passcode but not the trading platform
III. Full Access to both Account Management and TWS
1. I am in possession of my security device and wish to activate it.
For security purposes, all requests for assistance with a User Name and/or password must be initiated via telephone and require prior verification of the caller’s identity. Click here for a list of IB’s regional Customer Service center contact numbers.
If you are temporarily without possession of your security device, interim access may be provided by contacting your regional Customer Service center via telephone where, once your identity has been verified, you will be provided with a temporary passcode.
This temporary passcode is a static alpha-numeric code which replaces the random code supplied by your security device and which will provide full access to both Account Management and the trading platforms for 2 days. Should a lengthier period of interim access be necessary and to obtain enhanced protection, it is recommended that you use the temporary passcode to log into Account Management and print out the on-line security card which will operate as a replacement to your security device for up to 3 weeks.
After the expiration of the temporary passcode or on-line security card, or if you regain possession of your security device beforehand, you will need to log into Account Management and select the menu option to re-activate your security device.
In the case of a lost or damaged security device, you will need to contact our Customer Service center to arrange for a replacement and to provide for interim access. As the time frame for shipping a replacement device may range form 3 to 14 days depending upon your country of residence, interim access is provided via an on-line security card. The on-line security card may be retrieved for printing or saving as an image to your desktop once a temporary passcode has been provided for Account Management access.
The temporary passcode is intended to provide full access to both Account Management and the trading platforms for a period of 2 days. After 2 days, the temporary passcode may no longer be used to access the trading platforms but may be used to access Account Management for an additional period of 10 days. The Account Management access, however, is limited solely for the purpose of printing or saving the on-line security card.
If your window of access to Account Management using the temporary passcode remains, you may print or save the on-line security card through which full access to both Account Management and the trading platforms is provided for a period of 21 days. If you are unable to log into Account Management, you will need to contact your regional Customer Service center for assistance.
The on-line security card is intended to provide full access to both Account Management and the trading platforms for a period of 21 days. This time frame, while limited, is intended to provide sufficient opportunity for the account holder to either regain possession of a temporarily unavailable security device or request and receive a replacement device.
If you are unable to log in using the on-line security card, you will need to contact your regional Customer Service center for assistance and to provide information as to the status of your permanent security device.
If your window of access to Account Management using the temporary passcode remains, you may print or save the on-line security card through which full access to both Account Management and the trading platforms is provided for a period of 21 days.
If you are unable to log into Account Management, you will need to contact your regional Customer Service center for assistance.
To activate either a replacement device or one which was temporarily unavailable and which required issuance of a temporary passcode, you will need to log into Account Management and select the reactivate security device menu option. Once reactivated, neither the temporary passcode nor on-line security card will remain operable.
How to use the Secure Code Card
IMPORTANT NOTE: The device featured in this video is no longer issued to clients. The video is provided for reference purposes only. We recommend activating the IBKR Mobile authentication (via IB Key) – see IBKR Mobile Authentication KB2260 ( ) for additional information.
Interactive Brokers recommends that you change your PIN regularly to add an extra layer of security.
NOTE: If you do not know your current PIN, you would need to call Interactive Brokers directly to have it reset. Please use any of the phone numbers listed under:
Below you will find the procedure for changing the PIN code of your Security Device, according to the device type you are currently using:
The PIN of the DSC+ has to be changed from the Client Portal page, following the steps below:
Open the IBKR Mobile App.
Once the PIN has been successfully changed, you can close the IBKR Mobile app and log in to Client Portal or to your trading platform using the new PIN.
IBKR will issue a temporary passcode to Secure Login System participants in the event their security device has been misplaced, lost or damaged. The temporary passcode is intended to provide full access to both Client Portal and trading platforms for a period of 2 days. After 2 days, the temporary passcode may no longer be used to access the trading platforms but may be used to access Client Portal for an additional period of 8 days. Client Portal access, however, is limited solely for the purpose of printing or saving the Online Security Code Card.
The Online Security Code Card, in contrast, has a lifespan of 21 days, providing the account holder with an opportunity to locate the misplaced device or have continuous access in case the device is lost or damaged, and needs replacement. Account holders who remain without their physical security device and who are unable to log in using either the temporary passcode or Online Security Code Card will need to contact Client Services ( in order access their account.
The quickest solution to restore permanent access to your account, is to install and activate the IBKR Mobile authentication with IB Key. Details about the instant activation of the smartphone app can be found here.
As a matter of policy, IBKR will not issue consecutive temporary passcodes to a given account, but rather will act to restore the account protection to the most secure level, which is provided by a physical security device.