Deseo activar la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key) para Android con un código QR



  • Su móvil Android no debe estar modificado por el método de acceso root.
  • La versión de Android ha de ser la 6.0 o superior.

Puede descargar la aplicación IBKR Mobile en su smartphone directamente desde:
Google Play Store, 360 Mobile Assistant o Baidu Mobile Assistant.

Obtenga la IB Key desde la Google Play Store          Descargar la IB Key desde 360 Mobile Assistance          Descargar la IB Key desde Baidu Mobile Assistant



1) En su móvil Android, pulse sobre la aplicación de la Play StoreIcono de aplicaciones de Google Play Store.

2) Pulse sobre la barra de búsqueda que figura en la parte superior, escriba IBKR Mobile, y pulse sobre la lupa para buscar.

Figura 2

3) Localice y seleccione la aplicación  IBKR Mobile de Interactive Brokers Group, y luego pulse Instalar a la derecha.

Figura 3


4) Tras completarse la instalación, pulse Abrir para abrir la aplicación IBKR Mobile.

Figura 4


Figura 5

6) Pulse sobre ID DE LA SESIÓN

Figura 6

7) Pulse sobre CÓDIGO QR

Figura 7

8) Si se le solicita permiso para utilizar la cámara del móvil, pulse Permitir.

Figura 8

9) Apunte la lente de la cámara de su smartphone hacia el código QR. No es necesario tomar una fotografía. Cuando el código se encuentre enfocado, la imagen se tomará automáticamente. Si su smartphone no reconoce el código QR, intente acercar o alejar su móvil del código QR para que lo pueda enfocar. En caso de que su móvil no reconozca el código QR, visite la sección Posibles problemas y soluciones el pie de este artículo.

Figura 9

10) Deberá crear un código PIN de su preferencia; luego, pulse ACTIVAR. El código PIN debe tener entre 4 y 6 caracteres (se admiten letras, números y caracteres especiales). Pulse sobre Más directrices sobre el código PIN, o consulte el artículo KB2269 para obtener más directrices.

Figura 10


11) Recibirá un mensaje en donde se confirma que la activación de la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key) se ha realizado correctamente. Pulse HECHO para completar el procedimiento

Figura 11



Posibles problemas y soluciones


  • Mi smartphone no puede leer el código QR. ¿Qué debo hacer?

Asegúrese de que ha activado el botón "Escanear códigos QR" en la configuración de la cámara de su smartphone (Figura 12).

Figura 12


  • Mi móvil activa la cámara frontal. ¿Cómo puedo cambiar a la cámara posterior?

Normalmente, hay un botón específico en la vista de la cámara para cambiar de la cámara frontal a la posterior (Figura 13).

Figura 13


  • Durante la activación de la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key), recibo el siguiente mensaje: "Se ha producido un error. Vuelva a intentarlo."

Figura 14

Este mensaje de error (Figura 14) puede indicar que usted está intentando activar una instancia de la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key) que ya se encuentra activada. Inicie sesión en Client Portal nuevamente. Si recibe una notificación en su smartphone una vez que ha introducido sus credenciales y puede completar la autenticación una vez que pulsa sobre la notificación, su instancia de la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key) ya está activada y no necesita seguir con los pasos que se indican en este artículo.

Alternativamente, el mensaje de error puede mostrarse cuando el código QR que se muestra en Client Portal ya ha sido utilizado para intentar una activación y ha caducado. En este caso, cierra la sesión en Client Portal e iníciela de nuevo para obtener un código QR nuevo.


  • Para obtener instrucciones acerca de cómo activar y operar la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key), consulte el artículo KB2260 .
  • Para obtener más información acerca de cómo recuperar la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key), consulte el artículo KB2748.
  • Para obtener instrucciones acerca de cómo activar las notificaciones para la aplicación IBKR Mobile, consulte el artículo KB3236 .
  • Para ver soluciones a los problemas con notificaciones de IBKR Mobile faltantes, consulte el artículo KB3234.
  • Para obtener más información acerca de cómo migrar la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key) a un nuevo smartphone, consulte el artículo KB3073.

Deseo activar la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key) para iPhone con el código QR de Client Portal

Es probable que haya visto un código QR al iniciar sesión en Client Portal. En este artículo, describiremos los pasos a seguir para activar la autenticación con IBKR Mobile (IB Key) utilizando ese código.


1) Inicie sesión en Client Portal. Verá un aviso que le recomienda activar la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key). Para esto, deberá escanear el código QR que aparece allí:

Figura 1


2) En su smartphone, inicie la aplicación "Cámara".

Figura 2


3) Apunte la lente de la cámara de su smartphone hacia el código QR. No es necesario tomar una fotografía. Cuando el código se encuentre enfocado, la imagen se tomará automáticamente. Si su smartphone no reconoce el código QR, intente acercar o alejar su móvil del código QR para que lo pueda enfocar. En caso de que su móvil no reconozca el código QR, visite la sección Posibles problemas y soluciones el pie de este artículo.

Figura 3


4) Si su dispositivo puede leer el código QR correctamente, verá un aviso en la parte superior de la pantalla de su smartphone.

  • Si el aviso le solicita abrir la página web de IBKR en el explorador de su smartphone (tal como se indican en la Figura 4.1), proceda con el siguiente paso, 5)
  • Si el aviso le solicita abrir la aplicación de IBKR Mobile (tal como se ve en la Figura 4.2), continúe con el paso 8)

Figura 4.1                                                                                Figura 4.2


5) Pulse sobre el aviso en la parte superior de la pantalla de su smartphone que le solicita abrir la página web de IBKR. Se lo redirigirá a la AppStore.

Figura 5


6) Pulse sobre el icono de descarga OBTENER para instalar IBKR Mobile en su móvil.

Figura 6


7) Una vez que la instalación esté completa, no abra la aplicación IBKR Mobile. Abra su cámara y, nuevamente, enfoque la cámara sobre el código QR que se muestra en Client Portal.

Figura 7


8) Pulse en el aviso en la parte superior de la pantalla que le solicita abrir la aplicación IBKR Mobile.

Figura 8


9) Si se le pregunta si quiere permitir o no las notificaciones para IBKR Mobile, pulse Permitir.

Figura 9


10) Se le pedirá que proporcione el elemento de seguridad que utiliza para desbloquear su móvil (FaceID, huella digital o contraseña).

Figura 10


11) Recibirá un mensaje en donde se confirma que la activación de la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key) se ha realizado correctamente. Pulse Hecho para completar el procedimiento.

Figura 11



Posibles problemas y soluciones


  • Mi smartphone no puede leer el código QR. ¿Qué debo hacer?

Asegúrese de que ha activado el botón "Escanear códigos QR" en la configuración de la cámara de su smartphone.

Figura 12


  • Mi móvil activa la cámara frontal. ¿Cómo puedo cambiar a la cámara posterior?

Normalmente, hay un botón específico en la vista de la cámara para cambiar de la cámara frontal a la posterior.

Figura 13


  • Durante la activación de la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key), recibo el siguiente mensaje: "Se ha producido un error. Vuelva a intentarlo."

Figura 14

Este mensaje de error puede indicar que usted está intentando activar una instancia de la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key) que ya se encuentra activada. Inicie sesión en Client Portal nuevamente. Si recibe una notificación en su smartphone una vez que ha introducido sus credenciales y puede completar la autenticación una vez que pulsa sobre la notificación, su instancia de la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key) ya está activada y no necesita seguir con los pasos que se indican en este artículo.

Alternativamente, el mensaje de error puede mostrarse cuando el código QR que se muestra en Client Portal ya ha sido utilizado para intentar una activación y ha caducado. En este caso, cierra la sesión en Client Portal e iníciela de nuevo para obtener un código QR nuevo.


  • Para obtener instrucciones acerca de cómo activar y operar la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key), consulte el artículo KB2260 .
  • Para obtener más información acerca de cómo recuperar la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key), consulte el artículo KB2748.
  • Para obtener instrucciones acerca de cómo activar las notificaciones para la aplicación IBKR Mobile, consulte el artículo KB3236 .
  • Para ver soluciones a los problemas con notificaciones de IBKR Mobile faltantes, consulte el artículo KB3234.
  • Para obtener más información acerca de cómo migrar la autenticación a través de IBKR Mobile (IB Key) a un nuevo smartphone, consulte el artículo KB3073.

I am unable to scan the QR Code in Client Portal. How can I add a User to IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) for Android?

  • The IBKR Mobile app must be installed and IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) already activated on this Android device.
  • For more information on the installation and activation on Android devices, please consult KB2277.



1) On your Android device, open the IBKR Mobile app.

     1.a) If the app opens with the login screen (Figure 1), tap on Services on the top-left corner (red arrow) and proceed with step 2)

     1.b) If the app opens with your Home Page, Portfolio, Watchlists, or similar, tap on More on the top-left corner (Figure 2). Then tap on Two-Factor Authentication (Figure 3), followed by Add User (Figure 4) and proceed with step 3)


Figure 1                                                 Figure 2                                               Figure 3                         

Figure 4                                            

2) Tap on AUTHENTICATE (Figure 5) and then on Add User (Figure 6).

Figure 5                                                      Figure 6                                      

3) Read the instructions and then tap on SESSION ID (Figure 7).

Figure 7                                   

4) Type the alphanumeric string present below the QR code in the Session ID field (Figure 8).

Figure 8

5) Provide your PIN then tap ACTIVATE (Figure 9).

Figure 9                        

6) You will receive a message indicating the successful activation of IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key). Tap DONE to confirm (Figure 10).

Figure 10                              



Possible Issues and Solutions
  • During the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) activation, I receive an error message "An error has occurred. Please try again."

Figure 11

This error message (Figure 11) may indicate you are attempting to activate the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) for a user which was already enrolled. Please try to log that user in to the Client Portal again. If you receive a notification on your smartphone once you have entered the credentials and you are able to complete the authentication once you tap on that notification, then the user was already enrolled and you no longer need to follow the steps on this article.

Alternatively, the error message may be displayed when the QR code shown in the Client Portal was already used to attempt an activation and is expired. In this case, please log out of the Client Portal and log back in to obtain a fresh QR code.


I am unable to scan the QR Code in Client Portal. How can I add a User to IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) for iPhone?

  • The IBKR Mobile app must be installed and IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) already activated on this iOS device.
  • For more information on the installation and activation on iOS devices, please refer to KB2278.



1) On your iOS device, open the IBKR Mobile app.

     1.a) If the app opens with the login screen (Figure 1), tap on Services on the top-left corner (red arrow) and proceed with step 2)

     1.b) If the app opens with your Home Page, Portfolio, Watchlists, or similar, tap on More on the bottom-right corner (Figure 2). Then tap on Two-Factor Authentication (Figure 3), followed by Add User (Figure 4) and proceed with step 3)

Figure 1                                                 Figure 2                                              Figure 3                        


Figure 4                                                        


2) Tap on Authenticate (Figure 5) and then on Add User (Figure 6).

Figure 5                                                  Figure 6


3) Tap Setup IB Key using QR code (Figure 7).

Figure 7                      


4) Type the alphanumeric string present below the QR code in the Activation Code field (Figure 8).

Figure 8

8) Tap Activate IB Key (Figure 9).

Figure 9

9) You will receive a message indicating the successful activation of IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key). Tap DONE to confirm (Figure 10).

Figure 10





Possible issues and solutions


  • During the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) activation, I receive an error message "An error has occurred. Please try again."

Figure 11

This error message (Figure 11) may indicate you are attempting to activate the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) for a user which was already enrolled. Please try to log that user in to the Client Portal again. If you receive a notification on your smartphone once you have entered the credentials and you are able to complete the authentication once you tap on that notification, then the user was already enrolled and you no longer need to follow the steps on this article.

Alternatively, the error message may be displayed when the QR code shown in the Client Portal was already used to attempt an activation and is expired. In this case, please log out of the Client Portal and log back in to obtain a fresh QR code.


  • See KB2260 for instruction on how to activate and operate IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key).
  • See KB2748 for instructions on how to recover IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key).
  • See KB3236 for instructions on how to enable notifications for the IBKR Mobile app.
  • See KB3234 for troubleshooting missing IBKR Mobile notifications.
  • See KB3073 for instructions on how to migrate the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) to a new smartphone.

I want to add a User to IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) for Android with the QR Code from Client Portal

  • The IBKR Mobile app must be installed and IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) already activated on this Android device.
  • For more information on the installation and activation on Android devices, please consult the IBKR Knowledge Base.



1) On your Android device, open the IBKR Mobile app.

     1.a) If the app opens with the login screen (Figure 1), tap on Services on the top-left corner (red arrow) and proceed with step 2)

     1.b) If the app opens with your Home Page, Portfolio, Watchlists, or similar, tap on More on the top-left corner (Figure 2). Then tap on Two-Factor Authentication (Figure 3), followed by Add User (Figure 4) and proceed with step 3)


Figure 1                                                 Figure 2                                               Figure 3                         

Figure 4                                            

2) Tap on Authenticate (Figure 5) and then on Add User (Figure 6).

Figure 5                                                      Figure 6                                      

3) Read the instructions and then tap on SESSION ID (Figure 7).

Figure 7                                   

4) Tap QR CODE (Figure 8).

Figure 8                                            

5) Tap Allow if asked for permission to use the phone camera (Figure 9).

Figure 9                     

6) Point the lens of your smartphone camera towards the QR code (Figure 10). You don't need to "take a picture." When the code is in focus, it is automatically captured. If your phone does not seem to recognize the QR code try to move your phone closer or farther away to the QR code in order to gain focus. If your phone does not recognize the QR code, please see the section Possible Issues and solutions at the bottom of this article.

Figure 10

7) Provide your PIN then tap on ACTIVATE (Figure 11).

Figure 11                               

8) You will receive a message indicating the successful activation of IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key). Tap DONE to confirm (Figure 12).

Figure 12                            




Possible issues and solutions


  • My smartphone did not manage to read the QR code. What should I do?

Make sure you have activated the switch "Scan QR codes" from the Camera Settings of your smartphone (Figure 13).

Figure 13


  • My phone activates the front camera. How can I switch to the rear one?

Usually there is a specific button in the camera view to switch from front to rear lenses (Figure 14).

Figure 14


  • During the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) activation, I receive an error message "An error has occurred. Please try again."

Figure 15

This error message (Figure 15) may indicate you are attempting to activate the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) for a user which was already enrolled. Please try to log that user in to the Client Portal again. If you receive a notification on your smartphone once you have entered the credentials and you are able to complete the authentication once you tap on that notification, then the user was already enrolled and you no longer need to follow the steps on this article.

Alternatively, the error message may be displayed when the QR code shown in the Client Portal was already used to attempt an activation and is expired. In this case, please log out of the Client Portal and log back in to obtain a fresh QR code.


  • See KB2260 for instruction on how to activate and operate IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key).
  • See KB2748 for instructions on how to recover IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key).
  • See KB3236 for instructions on how to enable notifications for the IBKR Mobile app.
  • See KB3234 for troubleshooting missing IBKR Mobile notifications.
  • See KB3073 for instructions on how to migrate the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) to a new smartphone.

I want to add a User to IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) for iPhone with the QR Code from Client Portal

  • The IBKR Mobile app must be installed and IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) already activated on this iOS device.
  • For more information on the installation and activation on iOS devices, please refer to the IBKR Knowledge Base.



1) On your iOS device, open the IBKR Mobile app.

     1.a) If the app opens with the login screen (Figure 1), tap on Services on the top-left corner (red arrow) and proceed with step 2)

     1.b) If the app opens with your Home Page, Portfolio, Watchlists, or similar, tap on More on the bottom-right corner (Figure 2). Then tap on Two-Factor Authentication (Figure 3), followed by Add User (Figure 4) and proceed with step 3)

Figure 1                                                 Figure 2                                              Figure 3                        


Figure 4                                                        


2) Tap on Authenticate (Figure 5) and then on Add User (Figure 6).

Figure 5                                                  Figure 6


3) Tap Setup IB Key using QR code (Figure 7).

Figure 7                      


4) Tap Launch Camera (Figure 8).

Figure 8            


5) Tap OK if you are asked for permission to use camera (Figure 9).

Figure 9                                       


6) Point the lens of your smartphone camera towards the QR code (Figure 10). You don't need to "take a picture." When the code is in focus, it is automatically captured. If your phone does not seem to recognize the QR code try to move your phone closer or farther away to the QR code in order to gain focus. If your phone does not recognize the QR code, please see the section Possible Issues and solutions at the bottom of this article.

Figure 10                                        


7) You will be asked to provide the security element you use to unlock your phone (FaceID, Fingerprint or Passcode). Please provide it (Figure 11).

Figure 11                                   


8) You will receive a message indicating the successful activation of IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key). Tap Done to confirm (Figure 12).

Figure 12                                  




Possible issues and solutions


  • My smartphone did not manage to read the QR code. What should I do?

Make sure you have activated the switch "Scan QR codes" from the Camera Settings of your smartphone (Figure 13).

Figure 13


  • My phone activates the front camera. How can I switch to the rear one?

Usually there is a specific button in the camera view to switch from front to rear lenses (Figure 14).

Figure 14


  • During the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) activation, I receive an error message "An error has occurred. Please try again." 

Figure 15

This error message (Figure 15) may indicate you are attempting to activate the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) for a user which was already enrolled. Please try to log that user in to the Client Portal again. If you receive a notification on your smartphone once you have entered the credentials and you are able to complete the authentication once you tap on that notification, then the user was already enrolled and you no longer need to follow the steps on this article.

Alternatively, the error message may be displayed when the QR code shown in the Client Portal was already used to attempt an activation and is expired. In this case, please log out of the Client Portal and log back in to obtain a fresh QR code.



  • See KB2260 for instruction on how to activate and operate IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key).
  • See KB2748 for instructions on how to recover IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key).
  • See KB3236 for instructions on how to enable notifications for the IBKR Mobile app.
  • See KB3234 for troubleshooting missing IBKR Mobile notifications.
  • See KB3073 for instructions on how to migrate the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) to a new smartphone.


I am unable to scan the QR Code in Client Portal. How can I activate IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) for iPhone?


  • Your iOS device must have Touch ID (fingerprint reader) or Face ID (facial recognition).
  • The device's Operating System version must be iOS 11.0 or later.
  • The device must have either Touch ID, Face ID or Passcode enabled. Touch ID or Face ID is the recommended choice. Refer to Set up Touch ID or Set up Face ID for directions.

You can download IBKR Mobile app on your iPhone directly from the App Store.

Get the IB Key from the Apple Store



1) On your iPhone tap the App Store App Store icon icon.

2) Tap the Search icon (magnifying glass) in the lower right corner,

Figure 2

3) Tap in the search bar at the top, type IBKR Mobile. The search results should automatically appear below the search box.

Figure 3

4) Select the IBKR Mobile from Interactive Brokers LLC and tap on the download icon GET (if prompted, enter your Apple ID password or provide your FaceID / Fingerprint).

Figure 4

5) Once the installation has completed, tap OPEN to launch the IBKR Mobile app.

Figure 5

6) Tap Setup IB Key using QR code.

Figure 6

7) Type the alphanumeric string present below the QR code in the Activation Code field.

Figure 7

8) Tap Activate IB Key

9) You will receive a message confirming the successful activation of IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key). Tap DONE to complete the procedure

Figure 9



  • See KB2260 for instruction on how to activate and operate IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key).
  • See KB2748 for instructions on how to recover IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key).
  • See KB3236 for instructions on how to enable notifications for the IBKR Mobile app.
  • See KB3234 for troubleshooting missing IBKR Mobile notifications.
  • See KB3073 for instructions on how to migrate the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) to a new smartphone.


I am unable to scan the QR Code in Client Portal. How can I activate IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) for Android?


  • Your Android Phone must not be rooted.
  • The Android OS version must be 6.0 or later.

You can download the IBKR Mobile app on your smartphone directly from;
Google Play Store , 360 Mobile Assistant or Baidu Mobile Assistant.

Get the IB Key from the Google Play store          Download IB Key from 360 Mobile Assistance          Download IB Key from Baidu Mobile Assistant


1) On your Android phone tap on the Play Store Google Play Store App icon app.

2) Tap on the search bar at the top, type IBKR Mobile then tap the magnifying glass to search.

Figure 2

3) Locate and select the app IBKR Mobile from Interactive Brokers Group, then tap on Install to the right.

Figure 3


4) Once the installation completes, tap on Open to launch the IBKR Mobile app.

Figure 4


Figure 5


Figure 6

7) Type the alphanumeric string present below the QR code in the Session ID field

Figure 7

8) Create a PIN of your preference then tap ACTIVATE. The PIN must be at least 4 and up to 6 characters (letters, numbers and special characters allowed). Tap +PIN Guidelines or refer to KB2269 for additional guidelines.

Figure 8

9) You will receive a message confirming the successful activation of IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key). Tap DONE to complete the procedure

Figure 9



Possible Issues and Solutions


  • During the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) activation, I receive an error message "An error has occurred. Please try again."

Figure 14

This error message (Figure 14) may indicate you are attempting to activate an IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) instance that is already activated. Please try to log in to the Client Portal again. If you receive a notification on your smartphone once you have entered the credentials and you are able to complete the authentication once you tap on that notification, then your IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key)  instance is already activated and you no longer need to follow the steps on this article.

Alternatively, the error message may be displayed when the QR code shown in the Client Portal was already used to attempt an activation and is expired. In this case, please log out of the Client Portal and log back in to obtain a fresh QR code.


  • See KB2260 for instruction on how to activate and operate IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key).
  • See KB2748 for instructions on how to recover IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key).
  • See KB3236 for instructions on how to enable notifications for the IBKR Mobile app.
  • See KB3234 for troubleshooting missing IBKR Mobile notifications.
  • See KB3073 for instructions on how to migrate the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) to a new smartphone.

I want to activate IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) for Android with the QR Code from Client Portal



  • Your Android Phone must not be rooted.
  • The Android OS version must be 6.0 or later.

You can download the IBKR Mobile app on your smartphone directly from;
Google Play Store , 360 Mobile Assistant or Baidu Mobile Assistant.

Get the IB Key from the Google Play store          Download IB Key from 360 Mobile Assistance          Download IB Key from Baidu Mobile Assistant



1) On your Android phone tap on the Play Store Google Play Store App icon app.

2) Tap on the search bar at the top, type IBKR Mobile then tap the magnifying glass to search.

Figure 2

3) Locate and select the app IBKR Mobile from Interactive Brokers Group, then tap on Install to the right.

Figure 3


4) Once the installation completes, tap on Open to launch the IBKR Mobile app.

Figure 4


Figure 5


Figure 6

7) Tap QR CODE

Figure 7

8) Tap Allow if asked for permission to use the phone camera.

Figure 8

9) Point the lens of your smartphone camera towards the QR code. You don't need to "take a picture." When the code is in focus it is automatically captured. If your phone does not seem to recognize the QR code try to move your phone closer or farther away to the QR code in order to gain focus. If your phone does not recognize the QR code, please see the section Possible Issues and solutions at the bottom of this article.

Figure 9

10) Create a PIN of your preference then tap ACTIVATE. The PIN must be at least 4 and up to 6 characters (letters, numbers and special characters allowed). Tap +PIN Guidelines or refer to KB2269 for additional guidelines.

Figure 10


11) You will receive a message confirming the successful activation of IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key). Tap DONE to complete the procedure

Figure 11



Possible issues and solutions


  • My smartphone did not manage to read the QR code. What should I do?

Make sure you have activated the switch "Scan QR codes" from the Camera Settings of your smartphone (Figure 12)

Figure 12


  • My phone activates the front camera. How can I switch to the rear one?

Usually there is a specific button in the camera view to switch from front to rear lenses (Figure 13)

Figure 13


  • During the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) activation, I receive an error message "An error has occurred. Please try again."

Figure 14

This error message (Figure 14) may indicate you are attempting to activate an IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) instance that is already activated. Please try to log in to the Client Portal again. If you receive a notification on your smartphone once you have entered the credentials and you are able to complete the authentication once you tap on that notification, then your IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) instance is already activated and you no longer need to follow the steps on this article.

Alternatively, the error message may be displayed when the QR code shown in the Client Portal was already used to attempt an activation and is expired. In this case, please log out of the Client Portal and log back in to obtain a fresh QR code.


  • See KB2260 for instruction on how to activate and operate IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key).
  • See KB2748 for instructions on how to recover IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key).
  • See KB3236 for instructions on how to enable notifications for the IBKR Mobile app.
  • See KB3234 for troubleshooting missing IBKR Mobile notifications (IB Key).
  • See KB3073 for instructions on how to migrate the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) to a new smartphone.

I want to activate IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) for iPhone with the QR Code from Client Portal

You may have seen a QR code when you logged into Client Portal. In this article we will cover the steps for activating IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) using that code.


1) Log into Client Portal. You will see a banner recommending that you activate IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) by scanning the accompanying QR Code:

Figure 1


2) On your smartphone, launch the "Camera" app.

Figure 2


3) Point the lens of your smartphone camera towards the QR code. You don't need to "take a picture." When the code is in focus it is automatically captured. If your phone does not seem to recognize the QR code try to move your phone closer or farther away to the QR code in order to gain focus. If your phone does not recognize the QR code, please see the section Possible Issues and solutions at the bottom of this article.

Figure 3


4) If your device was able to read the QR code successfully, you will see a banner on the top of your smartphone screen.

  • If the banner asks you to open the IBKR web site on your smartphone browser (as in Figure 4.1), please proceed directly to next step, 5)
  • If the banner asks you to open the IBKR Mobile app (as in Figure 4.2), please jump to step 8)

Figure 4.1                                                                                Figure 4.2


5) Tap on the banner on the top of your smartphone screen, asking you to open the IBKR Web site. You will be redirected to the AppStore.

Figure 5


6) Tap the download icon GET to install IBKR Mobile on your phone.

Figure 6


7) Once the installation is complete, do not launch the IBKR Mobile app. Open your camera and again focus on the QR code displayed in Client Portal.

Figure 7


8) Tap on the banner on the top of your screen, asking you to open the IBKR Mobile app.

Figure 8


9) Tap Allow if asked whether to allow or disallow notifications for IBKR Mobile.

Figure 9


10) You will be asked to provide the security element you use to unlock your phone (FaceID, Fingerprint or Passcode).

Figure 10


11) You will receive a message confirming the successful activation of IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key). Tap Done to complete the procedure

Figure 11



Possible issues and solutions


  • My smartphone did not manage to read the QR code. What should I do?

Make sure you have activated the switch "Scan QR codes" from the Camera Settings of your smartphone.

Figure 12


  • My phone activates the front camera. How can I switch to the rear one?

Usually there is a specific button in the camera view to switch from front to rear lenses.

Figure 13


  • During the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) activation, I receive an error message "An error has occurred. Please try again."

Figure 14

This error message may indicate you are attempting to activate an IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB key) instance that is already activated. Please try to log in to the Client Portal again. If you receive a notification on your smartphone once you have entered the credentials and you are able to complete the authentication once you tap on that notification, then your IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) instance is already activated and you no longer need to follow the steps on this article.

Alternatively, the error message may be displayed when the QR code shown in the Client Portal was already used to attempt an activation and is expired. In this case, please log out of the Client Portal and log back in to obtain a fresh QR code.


  • See KB2260 for instruction on how to activate and operate IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key).
  • See KB2748 for instructions on how to recover IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key).
  • See KB3236 for instructions on how to enable notifications for the IBKR Mobile app.
  • See KB3234 for troubleshooting missing IBKR Mobile notifications.
  • See KB3073 for instructions on how to migrate the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) to a new smartphone.
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