Authentication device: this is the smartphone on which you activated the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key)
Trading device: this is where you want to use IBKR Mobile app for trading.
SMS eignen sich als schnelle und einfache Zwei-Faktoren-Methode zur Ausführung Ihrer Authentifizierungs-relevanten Aufgaben. In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Mobiltelefonnummer dahingehend einrichten können, um Authentifizierungscodes per SMS zu erhalten.
Für die Zwei-Faktoren-Authentifizierung per SMS benötigen Sie eine verifizierte Mobiltelefonnummer. Falls Sie die Verifizierung Ihrer Telefonnummer nicht im Zuge Ihres Kontoantrages abgeschlossen haben, können Sie dies jederzeit tun, indem Sie die folgenden Schritte befolgen:
Sobald die Authentifizierung per SMS als 2-Faktoren-Authentifizierungsmethode aktiviert wurde, werden Sie diese folgendermaßen nutzen können:
Securely log in to any IBKR application, including TWS, Client Portal or WebTrader using IBKR Mobile
1. Enter your IBKR Account credentials into your trading platform or Client Portal login screen and click Login. If your credentials have been accepted, a notification will be sent to your phone.
2. On your phone, swipe down from the top and check your notification drawer. Tap on the IBKR Mobile notification. If you have not received the notification, please refer to KB3234.
3. The IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) will open, prompting you for your fingerprint or your PIN, according to the hardware capabilities of your phone. Please provide the requested security element.
4. If the authentication has succeeded, the trading platform or Client Portal login process will automatically move ahead to the next phases.
What if I do not receive the notification?
If notifications are disabled, no internet access is available or if you have a poor, unstable connection, the notifications may not reach your phone. In these cases the seamless authentication may not be available but you can still use the manual Challenge/Response authentication method as described below:
1. On your trading platform or Client Portal login screen, click the link "Click here if you do not receive the notification".
2. A Challenge code will be displayed on the screen.
3. Launch the IBKR Mobile app on your Smartphone, select Authenticate (if necessary), enter your PIN and the Challenge code you obtained in the previous step. Tap Generate Passcode.
4. A Response String will be displayed.
5. Enter the Response String into your trading platform or Client Portal login screen. Then click OK.
6. If the authentication has succeeded, the trading platform or Client Portal login process will automatically move ahead to the next phases.
Operation with Touch ID
Once activated, operation of IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) using Touch ID is as follows:
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not have Internet access while operating the IBKR Mobile app, please refer to the section "What if I don't receive the notification?"
1. Enter your username and password into the trading platform or Client Portal login screen and click Login. If correct, a notification will be sent to your iPhone.
2. On your iPhone, check your notifications panel and select the IBKR Mobile app notification
3. Selecting the notification will launch the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key). On your iPhone, place your finger that was registered for Touch ID on the Home Button. If the Touch ID has not been activated, IB Key will prompt you to enter the Passcode.
4. If authentication succeeds, the log in will now automatically proceed.
Operation with Face ID
Once activated, operation of IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) using Face ID is as follows:
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not have Internet access while operating the IBKR Mobile app, please refer to the section "What if I don't receive the notification?"
1. Enter your username and password into the trading platform or Client Portal login screen and click Login. If correct, a notification will be sent to your iPhone.
2. On your iPhone, check your notifications panel and select the IBKR Mobile app notification
3. Selecting the notification will launch the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key). On your iPhone, look at the screen to authenticate via Face ID. If Face ID has not been activated, IB Key will prompt you to enter the Passcode.
4. If authentication succeeds, the log in will now automatically proceed.
What if I don't receive the notification?
If notifications are disabled, no internet access is available or if you have a poor, unstable connection it is possible the notification may not arrive. In these cases operation of the IBKR Mobile app is as follows:
1. Click the link Click here if you do not receive the notification.
2. This will generate challenge code and box to enter response.
3. Launch IBKR Mobile on your Smartphone, then select Authenticate. Type the Challenge number into the corresponding box.
4. If you use Touch ID, place your finger that was registered on the Home Button. If the Touch ID has not been activated, the IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) will prompt you to enter the Passcode. A response string will be generated. If you use Face ID, skip this step and go to the next one.
5. If you use Face ID, look at the screen to authenticate via Face ID. If Face ID has not been activated, IB Key will prompt you to enter the Passcode. A response string will be generated.
6. Enter the response from your iPhone into the log in screen and click OK.
7. If authentication succeeds, the log in will now automatically proceed.
A push notification is a brief message which is sent ("pushed") from a back-end server to your device over the Internet. Apps developers use those attention-grabbing messages to quickly and effectively reach the recipients, even if they are not currently engaging with their application. Notifications can deliver information to users or advise them of a specific action they are invited or required to perform.
The IBKR Mobile application uses notifications for informational purposes, as well as two-factor authentication. In the latter case, the user is invited to tap on the notification, which will automatically open the IBKR Mobile app and begin the authentication process.
This procedure explains how to manually enable notifications for the IBKR Mobile app. Please click the link below that matches your smartphone's operating system.
Please note that menu items labels and positions may vary according to your device vendor and software version.
1. The Apps & notifications item may be called Sound & notification on certain devices
In this article, we explain what notifications are, how they are used within the IB Key authentication process and which troubleshooting actions you can perform if you do not receive them on your smartphone.
A push notification is a brief message sent ("pushed") from a back-end server to your device over the Internet. Apps developers use those messages to quickly and effectively attract the user's attention, even if they are currently not engaging with their application. Notifications can deliver information to users or advise them of a specific action they are invited or required to perform.
The IBKR Mobile application uses notifications:
In the second case, the user is invited to tap on the notification - this will automatically open the IBKR Mobile app, through which the authentication process needs to be completed.
To receive the IBKR Mobile notifications, the following requirements have to be met:
If you meet the prerequisites but are still not receiving IBKR Mobile push notifications, please check the instructions below.
Click here if you want to skip those instructions and jump directly to the next item - point 5.
Click here if you want to skip those instructions and jump directly to the next item - point 7.
Note: The position and name of the items may vary according to the Android device vendor and software version.
a. On click on LOG IN --> PORTAL LOGIN
b. Enter your credentials and click on Login
c. Should you have multiple SLS devices active, select "IB Key" from the device drop-down
d. If you see a note stating that a message has been sent to your phone, click the link "Click here if you did not receive the message" and the system will show you a six-digit Challenge number
e. On your mobile device, open the IBKR Mobile app, then tap Authenticate (should you not see the button Authenticate, tap first on the link Services on the top left of the screen)
f. Enter the Challenge number you obtained at point d. in the Challenge field and tap Generate Response. Once you have provided your security element (PIN, FaceID, Passcode), you will receive an 8 digits Response String
g. On the Client Portal login screen, enter now the Response String you obtained at point f.
h. If the code has been accepted, you will be logged in to the Client Portal.
i. Logout from the Client Portal and try to log in again. This time you should receive the notification on your mobile device.
In case your smartphone is unable to receive IB Key notifications, you can still complete the login process using the IB Key Challenge/Response method, described on the following pages (according to your device operating system):
SMS as Two-Factor method is a quick and easy way to carry out your authentication tasks. This article explains how to set up your mobile phone number to receive authentication codes via SMS.
To enroll into SMS Two-Factor Authentication, you would need to have a verified mobile phone number on record. If the verification of your phone number was not completed during the account application, you can complete it at any time by following these steps:
Once SMS has been enabled as 2-Factor Authentication method, you will be able to use it in the following way:
Regulators in certain jurisdictions have imposed requirements that brokerage clients use Two-Factor Authentication when accessing their account. These requirements currently impact residents of Hong Kong and India with details provided below.
On 27 Oct 2017, the Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC) issued revised guidelines aimed at reducing the information security risks associated with internet trading. All registered and licensed persons engaged in internet trading are required to comply. The Hong Kong Monteary Authority (HKMA) simultaneously issued a circular on the same day requiring all registered institutions to implement the requirements listed in the guidelines.
Per article 1.1 of the SFC guidelines, all clients are required to be enrolled in Two-Factor Authentication. As a result, we are no longer able to provide Hong Kong accounts with the ability to opt out of the Secure Login System.
On March 25, 2014 the National Stock Exchange of India (NSEI) issued a circular with new requirements for stock brokers that operate in India. Per regulation 3b, all brokers must implement Two-Factor Authentication for Indian clients. As a result, we are no longer able to provide India accounts with the ability to opt out of the Secure Login System.
Diese Methode hat sich als Lösung für unterschiedliche Probleme erwiesen, da sie eine vollständige Zurücksetzung einer falsch funktionierenden IBKR-App herbeiführt.
1. Gehen Sie zum Einstellungsmenü Ihres Telefons.
2. Wählen Sie unterhalb des Telefonbereichs die Rubrik mit Anwendungen aus und gehen Sie zum Anwendungsmanager
3. Scrollen Sie nach unten und wählen Sie die jeweilige IB-App aus, die zurückgesetzt werden soll.
4. Tippen Sie auf Speicher
5. Tippen Sie auf Daten löschen OK
6. Überprüfen Sie, dass die Daten gelöscht wurden.
7. Starten Sie Ihr Telefon neu.
8. Öffnen Sie die App.
Hinweis: Wenn nach Löschung der Cache, der manuellen Anpassung der Berechtigung und dem Neustart Ihres Android-Geräts das Problem weiterhin besteht, kontaktieren Sie bitte den IB-Kundenservice zur weiteren Problembehandlung.
This article details the steps needed to reactivate the IB Key Authentication (IB Key) via IBKR Mobile.
This state of the application or its installation might be due, but not limited to, reinstallation of the app or the purchase of a new phone.
Please click on one of the links below according to your phone operating system.
Please click on one of the links below according to your phone operating system.
In any other case, we would kindly ask you to request a temporary account access by contacting IBKR Client Services (Secure Login department) on the phone number best suitable for your location, among the ones listed on
IB requires that clients verify their mobile phone in order to receive account and trade related communication directly via SMS. Clients who fail to verify their phone will be subject to trade restrictions pending completion of this process. Verification is performed online and the steps for doing so are outlined below.
In case your account has been already opened but your mobile number has not been yet verified, please jump directly to KB2552 to complete the verification process.
When completing your Interactive Brokers Account Application, you will see a blue bar at the top of the page that says "CONFIRM MOBILE NUMBER."
You can click on that bar any time during steps 1-4. Once you do, you will see this window:
Once you have entered your full number, it will be recognized and a confirmation message is sent immediately. Validate your phone number by entering the SMS Code received in the Confirmation Code field and click Submit.
If you are unable to do this during the application process, you can always confirm it on the Application Status page