If the other broker participates in the Automated Customer Account Transfer Service (ACATS) program, then contact your other broker to submit the transfer out electronically.
If the other broker is not ACAT eligible, they must provide outgoing trustee to trustee transfer paperwork or outgoing Direct Rollover paperwork. They can give you the completed documents which can be uploaded online. Please note this is only for cash transfers, and information submitted is only instructions, not the actual withdrawal. After paperwork is reviewed and approved, you’ll be advised when to submit the withdrawal of funds.
To submit a withdrawal request:
You will be provided updates of your transfer request through the Message Center.
If a wire transfer is not accepted by your new custodian, you may submit a check withdrawal request. Please note check requests require review by Compliance and will take longer to process if approved.
You will be provided updates via this ticket.
Contra firms and Custodians (only) may forward paperwork to the following:
Interactive Brokers LLC
Attn: IRA Services, Transfers
209 South LaSalle Street, 10th Floor
Chicago, IL 60604
Additional Information
現金の出金は、クライアント・ポータルにログインし、入出金・移管を選択してから、入金・出金のメニューに進んで下さい。口座の開設中にお客様が作成されたバンキングインストラクションで利用可能なものとともに、出金の選択肢が表示されます。 有効なインストラクションから、出金する通貨に適切なもの選択して下さい。
Q. ログイン情報を紛失してクライアント・ポータルにログインできない場合にはどうしたらよいでしょうか?
A. 口座にログインするにあたってサポートが必要なお客様は、お客様の地域のクライアントサービスまでお電話にてご連絡ください。許可のないユーザーによる口座への不正なアクセスを防ぐため、口頭でのご本人様確認が必要になります。連絡先に関する詳細は、弊社の ウェブサイトよりご確認下さい。
Q. 口座の残高はどうやって確認できますか?
A. 口座残高とその内訳は、アクティビティーステートメントからご確認いただけます。日次、月次、年次のステートメントが、クライアント・ポータルのレポート/納税レポートメニューからオンラインでアクセスできます。
Q. 解約された口座を再開設することはできますか?
A. 解約されてからかなりの時間が経っている口座や、資産の出金のみを目的として再開設をご希望の口座は通常、再開設の対象となりません。証券取引を今後も継続する目的で口座の再開設をご希望の場合には、クライアントサービス・センターまでご連絡ください。
Q. 小切手による出金を希望していますが、住所変更があった場合にはどうしたらよいでしょうか?
A. 小切手による出金対象となる口座(郵送先住所が米国にあり、出金する通貨が米ドルの場合のみ)をお持ちで、記録上のご住所に変更があった場合、オンラインでの住所変更はできません。こういった場合にはクライアントサービスまで新しい住所をお伝えください。運転免許証やその他に受付可能な書類のアップロードの仕方をご案内致します。
Q. 電子出金を希望していますが、口座に有効なバンキングインストラクションが記録されていない場合にはどうしたらよいでしょうか?
A. 有効なバンキングインストラクションが現在、記録にない場合には、クライアント・ポータルにログインして、入出金・移管メニューより新しいインストラクションを入力して下さい。IBKRでは、新規インストラクションの口頭による確認および/または必要書類のご提出をお願いすることがありますのでご了承下さい。この確認手順は、サードパーティへの許可のない送金を防ぐことを目的としています。
Q. 口座を所有していた事業体に銀行口座がない、または事業体自体が存在しない場合には、どうやって出金したらよいでしょうか?
A. 口座の解約時に口座名義人名での出金ができない場合、IBKRでは所有権の比例配分に基づいた資金を事業体所有者の方たちに分配します。これには通常、所有者とその所有権を証明する書類の提出、またご提出いただく情報が正確であり、資金が分配されるべき所有者が他にいないことを保証・補償する所有者による書面が必要になりますのでご了承下さい。IBKRでは、ご提出いただく情報の正確性を確認するため、 弁護士による独立した意見を求める権利を有します。
Q. 解約済みの口座から資金の出金を行わない場合にはどうなりますか?
A. IBKRでは、解約済みの口座にプラス残高がある旨の通知を記録上のメールアドレスに送信致します。通知以降30日以内に残高が出金されないお口座は、解約済み口座にかかる月額$20の費用の対象となります。 IBKRではまた、一定期間取引のない口座に保有される資産を口座所有者の居住する州政府(米国外に居住されるお客様の場合にはコネチカット州)に報告するように義務付けられています。「取引のない」口座とみなされる期間は州によって異なりますが、3年でそのようにみなされる可能性もありますのでご注意下さい。未請求資産が州政府に引渡しされた後に返却を求める場合の詳細は、KB2599をご参照下さい。
1. 手数料 - 商品の種類や上場取引所、またセットプラン(すべて一括)や別プランかなどの選択によって異なります。例えば米国株の場合、取引あたり$1.00を最低限として、1株あたり$0.005を手数料として設定しています。
2. 金利 - 証拠金によるマイナス残高には金利がかかりますが、弊社では国際的に認められたオーバーナイトのベンチマークを使用して金利を決定しています。さらに、ベンチマーク金利(「BM」)にスプレッドを適用し、残高が大きいほど金利が高くなるように設定して、実効レートを決定しています。 例えば、米ドル建てのローンの場合、ベンチマーク率はフェドファンドの実行レートで残高が10万ドル以下の場合には、ベンチマーク1.5%のスプレッドが追加されます。 また株式の空売りの際には、これをカバーするために借りた株式が「借入困難な銘柄」とみなされる場合、日次で表示される特別な手数料が適用されます。
3. 取引所手数料 - これもまた商品の種類や上場取引所によって異なります。例えば、米国の証券オプションの取引所では、流動性が失われると(成行注文または約定のつく指値注文)支払い手数料が発生し、また流動性が追加されると(指値注文)受取り手数料が発生することがあります。また、多くの取引所では注文のキャンセルや変更に手数料を設けています。
4. マーケットデータ - マーケットデータのご購読は必要ありませんが、購読する場合には、ベンダーの取引所と購読サービスによっては月額料金が発生することがあります。弊社では、お客様が取引を希望される商品に応じて、適切なマーケットデータ購読サービスを選択するための、マーケットデータ・アシスタントツールをご提供しています。ポータルにログインしてサポートの項目をクリックし、マーケットデータ・アシスタントのリンクを選択してください。
5. 月間最低アクティビティ手数料 - 弊社ではアクティブなトレーダーのお客様を対象としているため、毎月最低額の手数料が発生しない場合には、差額をアクティビティ手数料としてお支払いいただきます。最低額は月あたり$10です。
6. その他の諸費用 - IBKRでは月に1回の出金は無料になっていますが、それ以降の出金には手数料が設定されています。また、取引のバスト・リクエストやオプションや先物の権利行使や割当て、ADRカストディアン手数料など、お客様にパススルーされる手数料があります。
IBKRのセキュア・ログインシステムを利用して口座にログインするお客様にはセキュリティデバイスを発行致します。ユーザー名とパスワードの使用で保護を強化し、オンラインハッカー等による口座への不正なアクセスを防ぎます。弊社ではデバイスの使用に対する費用は設けておりませんが、バージョンによっては口座解約時のデバイスの返却や代替品発行の費用が必要になります。 現在口座をお持ちのお客様は、デバイスの紛失や盗難、また破損(バッテリーの不具合による交換の場合には費用は発生しません)の際の代替品発行費用の対象となります。
またデバイスの紛失、盗難、破損が確定するまで弊社では代替品発行に対する費用のご請求は致しませんが、返却に必要な費用としてデバイスの発行時に費用分の金額が口座に予備として取り置かれます。 取り置かれる費用は口座内の取引用の資産に影響を与えることはありませんが、デバイスが返却されるまで全額の出金や移管はできません。(返却時費用分の出金はできません)
セキュリティデバイス | 費用 |
セキュリティー・コードカード1 | $0.001 |
デジタル・セキュリティー・カード + | $20.00 |
1AMLリスクがより高いとされる国を判断する上では、国際金融システムの整合性に対するマネーロンダリング、テロ資金の供給、またその他の脅威に対する対策を推進する政府間機関であるFATF(マネーロンダリングに関する金融活動作業部会) の提供する情報を考慮します。
Certain Interactive Brokers (“IBKR”) accounts are eligible to request withdrawal of funds to third parties by bank wire. These requests are subject to review and approval at IBKR’s sole discretion. This program is described on the IBKR website here.
After a due diligence review, IBKR may allow withdrawals to a third party for purposes like:
• Withdrawal for purchase of a home or mortgage payoff
• Withdrawal to a spouse, parent, sibling, or child of source account holder
• Withdrawal to an account held by one of the accountholders of a joint account or vice versa.
• Withdrawal from trust account to a beneficiary
• Payment of certain account expenses
• Tax payments
• IRA qualified charitable distributions
IBKR will generally not approve the following types of third-party withdrawals:
• Private investments
• Repayment of loans
• Withdrawals to companies owned by the accountholder
• Payment for purchase of goods or services
• Withdrawals to individuals other than spouse, parent, sibling or child of account holder
Clients who elect to close their account must first ensure that all balances (e.g., cash and positions) have been withdrawn or transferred before the account can be closed. Once closed, the account is then restricted from further transactions, however, there are situations where assets may be credited to the account despite it being closed. As disclosed at the point of account closing, cash balances credited to an account after it has been closed are automatically converted to the base currency, regardless of amount, since the trading platform is no longer available to facilitate conversions.
The following article provides background as to how such situations may occur and the steps clients can take to withdraw the assets.
Post-Closure Balances
While it is uncommon for credits to be applied to an account once closed, the events which cause this to happen generally arise from the following:
Withdrawing Assets
To withdraw cash, log into the Client Portal, select the Transfer & Pay and then Transfer Funds menu options and you will be presented with the option to make a withdrawal and a list of available banking instructions which you created while the account was open. Select an instruction that is active and applicable to the denomination of the currency to be withdrawn.
If your account has positions, please contact the broker who returned the positions to request that they be transferred back. Note that you will not be able to submit orders to close positions in a closed account.
Q. What do I do if I don't recall my login credentials and am unable to log into the Client Portal?
A. If you require assistance logging into your account, you will need to contact your local Client Service Center via telephone. Such requests require verbal verification of your identity as a protection from unauthorized users. Contact information is available on our website.
Q. How do I determine the credit balance in my account?
A. The account balance and its composition can be found in your activity statement. Daily, monthly and annual statements are available online via the Client Portal through the Reports/Tax Reports menu option.
Q. Am I able to reopen an account that has been closed?
A. Accounts that have been closed for an extended period or are attempting to reopen solely for the purpose of withdrawing assets are generally not eligible to be reopened. If you intend to reopen the account to establish an ongoing brokerage relationship, please contact your local Client Service Center for assistance.
Q. What happens if I want to withdraw the funds via check and my address has changed?
A. If your account is eligible to withdraw funds via check (only available for US currency withdrawals by customers with a US mailing address) and your mailing address on record is no longer accurate, you will not be able to change your address online. In this instance, please contact Client Services to inform us of your new address and receive instructions on how to upload a copy of a driver's license or other acceptable document.
Q. What happens if I want to withdraw the funds electronically and my account does not already have a valid banking instruction on file?
A. If you currently do not have an active banking instruction on file, please log into the Client Portal and add a new instruction using the Transfer & Pay menu option. Note that IBKR reserves the right to verify new instructions via verbal confirmation and/or submission of qualifying documentation. This verification step is intended to protect against unauthorized transfers to a 3rd party.
Q. The entity which owned the account no longer has a bank account or is no longer in existence. How can the funds be withdrawn?
A. In the event the funds are unable to be withdrawn and distributed in the name of account holder at the point of account closure, IBKR will seek to distribute the funds to the entity owners based on their pro rata share of ownership. Note that this will generally require submission of documentation evidencing the owners and their ownership interests as well as a warranty and indemnification letter executed by the owners that the information they provide is accurate and there aren’t any other owners or creditors to whom the funds are owned. IBKR also reserves the right to request an independent opinion of counsel verifying the accuracy of the information provided.
Q. What happens if I do not act to withdraw assets in a closed account?
A. IBKR will attempt to notify closed accounts of a credit balance using the email address of record. Account holders who do not act to withdraw balances within 30 days after notice has been sent are subject to a monthly closed account fee of $20. Also note that IBKR is subject to statutes which require that assets in accounts deemed "abandoned" be turned over to the state in which the client resides (or Connecticut if the client resides outside the U.S.). The period of inactivity by which an account is considered "inactive" varies by state, but can be as low as 3 years. See Knowledge Base Article 2599 for details regarding retrieving unclaimed property from the state.
As part of its anti-money laundering efforts, IBKR implements restrictions on certain client deposits and withdrawals. These restrictions apply to transfers associated with countries considered to have elevated AML risk and consider factors such as the client’s residency, the withdrawal destination and the denomination of the currency being transferred.1 An outline of these restrictions is provided below.
Note that clients who attempt to create an online banking instruction or initiate a deposit or withdrawal which is restricted will be blocked from creating that instruction or initiating that transaction and will be presented with an online error message.
1In determining whether a country is associated with elevated AML risk, consideration is given to information provided by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an intergovernmental organization which promotes measures for combating money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system and other public AML indices.
Explanation of Onshore/Offshore South African Rand (ZAR)
The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) has currency exchange control rules in place for South African residents. A South African resident is a person (i.e. a natural person, body corporate, foundation, trust or partnership) whether of South African or any other nationality who has taken up residence, is domiciled or registered in the Republic of South Africa (RSA). A resident account is also the account of persons resident, domiciled or registered in the Common Monetary Area (CMA). The CMA comprises of the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland. There are no exchange control restrictions between the members of the CMA and they form a single exchange control territory.
The rules stipulate that there is a yearly limit placed on the amount of ZAR that can be taken out of the country by South African residents – i.e. taken "Offshore". ZAR that remain in South Africa are deemed “Onshore”.
Each resident can take the following amounts offshore per calendar year:
Only institutions licensed as “Authorised Dealers” (AD) are able to send ZAR outside of South Africa and so offshore. An AD is responsible for reporting the offshoring of any ZAR to the SARB. As a result, residents sending ZAR offshore must accurately state the purpose for which the ZAR is being sent. Residents must receive approval from an AD before they are able to send any ZAR offshore. Prior to taking ZAR offshore as part of the Foreign Capital Allowance, residents must also have additional clearance from the SA tax authorities.
The full exchange control rulebook from the SARB can be found here: https://www.resbank.co.za/RegulationAndSupervision/FinancialSurveillanceAndExchangeControl/EXCMan/Pages/default.aspx
Current Situation
Our cashiering account is a non-resident account. Therefore, we are permitted to:
As a global broker offering futures trading in 19 countries, IB is subject to various regulations, some of which retain the concept of margin as a single, end of day computation as opposed to the continuous, real-time computations IB performs. To satisfy commodity regulatory requirements and manage economic exposure in a pragmatic fashion, two margin computations are performed at the market close, both which must be met to remain fully margin compliant. An overview of these computations is outlined below.
All orders are subject to an initial margin check prior to execution and continuous maintenance margin checks thereafter. As certain products may be offered intraday margin at rates less than the exchange minimum and to ensure end of day margin compliance overall, IB will generally liquidate positions prior to the close rather than issue a margin call. If, however, an account remains non-compliant at the close, our practice is to issue a margin call, restrict the account to margin reducing transactions and liquidate positions by the close of the 3rd business day if the initial requirement has not then been satisfied.
In determining whether a margin call is required, IB performs both a real-time and regulatory computation, which in certain circumstances, can generate different results:
Real-Time: under this method, initial margin is computed using positions and prices collected at a common point in time, regardless of a product’s listing exchange and official closing time; an approach we believe appropriate given the near continuous trading offered by most exchanges.
Regulatory: under this method, initial margin is computed using positions and prices collected at the official close of regular trading hours for each individual exchange. So, for example, a client trading futures listed on each of the Hong Kong, EUREX and CME exchanges would have a requirement calculated based upon information collected at the close of each respective exchange.
Clients trading futures listed within a single country and session are not expected to be impacted. Clients trading both the daytime and after hours sessions of a given exchange or on exchanges located in different countries where the closing times don’t align are more likely to be impacted. For example, a client opening a futures contract during the Hong Kong daytime session and closing it during U.S. hours, would have only the opening position considered for purposes of determining the margin requirement. This implies a different margin requirement and a possible margin call under the revised computation that may not have existed under the current. An example of this is provided in the chart below.
This example attempts to demonstrate how a client trading futures in both the Asia and U.S. timezones would be impacted were that client to trade in an extended hours trading session (i.e., outside of the regular trading hours after which the day's official close had been determined). Here, the client opens a position during the Hong Kong regular hours trading session, closes it during the extended hours session, thereby freeing up equity to open a position in the U.S. regular hours session. For purposes of illustration, a $1,000 trading loss is assumed. This example illustrates that the regulatory end of day computation may not recognize margin reducing trades conducted after the official close, thereby generating an initial margin call.
Day | Time (ET) | Event |
Start Position |
End Position | IB Margin | Regulatory Margin | |||
Equity With Loan | Maintenance | Initial | Overnight | Margin Call | |||||
1 | 22:00 | Buy 1 HHI.HK | None | Long 1 HHI.HK | $10,000 | $3,594 | $4,493 | N/A | N/A |
2 | 04:30 | Official HK Close | Long 1 HHI.HK | Long 1 HHI.HK | $10,000 | $7,942 | $9,927 | $4,493 | N/A |
2 | 08:00 | Sell 1 HHI.HK | Long 1 HHI.HK | None | $9,000 | $0 | $0 | $0 | N/A |
2 | 10:00 | Buy 1 ES | None | Long 1 ES | $9,000 | $2,942 | $3,677 | N/A | N/A |
2 | 17:00 | Official U.S. Close | Long 1 ES | Long 1 ES | $9,000 | $5,884 | $7,355 | $9,993 | Yes |
3 | 17:00 | Official U.S. Close | Long 1 ES | Long 1 ES | $9,000 | $5,884 | $7,355 | $5,500 | No |