日期 | 賣空 | 買入回補 | 已結算空頭倉位 | 有無借券費用? | |
周一 | 期權清算公司盤後向IBKR報告空頭看漲期權被行權。 | -100股XYZ股票 交易日(T) |
不變 | 否 | |
周二 | 看漲期權被行權和股票賣出反映在IBKR客戶賬戶中 | T+1 | +100股XYZ股票 交易日(T) |
不變 | 否 |
周三 | T+2結算日 | T+1 | -100 | 是 | |
周四 | T+2結算日 | 不變 | 否 |
“可供賣空股票”工具和TWS中關于可供借用股票和指示性利率的信息,是在盡最大努力的基礎上提供,不保證其準確性或有效性。 “可供賣空股票”包括來自第三方的信息,不會實時更新。利率信息僅爲指示性質。在當前交易時段執行的交易通常在2個工作日內結算,實際供應和借入成本在結算日確定。交易者應注意,在交易和結算日之間,利率和供應可能會發生重大變化,尤其是交易稀少的股票、小盤股和即將發生公司行動(包括股息)的股票。詳情請參閱賣空的操作風險(Operational Risks of Short Selling) 。
股票收益提升計劃(Stock Yield Enhancement Program)讓客戶有機會用賬戶中全額支付的股票賺取額外收益。該計劃允許IBKR通過抵押(美國國債或現金)從您那裡借入股票,然後將股票借給希望做空股票並願意支付借券利息的交易者。有關股票收益提升計劃的更多信息,請參見此處或查看常見問題頁面。
For enrollment via Classic Account Management, please click on the below buttons in the order specified.
幣種 | 計算方法 |
USD | 102%;向上取整到最近的元 |
CAD | 102%;向上取整到最近的元 |
EUR | 105%;向上取整到最近的分 |
CHF | 105%;向上取整到最近的生丁 |
GBP | 105%;向上取整到最近的便士 |
HKD | 105%;向上取整到最近的分 |
賬戶持有人可在每日賬戶報表的“非直接難以借用股票詳情(Non-Direct Hard to Borrow Details)”部分查看借股價格。下方通過舉例說明了現金抵押金額的計算及其對借股費用的影響。
例 1
賣空所得 = $150,000.00美元
價格 = 0.25 x 102% = 0.255; 向上取整至$1.00美元
總金額 = 100,000股 x $1.00 = $100,000.00美元
借股費用 = $100,000 x 50% / 360天 = $138.89美元/天
例 2(以歐元計價的股票)
價格 = 1.55歐元 x 105% = 1.6275; 向上取整至1.63歐元
總金額 = 100,000股 x 1.63 = 163,000.00歐元
借股費用 = 163,000歐元 x 50% / 360天 = 226.38歐元/天
** 請注意,週六和周天與週五一樣將採用週四的收盤價計算抵押金額。
證券借貸的抵押(美國國債或現金)金額採用行業慣例確定,即用股票的收盤價乘以特定百分比(通常爲102-105%),然後向上取整到最近的美元/分。每個幣種的行業慣例不同。例如,借出100股收盤價爲$59.24美元的美元計價股票,現金抵押應爲$6,100 ($59.24 * 1.02 = $60.4248;取整到$61,再乘以100)。下表爲各個幣種的行業慣例:
美元 | 102%;向上取整到最近的元 |
加元 | 102%;向上取整到最近的元 |
歐元 | 105%;向上取整到最近的分 |
瑞士法郎 | 105%;向上取整到最近的生丁 |
英鎊 | 105%;向上取整到最近的便士 |
港幣 | 105%;向上取整到最近的分 |
對於IBLLC的客戶,抵押將採用現金或美國國債的形式,並將轉入IBLLC的聯營公司IBKR Securities Services LLC (“IBKRSS”)進行保管。您在該計劃下借出股票的抵押會由IBKRSS以您爲受益人保管在一個賬戶中,您將享有第一優先級擔保權益。如果IBLLC違約,您將可以直接從IBKRSS取得抵押,無需經過IBLLC。請參見 此處的《證券賬戶控制協議》瞭解更多信息。對于非IBLLC的客戶,抵押將由賬戶所在實體保管。例如,IBIE的賬戶其抵押將由IBIE保管。
可參加股票收益提升計劃的實體* |
盈透證券有限公司(IB LLC) |
盈透證券英國有限公司(IB UK)(SIPP賬戶除外) |
盈透證券愛爾蘭有限公司(IB IE) |
盈透證券中歐有限公司(IB CE) |
盈透證券香港有限公司(IB HK) |
盈透證券加拿大有限公司(IB Canada)(RRSP/TFSA賬戶除外) |
盈透證券新加坡有限公司(IB Singapore) |
可參加股票收益提升計劃的賬戶類型 |
現金帳戶(申請參加時賬戶資産超過$50,000美元) |
保證金賬戶 |
財務顧問客戶賬戶* |
介紹經紀商客戶賬戶:全披露和非披露* |
介紹經紀商綜合賬戶 |
獨立交易限制賬戶(STL) |
盈透證券日本、盈透證券盧森堡、盈透證券澳大利亞和盈透證券印度公司的客戶不能參加此計劃。賬戶開在IB LLC下的日本和印度客戶可以參加。
IRA賬戶由盈透證券資産管理公司(Interactive Brokers Asset Management)管理的賬戶分區可以參加股票收益提升計劃嗎??
要參加股票收益提升計劃,請登錄客戶端。登錄後,點擊 使用者菜單(右上角的小人圖標),然後點擊設置。然後,在賬戶設置內,尋找交易板塊並點擊股票收益提升計劃 以申請參加。您將會看到參加該計劃所需填寫的表格和披露。閱讀並簽署表格後,您的申請便會提交處理。可能需要24到48小時才能完成激活。
要退出股票收益提升計劃,請登錄客戶端。登錄後,點擊使用者菜單 (右上角的小人圖標),然後點擊 設置。在賬戶 設置板塊內會找到交易,然後點擊股票 收益 提升 計劃,然後依照所需步驟。您的申請便會提交處理。 中止參加的請求通常會在當日結束時進行處理。
美國市場 | 歐洲市場 | 香港市場 | 加拿大市場 |
普通股(交易所掛牌、粉單和OTCBB) | 普通股(交易所掛牌) | 普通股(交易所掛牌) | 普通股(交易所掛牌) |
優先股 | 優先股 | 優先股 | 優先股 |
公司債券* |
計算貸款金額首先要將所有非美元計價的現金餘額轉換成美元,然後减去股票賣空所得(轉換成美元)。如果結果爲負數,則我們最高可抵押此數目的140%。此外,商品賬戶段中持有的現金餘額和現貨金屬和差價合約相關現金不納入考慮範圍。 詳細說明請參見此處。
例1: 客戶在基礎貨幣爲美元的賬戶內持有100,000歐元,歐元兌美元匯率爲1.40。客戶買入價值$112,000美元(相當於80,000歐元)的美元計價股票。由於轉換成美元後現金餘額爲正數,所有證券被視爲全額支付。
項目 | 歐元 | 美元 | 基礎貨幣(美元) |
現金 | 100,000 | (112,000) | $28,000 |
多頭股票 | $112,000 | $112,000 | |
淨清算價值 | $140,000 |
例2: 客戶持有80,000美元、多頭持有價值$100,000美元的美元計價股票並且做空了價值$100,000美元的美元計價股票。總計$28,000美元的多頭證券被視爲保證金證券,剩餘的$72,000美元爲超額保證金證券。計算方法是用現金餘額减去賣空所得($80,000 - $100,000),所得貸款金額再乘以140% ($20,000 * 1.4 = $28,000)
項目 | 基礎貨幣(美元) |
現金 | $80,000 |
多頭股票 | $100,000 |
空頭股票 | ($100,000) |
淨清算價值 | $80,000 |
- 客戶選擇退出計劃
- 轉帳股票
- 以股票作抵押借款
- 賣出股票
- 看漲期權被行權/看跌期權行權
- 賬戶關閉
1. 現金詳情 – 詳細列出了期初抵押(美國國債或現金)餘額、借貸活動導致的淨變化(如果發起新的借貸則爲正;如果股票歸還則爲負)和期末現金抵押餘額。
2. 淨股票頭寸總結 – 按股票詳細列出了在IBKR持有的總股數、借入的股數、借出的股數和淨股數(=在IBKR持有的總股數 + 借入的股數 - 借出的股數)。
3. 借出的IBKR管理證券(股票收益提升計劃) – 對通過股票收益提升計劃借出的股票按股票列出了借出的股數以及利率(%)。
3a. 在IBSS保管的IBKR管理證券的抵押(股票收益提升計劃) – IBLLC的客戶會看到其報表中多出來一欄,顯示作爲抵押的美國國債以及抵押的數量、價格和總價值。
4. IBKR管理證券借出活動 (股票收益提升計劃)– 詳細列出了各證券的借貸活動,包括歸還份額分配(即終止的借貸);新借出份額分配(即新發起的借貸);股數;淨利率(%);客戶抵押金額及其利率(%)。
5. IBKR管理的證券借出活動利息詳情 (股票收益提升計劃)– 按每筆借出活動詳細列出了IBKR賺取的利率(%);IBKR賺取的收益(爲IBKR從該筆借出活動賺取的總收益,等于{抵押金額 * 利率}/360);客戶抵押的利率(爲IBKR從該筆借出活動賺取的收益的一半)以及支付給客戶的利息(爲客戶的現金抵押賺取的利息收入)
6. 應計利息 – 此處利息收入列爲應計利息,與任何其它應計利息一樣處理(累積計算,但只有超過$1美元才會顯示並按月過帳到現金)。年末申報時,該筆利息收入將上報表格1099(美國納稅人)。
Interactive Brokers clients have the ability to gain direct exposure to US Treasuries on both the short and long side of the market.
Order Entry
Orders can be entered via TWS.
Cost to Borrow
The borrow fee to short US Treasuries is based on IBKR’s borrow cost and is subject to daily change. If the Treasury is borrowed by Interactive Brokers at the General Collateral rate, the customer does not incur a borrow fee.
Interest Income
Customers earn Short Credit Interest on their short US Treasury positions based on IBKR’s standard tiered rates.
Margin Requirements
Margin1 requirements on Short US Treasury positions are the same as Long US Treasury positions. The requirement is between 1% and 9%, depending on time to maturity. The proceeds of the short sale are not available for withdrawal. The amount available for withdrawal is generally Equity with Loan Value – Initial Margin.
Additional information on fixed income margin requirements can be found here.
Selling short US Treasuries incurs the same commission cost as buying US Treasuries. IBKR’s commission schedule can be found here.
Trading Policy
Minimum short position size is $250,000 face value per CUSIP due to limitations of the US Treasury borrow market. Once the minimum position size is met, the minimum order increment is $250,000 for both short sales and buy to covers (as long as the resulting short position remains higher than the $250,000 face value minimum).
Short Sale Order Examples
Existing US Treasury Short Position Face Value in Account (per CUSIP) | Face Value of Short Sale Order | Face Value of Resulting Position | Order Accepted? | Reason |
Flat | $250,000 | $250,000 | Yes | Face Value of resulting position is => $250,000 |
Flat | $100,000 | $100,000 | No | Face Value of resulting position is < $250,000 |
$250,000 | $50,000 | $300,000 | No | Order increment < $250,000 |
$250,000 | $250,000 | $500,000 | Yes | Order increment =>$250,000 |
Buy-to-cover orders that will result in a short US Treasury position of less than $250,000 face value will not be accepted.
Buy to Cover Order Examples
Existing US Treasury Short Position Face Value in Account (per CUSIP) | Face Value of Buy to Cover Order | Face Value of Resulting Position | Order Accepted? | Reason |
$500,000 | $250,000 | $250,000 | Yes | Face Value of resulting position is => $250,000 |
$500,000 | $300,000 | $200,000 | No | Face Value of resulting position is < $250,000 |
$500,000 | $500,000 | Flat | Yes | Order increment => $250,000 |
Payment in Lieu
When a short US Treasury position is held over the record date of an interest payment, the borrower’s account will be debited a payment-in-lieu of interest equal to the interest payment owed to the lender.
Eligible US Treasuries for Shorting
Only accounts carried under Interactive Brokers LLC and Interactive Brokers UK are eligible to short sell US Treasuries.
US Treasury Notes and Bonds with an outstanding value greater than $14 Billion can be sold short.
US Treasury Bills, TIPs, STRIPs, TF (Floating Rate Notes) and WITFs (When-Issued Floating Rate Notes) are not available for shorting.
Non-US sovereign debt is also not available for shorting.
1Trading on margin is only for sophisticated investors with high risk tolerance. You may lose more than your initial investment.
For more information regarding margin loan rates, see ibkr.com/interest
As a US registered broker-dealer, Interactive Brokers LLC (“IBKR”) is subject to Regulation SHO, a collection of US Securities & Exchange Commission rules relating to short-selling of equity securities. Rule 204 of Regulation SHO places certain requirements on clearing brokers in the event that they fail to deliver securities on settlement date in connection with a sale of those securities. This can happen for a variety of commonplace operational reasons, and does not indicate a problem at the clearing broker. In certain circumstances, Rule 204 may require a clearing broker to not permit shorting a security for a certain period of time (unless sufficient shares of that security are pre-borrowed to cover the order marked as a short sale).
Rule 204(a) requires that a clearing broker, if it fails to deliver on a sale trade on the settlement date, must closeout its fail by buying or borrowing the relevant security a specified number of trading days later (depending on whether the sale was long or short), prior to the opening of the regular trading session on that day.
Rule 204(b) provides that if the clearing broker does not closeout its fail in accordance with Rule 204(a), the broker may not accept short sale orders from its customers in the relevant stock (the stock in which the unclosed-out fail has occurred), or place such orders for its own account, unless it has first borrowed the shares of the relevant stock to cover the new short sale order. This is colloquially known in the securities industry as being in the “penalty box” for the relevant security. This restriction exists until the clearing broker has purchased shares in the amount of the unclosed-out fail, and that purchase has settled.
Any broker that executes trades through that clearing broker, and clears and settles those trades through that clearing broker, is subject to the same Rule 204(b) restriction, as is any broker that executes away from that clearing broker, but intends to clear and settle those trades through the clearing broker.
Rule 204(c) requires clearing brokers to notify brokers from whom they receive trades for clearance and settlement of when they become subject to a short-sale restriction under Rule 204(b), and when that restriction ends. This is so that the notified brokers can avoid executing trades away from the clearing broker that are not permitted under the clearing broker’s short-sale restriction. If you have received a notice from IBKR regarding Rule 204(c), it generally means that IBKR's books and records show that you are an introducing broker or dealer that clears and settles trades through IBKR, and that also has the capability (or your client has such capability) of executing trades at away brokers or dealers for settlement through IBKR. You should not execute any short-sale order at an away broker-dealer in a security which we have notified you is shortsale restricted, unless you have first arranged to pre-borrow sufficient shares of that security through IBKR. For more information on pre-borrowing, please click here or contact us.
The above is a general description of Rule 204 of Regulation SHO, to aid our broker-dealer clients in understanding IBKR's obligations and why certain stocks may become unshortable at certain times irrespective of their availability to be borrowed. It is not legal advice and should not be used as such.
Rate Risk
Day | Short Sale | Buy to Cover | Settled Short Position | Borrow Fee Charged? | |
Monday | OCC reports short call assignment to IBKR after market hours. | -100 XYZ stock Trade Date (T) |
Flat | No | |
Tuesday | Call assignment and stock sale are reflected in the account | T+1 Settlement Date | +100 XYZ stock Trade Date (T) |
Yes | Yes |
Wednesday | T+1 Settlement Date | Flat | No |
While account holders are always at risk of having a short security position closed out if IB is unable to borrow shares at settlement of the initial trade or bought in if the trade settles and the shares are recalled by the lender thereafter, certain securities have characteristics which may increase the likelihood of these events occurring. Two examples are leveraged Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) and Exchange Traded Notes (ETN), where the supply of shares available to borrow can be influenced by a number of factors not found with shares of common stock. An overview of these securities and these factors is provided below.
As background, an ETF is a security organized as a pooled investment vehicle that can offer diversified exposure or track a particular index by investing in stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, options or a blend of assets. An ETF is similar to a mutual fund in that each share of an ETF represents an undivided interest in the underlying assets of the fund. However, unlike a mutual fund in which orders are only processed at a price determined at the end of the day, ETF shares are repriced and trade throughout the day on an exchange. To balance the supply and demand of shares and ensure that secondary market prices approximate the market value of the underlying assets, ETF issuers allow Authorized Participants (typically large broker-dealers) to create and redeem ETF shares in large blocks, typically 50,000 to 100,000 shares. While many ETFs invest solely in securities, others use debt or derivatives to track and/or magnify exposure to an index. The ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures ETF ( symbol: UVXY) is one example of a widely traded leveraged ETF.
ETNs are also securities that are repriced and trade throughout the day on an exchange and are designed to provide investors with a return that corresponds to an index. Unlike ETFs, however, ETNs are unsecured debt instruments and do not represent an interest in an underlying pool of assets. They do not pay interest like traditional debit instruments, but rather a promise to pay a specific return that typically corresponds to an index or benchmark. The Barclays iPath® S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures™ ETN (symbol: VXX) is one example of a widely traded ETN.
The supply of shares available to borrow in order to initiate or maintain a short sale position may be less stable for certain leveraged ETFs and ETNs, including UVXY and VXX, due to the following factors:
- Limited Authorized Participants: The number of Authorized Participants willing to issue ETFs, particularly those that invest in derivatives (e.g., futures contracts, swap agreements and forward contracts) rather than securities and seek performance equal to a multiple (i.e., 2x) or an inverse multiple (i.e., -2x) of a benchmark may be limited. Moreover, Authorized Participants have no legal obligation to create shares and may elect not to do so to minimize their exposure as a dealer.
- No Authorized Participants: As ETN shares represent credit instruments, the supply of such shares is determined solely by the issuing financial institution and Authorized Participants are not involved with the creation or redemption of shares. The ETN issuer typically reserves the right to limit, restrict or stop selling additional shares at any time.
- Limited Holding Period: Certain leveraged ETFs and ETNs seek to match the performance of a benchmark index for a single day rather than an extended period. They are principally used by institutional investors and other traders looking to obtain short-term exposure to an asset class, hedge other investments in a portfolio or invest as a way to gain interim exposure to a particular market while gradually investing directly in that market. These factors can result in a higher rate of turnover and less stability of share inventory available to lend for short sales.
- Margin Considerations: Shares made available for lending to short sellers often originate from brokers who maintain a lien on the shares as they’ve financed the purchase of the shares on behalf of clients via margin loans. Clients purchasing shares using borrowed funds are subject to regulatory margin requirements, compliance to which depends in part upon the value of the shares supporting the loan. As certain leveraged ETFs/ETNs are designed to provide returns in multiples of their benchmark, the inherent volatility of these products may diminish clients’ ability to maintain the position and, in turn, the broker’s ability to lend the shares.
* 客戶需注意,在被平倉的當天,客戶須為被平倉之股票的淨買入者,買入數量(其在公司所有賬戶總計)至少為其被平倉之股票的數量。在被平倉之交易日剩下的時間裡,其將不能 (i) 賣空其被平倉的股票; (ii) 沽出其被平倉之股票的價內看漲期權;或 (iii) 行使其被平倉之股票的看跌期權(“交易限制”)。如果客戶未能買入其被平倉之股票的規定股數(客戶在公司所有賬戶總計)成為淨買入者(例如,由於先前沽出的看漲期權被行權),公司將會在下一個交易日再進行一次平倉,平倉股數為在平倉當天客戶距離成為該股票淨買入者還需要再買入的股票數量,而客戶也再次需要買入規定數額股票成為淨買入者,並且在當日剩下的時間還會受到交易限制。
* 客戶需注意,根據IB需要執行平倉和第三方可執行補倉的方式,可能會導致交易執行的價格和前一日收盤價之間出現巨大差距。對於流動性差的證券,這種差距會尤為明顯。客戶需隨時注意這類風險,並對投資組合進行相應的管理。