IBKR的保證金政策規定,如果一個賬戶違反保證金要求/保證金不足,則該賬戶將不能進行轉帳或其它存款。 如果違反保證金要求/保證金不足,賬戶將立即面臨平倉清算。自動平倉清算會以市價委托單的方式完成,賬戶中的任何/所有倉位都可能會被清算。某些情况下,由于特定市場行情,保證金不足最好是通過手動平倉清算解决。
含貸款價值的資産(ELV) – 用于確認客戶是否有足够的資産開立或維持證券倉位。等于現金 + 股票價值 + 債券價值 + 共同基金價值 + 歐洲和亞洲期權價值(不包括賬戶期貨部分下以市場價值計的美國證券、期貨期權和現金)。
Interactive Brokers Australia Pty Ltd (“IBKR Australia”), which holds an Australian Financial Services License (“AFSL” No. 453554), has been established. IBKR Australia is headquartered in Sydney and has been set up to provide services to our Australian clients. IBKR Australia clients, products and services have some unique characteristics when compared to the Interactive Brokers (“IBKR”) global account and product suite. The purpose of this document is to outline IBKR Australia margin lending offering.
Margin Accounts
IBKR Australia offers two types of margin accounts that will provide all clients excluding SMSF clients with the ability to create portfolios to the maximum degree of risk taking/leverage allowed by IBKR Australia. The two account types are:
• Leveraged Trading account
o Available for both natural persons and non-natural persons, regardless of their regulatory status. However, there are some important differences between the margin accounts available for retail clients and wholesale clients, as outlined below.
• Professional account
o Available primarily for non-natural persons that are confirmed as a professional investor.
Refer to this link for information regarding Australian regulatory status under IBKR Australia.
Important characteristics of IBKR Australia margin accounts are as follows:
• All eligible margin accounts employ a risk-based model to calculate margin requirements. Please click [here] for more details.
• Interest rates on financing may vary depending on the type of client obtaining margin. Please click [here] for more details.
• For all natural person clients (e.g. individuals), only cash or marketable securities may serve as collateral for the margin lending facility, and the collateral deposited must be unborrowed & otherwise free of any mortgage or lien or other encumbrance.
• For all natural person clients, you may only withdraw funds from the margin facility for the limited purpose of repaying another margin lending facility which was used to acquire financial products.
o However, if you are classified as retail you will be not permitted to withdraw from the margin facility if you are already borrowing funds via that facility, i.e. if you are already negative cash, or otherwise if the withdrawal would place your account into cash deficit.
• All retail natural person clients must meet specific financial thresholds in order to be granted a margin account, specifically income must be greater than AUD $40,000 or Liquid net worth must be greater than AUD $100,000. In addition, IBKR Australia is obliged to verify that the information concerning the client’s financial situation that was collected during the application is accurate and complete. If the verified information concerning the client’s financial situation does not meet the thresholds stated above and/or are not comparable to the financials declared by the client during the application, the client will not be granted margin. However, if the client has a valid and recent Statement of Advice (“SOA”) from their registered financial advisor or financial planner that recommends that the client can be issued a margin lending facility and that SOA is made available to IBKR Australia, this additional verification of the client’s personal financial position will not be required.
• In addition retail natural person clients will not be granted a margin account if their occupation is either retired or unemployed or student.
• For all retail clients (both natural person and non-natural person clients), margin loans will be capped at a specific amount (currently set at AUD $50,000, subject to change in IBKR Australia’s sole discretion). However, how much a client can borrow depends on a number of factors, including: the value of the money or assets contributed by the client as security; which financial products the client chooses to invest in, as we lend different amounts for different products under our risk-based model; and the maintenance margin requirement for the client’s portfolio. Once a client reaches their borrowing limit they will be prevented from opening any new margin increasing position. Closing or margin-reducing trades will be allowed. Please click [here] for more details.
• For the non-natural person clients that are NOT categorized as retail clients, IBKR Australia is permitted to utilize for financing purposes a portion of the loan value of the stock these customers hold with IBKR Australia. In simple terms, IBKR Australia borrows money from a third party (such as a bank or broker-dealer), using the customer's margin stock as collateral, and it lends those funds to the customer to finance the customer's margin purchases.
• Please take particular note of how we determine natural person v non-natural person for IBKR Australia trust accounts, as detailed above. It is imperative that if you hold a trust account with IBKR Australia and there exists individuals (natural persons) that are labelled as trustees in your account, then even if you have a corporate trustee, that trust would be considered a natural person trust. The difference between a natural person and non-natural person margin account can be significant as shown above. As a result, please contact customer service if you need to modify trustees.
交易所會以特定頻率向IBKR發送SPAN保證金文件,接著,該等文件會被導入到SPAN保證金計算器當中。所有期貨期權,除非已經過期或是平倉,否則始終都需要計算風險損失情况,即使處于價外也沒有關係。所有情境都必須考慮極端市場波動情况下的變化,因此,只要倉位還在,該等期貨期權的保證金影響就還要被納入考量。 我們會將SPAN保證金要求與IBKR預定義的極端市場波動情境進行比較,取較大者作爲保證金要求。
而保證金賬戶則可以用賬戶內已經持有的現金和股票作爲抵押從而利用經紀商提供的杠杆來放大購買力。 杠杆金額取决于賬戶的類型是Reg. T保證金還是投資組合保證金。這裏,持有10,000美元現金的Reg. T保證金賬戶可以買入幷隔夜持有價值20,000美元的證券,因爲Reg. T的初始保證金要求爲50%,可以將購買力放大至兩倍。同樣,持有10,000美元現金的Reg. T賬戶可在日內買入幷持有40,000美元的證券,因爲IB的默認日內維持保證金要求爲25%,可以將購買力放大至四倍。
如果是投資組合保證金賬戶,則可以利用的杠杆更高。顧名思義,投資組合保證金賬戶的杠杆高低高度取决于其投資組合的構成。這裏,單只股票的保證金要求(初始=維持)通常從15%到30%不等,杠杆比率可達6.67 – 3.33:1。這種計算方法下,保證金每天都會變化,因爲該方法會考慮諸如每只股票的波動率和集中度之類的風險因素,從而由波動率較低的股票構成的投資組合和本身比較多元化的投資組合往往能有更優的保證金待遇(如購買力更大)。
除了上述現金例子外,保證金賬戶中持有的證券也可以獲得一定購買力,杠杆取决于證券的貸款價值和爲買入證券借用的資金金額。以持有10,000美元全額支付(即沒有保證金貸款)證券的賬戶爲例:按Reg. T初始保證金要求50%計算,該等證券的貸款價值應該是5,000 (= $10,000 * (1 - .50)),按同樣的初始保證金要求(50%),可以再買入幷隔夜持有10,000美元的證券。同樣,持有10,000美元證券幷背有1,000美元保證金貸款(即淨清算價值爲9,000美元)的賬戶,其剩餘的貸款價值爲4,000美元,可以在買入幷隔夜持有8,000美元的證券。該等規則對投資組合保證金賬戶同樣適用,當然,實際的購買力水平可能會有所差异。
儘管購買力的概念適用于股票、債券、基金和外匯等資産的買入,但對衍生品却不適用。大多數證券衍生品(如空頭期權和個股期貨)都不是資産而是或有負債,而多頭期權儘管是資産,但本身期限短,被視爲遞耗資産(wasting asset),因此通常沒有貸款價值。正因爲如此,空頭期權的保證金要求也不是按期權權利金的百分比計算,而是根據期權被行權的情况下對應的底層股票(Reg. T)或在不利的市場行情下買回期權所需成本(投資組合保證金)來確定的。
大多數平倉清算都是保證金不足導致。保證金賬戶保證金不足分兩種類型:維持保證金和Reg. T保證金。
1. 維持保證金不足:在賬戶中,含貸款資產價值(ELV)必須始終高於賬戶所持頭寸的當前維持保證金要求(MMR)。ELV和MMR的差額為當前剩餘流動性;因此對某些人來說,監控賬戶更簡單的方法是記住賬戶的當前剩餘流動性必須始終為正數。如果當前剩餘流動性變成負數,則表明賬戶維持保證金不足。
2. Reg T保證金不足:賬戶窗口的餘額部分有一個項目叫特殊備忘錄賬(SMA)。美聯儲對其規定了執行時間,即美東時間每個交易日的15:50-17:20。在這個時間窗口內,SMA餘額必須為正數。如果SMA在美東時間15:50到17:20期間變成負數,則賬戶將被視為違反Reg T保證金要求。
特殊備忘錄賬(SMA)表示的不是賬戶資金或現金,而是在Reg. T保證金賬戶內證券市場價值上升時產生的信用額度。其目的是為了維護未實現盈利對於後續交易所能提供的購買力,如果沒有這種處理,購買力只有通過取出多餘資金然後在要進行後續買入時再存入賬戶才能確定。從這個角度來說,SMA有助於維持賬戶價值穩定、盡可能減少非必要的資金轉帳。
要說明SMA是如何運作的,我們先假設賬戶持有人存入了$5,000美元,然後買了$10,000美元的證券,貸款50%(保證金要求等於1 – 貸款比例,也就是50%)。前後的賬戶相關數值如下:
事件1 - 首次存款
事件2 - 買入股票
淨清算價值/含貸款價值* (A + B)
初始保證金要求 (B * 50%)
可用資金 (C - D)
接下來,假設多頭股票市場價值上漲至$12,000美元。$2,000美元的漲幅可產生$1,000美元的SMA,可供賬戶持有人:1) 在無需額外存入資金的情況下再買價值$2,000美元的證券,保證金貸款比率50%;或 2) 取出$1,000美元現金,如果賬戶沒有現金,這$1,000美元將記入賬戶的貸款餘額。見下表:
事件2 – 買入股票
事件3 - 股票升值
淨清算價值/含貸款價值* (A + B)
初始保證金要求 (B * 50%)
可用資金 (C - D)
最後,請注意,SMA只是一個用以衡量IB LLC下證券賬戶是否符合隔夜初始保證金要求的Reg. T概念,我們並不會用SMA來決定賬戶是否符合日內或隔夜維持保證金要求,也不會用它來決定商品賬戶是否符合保證金要求。同樣,如果賬戶在隔夜或Reg.T初始保證金要求開始實施生效時(美國東部時間15:50)SMA為負值,則會面臨強制平倉清算以滿足保證金要求。
答: IBKR目前不限制客戶交易AMC、GME、BB、EXPR、KOSS或其它表現出極端市場波動的股票。這包括開倉或平倉。
答: IBKR已提高了交易GME及其它近期波動率巨大的美國證券的保證金要求,多頭倉位保證金要求高達100%,空頭倉位保證金要求高達300%。您在交易平臺中提交委托單前可以查看相應保證金要求。
答: IBKR采取這些措施是出于風險管理的考慮,目的是爲了保護公司和客戶在極端波動的市場環境下不因價格的大幅變動而蒙受巨額損失。
答: 根據客戶協議,IBKR有權自行决定拒絕接受任何客戶委托單。
答: 所有限制,包括限制開倉及提高保證金,都是針對所有IBKR客戶的。限制是基于證券而非客戶實施的。
答: IBKR未蒙受任何實質性的損失。得益于其審慎的風控措施,IBKR很好地應對了本次市場波動。實際上,盈透集團的合幷總股本逾90億美元,超過監管要求60億美元以上。
答: IBKR會繼續監控市場動態,且會根據市場情况采取行動。如需瞭解最新的信息,請持續訪問我們的網站。
We are seeing unprecedented volatility in GME, AMC, BB, EXPR, KOSS and a small number of other U.S. securities that has forced us reduce the leverage previously offered to these securities and, at times, limit trading to risk reducing transactions. Outlined below are a series of FAQs relating to these actions.
Q: Are there any current restrictions on my ability to trade GME and the other US securities that have been subject to the recent heightened volatility?
A: IBKR is currently not restricting customers from trading shares of AMC, GME, BB, EXPR, KOSS or the other stocks that have been the subject of extreme market volatility. That includes orders to open new positions or close existing ones.
Like many brokers, IBKR placed limits on opening new positions in certain of these securities for a period of time. Those restrictions have since been lifted.
IBKR has not restricted customers’ ability to close existing positions and does not plan to do so.
Q: Can I use margin in trading stocks, options or other derivatives on these products through IBKR?
A: IBKR has increased its margin requirements for securities in GME and the other US securities subject to the recent volatility, including up to 100% margin required for long positions and 300% margin on the short side. You can see these margin requirements in your trading platform prior to submitting an order.
Q: Why did IBKR place these restrictions on my ability to open new positions in certain securities?
A: IBKR took these actions for risk management purposes, to protect the firm and its customers from incurring outsized losses due to wild swings in prices in a volatile and unstable marketplace.
IBKR remains concerned about the effect of this unnatural volatility on the clearinghouses, brokers and market participants.
Q: Does IBKR or its affiliates have positions in these products that it was protecting by placing these restrictions?
A: No. IBKR itself has no proprietary positions in any of the securities.
Q: What allowed IBKR to place those restrictions?
A: Pursuant to its customer agreement, IBKR may decline to accept any customer’s order at IBKR’s discretion.
IBKR also has the right to modify margin requirements for any open or new positions at any time, in its sole discretion. After all, IBKR is the one whose money is being loaned in a margin trade.
Q: Did those restrictions apply to all or just some of IBKR’s customers?
A: All restrictions – all limits on opening new positions and margin increases – applied to all IBKR customers. They were placed based on the security, not based on the customer.
Q: Is my money at IBKR at risk? Has IBKR suffered material losses?
A: IBKR did not incur substantial losses. Through its prudent risk management, IBKR has navigated this market volatility well. In any event, on a consolidated basis, IBG LLC exceeds $9 billion in equity capital, over $6 billion in excess of regulatory requirements.
Q: What will IBKR do going forward? How will I know?
A: IBKR will continue to monitor developments in the market, and will make decisions based on market conditions. For current information, please continue to visit our website.